Star Wars: The Holy Empire

Chapter 43: Heading Back to Naboo

rtI then used [Force Travel] to open a black hole, and walked into it with Dia following behind me, once we were inside, the black hole disappeared, and we were gone from Hego's office.

Qui-gon and Obi-wan are standing and talking on the landing platform where the Defender is docked. Anakin is standing behind them while R2-D2 was waiting outside the ship, whistling a happy tune as he leans over the edge of the platform to gaze down below the landing platform. A couple of seconds later, R2 reappears hovering with his on-board jets, and gets himself back onto the landing platform. As Qui-gon and Obi-wan were talking.

As the wind ripples at Anakin and through his hair, he listens to the Qui-gon and Obi-wan's talks.

"It is not disrespect, Master." said Obi-wan "It is the truth."

"From your point of view...." replied Qui-gon

"The boy is dangerous..." stated Obi-wan "The Jedi Masters all sensed it. Why can't you?"

"His fate is uncertain, not dangerous." said Qui-gon "The Council will decide

Anakin's future...that should be enough for you."

They continued to wait on the landing platform in front of the Defender when Anakin starts to speak to Quig-on

"Master Qui-Gon, sir, I do not wish to be a problem." said Anakin with a sadden expression while gazing up at Qui-gon

"You won't be, Annie...." replied Qui-gon "I'm not allowed to train you, so I want

you to watch me and be mindful...always remember, your focus determines

your reality. Stay close to me and you will be safe."

"Master, sir...I've been wondering this for awhile..." said Anakin "What are midi-chlorians?"

"Midi-chlorians are a microcopic lifeform that reside within all living cells and communicates with the Force." replied Qui-gon

"They live inside of me?" asked Anakin

"In your cells." said Qui-gon "We are symbionts with the midi-chlorians."

"Symbionts?" said Anakin with a puzzle expression.

"It means we are life forms living together for mutual advantage. Without the

midi-chlorians, life could not exist, and we would have no knowledge of the

Force." lectured Qui-gon "They continually speak to you, telling you the will of the Force."

"They do??" asked Anakin "I never heard them speak to me."

"When you learn to quiet your mind" said Qui-gon "You will hear them speaking to you."

"I don't understand." said a confused Anakain

" With time and training, Annie..." said Qui-gon "You will begin to understand."

Soon two taxis pull up to the landing platform. Exiting out of the front taxi were Captain Panaka, Senator Palpatine, some guards. The guards began to secure the landing platform, and after making sure everything was clear, one of the guards spoke into an earpiece.

Padme, with her Handmaidens, and Jar Jar exit out of the second taxi, and walked up and stopped in front of Qui-gon and Obi-wan.

"Your Highness" said Qui-gon "It is our pleasure to continue to serve and protect you."

"I welcome your help." said Padme Senator. "Palpatine fears the Federation has the means to kill me."

"I promise you, I will not let that happen." said Qui-gon

"Don't worry about it." said Padme "Jerid has insured me that his plan to get rid of the Trade Federation is foolproof"

"Your Majesty, you should really at least tell me and the Jedi on this plan created by that masked man." said Palpatine "I want to make sure, it doesn't bring you into harm's way and also I want to make sure that it can actually work."

"I would also like to hear about this mysterious plan." said Qui-gon

"I am sorry but I can't tell either of you" said Padme

"You don't want to ruin the surprise." I said

When the group heard me speak, they were startled and quickly turned around to face me. I started walking down the loading ramp of the Defender. I was back to wearing my Revan outfit and Dia is now wearing her Dashing Hero's Armor from SWTOR.

"But as the Senator of Naboo, I should at least known what you have plan." said Palpatine "I might even be able to advise you and even help improve your plan."

"No, thanks" I said "My plan is foolproof, and there is no way it will fail."

"You don't know that" cried out Palpatine "Your plan might even get the Queen killed, and harm our p

"Don't worry, Senator" said Padme "I know his plan, and I believe it will not fail."

"If you say so, your Highness" said Palpatine with a calm face, but deep down I could feel his anger at the possibility of his plan failing.

After finished talking, Padme walks up the loading ramp and enters the Defender with her Handmaidens , and guards. Jar Jar then grabs and hugs Qui-gon and Anakin

"Wesa goen home!" cries out Jar Jar with joy

Then everyone else boards the ship and soon the Defender is seen taking off.

-At night, inside the Naboo Palace's Throne Room

Viceroy Nute and his Settlement Officer Rune stand before a hologram of Darth Sidious

"The Queen is on her way to you." said Darth Sidious "I am happy to say that she is of no further use to us. When she gets there, kill her very slowly.

"Yes, my Lord." said Viceroy Nute

"Viceroy, is the planet secure?" asked Darth Sidious

"Yes, my Lord, we have taken over the last pockets of primitive life forms." said Viceroy Nute "We are in complete control of the planet now."

"The Queen's Bodyguard has some sort of plan to get rid of you, so make sure you are fully prepared." said Darth Sidious

"Really?" said Viceroy Nute "Since, we are in complete control of the planet, I was thinking of sending back 5 of our ships and leave only one ship but since you want us to be prepared, then I will keep all 6 ships in orbit of Naboo."

"Good. I will see to it that in the Senate, things stay as they are, with you in control of Naboo." said Darth Sidious "I am also sending Darth Maul to join you. He will deal with the Jedi and the Queen's Bodyguard.

"Yes, my Lord." Viceroy Nute

The hologram of Darth Sidious fades away

"A Sith lord here with us?!!" cried out Settlement Officer Rune with fear

-Same time. Inside the Defender-

Anakin stands next to the Queen's pilot, who was pointing to various buttons and gauges.

"...and that one?" asked Anakin

"The forward stabalizer." said the Queen's pilot

"And those control the pitch?" asked Anakin

"You catch on pretty quick." answered the Queen's pilot

Inside of the Secondary Conference Room-

Padme is sitting at the head of the table with her Handmaidens behind her, with Qui-gon and Obi-wan sitting to her left. Captain Panaka and I sitting to her right.

"The moment we land the Federation will arrest you, and force you to sign the treaty." said Captain Panaka

"I agree..." said Qui-gon "I'm not sure what you hope to accomplish by this."

AMIDALA : I'm going to take back what's ours.

"There are only twelve of us, Your Highness...." said Captain Panaka "We have no army to take back Naboo."

"I cannot fight a war for you, Your Highness, only protect you." stated Qui-gon

We already have an army waiting for us back on Nabbo" said Padme "Thanks, to Jerid's preparations, he has an army for us to take back Naboo and capture the Trade Federation's Leader"

When everyone heard about me gathering an army, they turned their heads towards me very quickly.

"Where did you get this army and how were you able to gather it so fast too?" asked Captain Panaka

"Let's just say that this army is my own personal army" I stated

"Huh," cried out everyone except Padme and Qui-gon who remained calm

"How do you have your own army?" asked Obi-wan and Captain Panaka

"I took it" I replied "Now let's end this meeting, we need to make preparations for the battle on Naboo when we arrive"

The people who were confused were now even more confused about what I said. Before they could ask me any more questions, I stood up and walked out of the secondary Conference Room.

I headed downstairs to the Cargo Hold/ Training Room. When I entered the Cargo Hold, I can see Dia practicing her Jar'Kai with my 5 Marksman-H training remote Droids, which have been set to Padawan Mode, so that Dia's training wouldn't be too easy or too hard.

After watching for a few minutes, I can see that she has made some rapid progress in her combat training, but she still has a ways to go, since she still got stunned by the droids. I then turned my head to the 6 B-1 Battle Droids that I took from the Theed Hangar.

The 6 B-1s were standing to the side, so I walked over to them. When I approached the B-1 droids, they bowed down on one knee, and greeted me.

"Greetings, Holy One." said the B-1 Commander Droid "How can we be of service to you?"

"I am hear to upgrade your software" I said

Roger, Roger" said the 6 B-1 Droids

I started using the Force Power [Mechu-deru] on the 6 droids. First, I started to used the Force to upgrade their targeting system, so they can they can shoot better. After that was done, I started to upgrade their Thought Processor, so they could think faster, and have independent thoughts and not relied on a computer to control them. I even made it so that they can even learn, so the more battles they survive, the better soldiers they become.

I even added a feature were they can connect to a computer and exchange experiences with other B-1 Droids, so that they can learn other experiences from other B-1 Droids and improve their own skills as well.

I would say that these 6 B-1 Droids are the best B-1s in the galaxy right now with their new upgrades, and once I fully upgrade my Holy Droid Army, they will become better then the Clone Army ever was.

Once I was done upgrading the 6 Droids, I stood up and walked over to Dia, who was covered in sweat.

"Stop" I commanded the Training Droid

The Training Droids stopped shooting their stuns at Dia, and when Dia heard me, she turned around and ran up to me.

"Master, how am I doing?" she asked

"You are showing great improvement" I said while stroking her left cheek with my right hand. While I was stroking her cheek, Dia closed her eyes to feel my touch. I soon noticed someone staring at my back.

I turned around and spotted Anakin, watching us.

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