Star Wars: The Holy Empire

Chapter 44: Naboo In Sight

"Master, how am I doing?" she asked

"You are showing great improvement" I said while stroking her left cheek with my right hand. While I was stroking her cheek, Dia closed her eyes to feel my touch. I soon noticed someone staring at my back.

I turned around and spotted Anakin, watching us.

-Same Time in the Secondary Conference Room-

Padme is still in the conference room, with Qui-gon, Obi-wan and Captain Panaka.

Padme calls for Jar Jar to come in. When Jar Jar enters the room and looks around, puzzled.

"Hello, Jar Jar." said Padme "There is something I need your help with."

"Mesa, Your Highness?" said Jar Jar

"Yes. I need your help." said Padme "After this invasion has been repelled, I realize that we Naboolians need to make peace and create an alliance with the Gungans because both of our people call Naboo, home. So I need your help to meet with the Gungan High Council after this invasion is repelled."

"Mesa, willa tryest mi besta to helpa" said Jar Jar

-Back in the Cargo Hold-

"Why don't you come on down here Anakin" I said to Anakin who was peeking in from the stairs

Anakin came out and walked down the stair into the Cargo Hold

"I am sorry for spying on you" said Anakin

"That's ok, your just curious about her Force Training, aren't you." I said

"Yes, I am" said Anakin "I wish to become a Jedi. I wish to be strong, so no one can made me and my mother a slave again"

"I understand your feelings" said Dia "Master has saved me from a life of slavery, and has helped me change my fate. I hope to become powerful enough to help my Master with his goals."

"That's amazing, so your just like me, saved by a Jedi from a life of slavery." said Anakin in amazement.

"Well, Master isn't a Jedi, he calls himself a Force Knight." said Dia "My Master's views of the Force is different compared to the Jedi, he believes in the Force itself. Because of that, Master can use the powers of what the Jedi would call, the Light Side and the Dark Side."

"But the Jedi say that the Dark Side is evil." said Anakin "So why use the Powers of the Dark Side?"

"My Master has said that the Dark Side and the Light Side are irrelevant, because the Force is neutral, and the powers used by these two sides belongs to the Force, so anyone who wields the Force can use them." instructed Dia "You just need to learn to balance the Force in you and you can use any of the powers the Force has."

"WOW! Can you teach me?" asked Anakin when he turned to face me.

"No, I can't" I said since I want to see what Anakin becomes if trained by Qui-gon.

When Anakin heard my reply, he became sadden.

"Don't worry, Qui-gon will teach you how to wield the Force" I said while ruffling his hair

"Really?" asked Anakin "But the Jedi Council is against it."

"Don't worry, if the Jedi Council doesn't let you join their little Order, Qui-gon will mostly likely leave the Jedi Order so he can train you in the Ways of the Force." I said

"How can you be so sure?" asked Anakin

"Because you have the highest midi-chlorian he has ever seen" I said "Also Qui-gon believes that if you are trained properly, then you can do a lot of good. Imagine once you become powerful enough, you can help those less fortunate, and you can save people that are like your mother and yourself. You can be a hero to the oppressed."

"Me, a hero saving people like my mother and me" said Anakin

"Yes" I said

Soon I could spot some determination in the young lad's eyes.

"I will become a hero and save the less fortunate" said Anakin

"Atta boy" I said "I will begin training with Dia now but if you want, you can stay and watch and learn that way."

I was now wielding two electroblade training swords, standing 15 feet away from Dia who was also dual wielding two electroblade training swords. Off to the side, watching was Anakin.

"What are those?" asked Anakin

I turned my head to Anakin and explained.

"These are electroblade training swords" I said "These training swords are perfect for combat training because once you are, you get a shock with electricity which paralysis the part of the body that was hit, simulating real damage."

"Amazing" said Anakin "Does it hurt?"

"It does, but the pain helps you learn from the mistakes you make in combat." I said "Once you learn from the mistakes, you will become stronger and you will be able survive in a real fight to the death battle."

"Hmmm" said Anakin thinking about what I said

Before I know it, Dia saw that I was distracted with explaining things to Anakin, she smiled. Dia lowered her body and started to rush forward in lowered position. Once she was in front of me, she then swung her left training sword from below but I turned my head instantly and used [Force Push] to push the training sword down and away from me.

Once Dia realized her surprise attack didn't work, she somersaulted backwards, until she was back to were she was standing before she rushed me.

"Dang, I almost had you, Master" cried out Dia

"That's good Dia." I said "A surprise attack is a good plan."

"Thanks, Master" smiled Dia

"Aren't surprise attacks cowardly?" asked Anakin

"No, it's not, Anakin" I replied "In battle, everything fair play. Doesn't matter if you used bombs, and gang up on someone to win, the only thing that matters in battle is to survive and win."

"Really?" asked Anakin

"Yes, really" I said

Before I noticed, a stun shot was fired at my head from one of the 5 Marksman-H training droids. I bent my head backwards a little, and the shot missed my head.

"So, you don't mind if I used the training droids to fight you then? Right, Master." said Dia while grinning "Since everything is fair play in battle."

Dia activated and commanded the 5 training droids to attack me. The training droids were gathered around Dia who was holding the remote control for them.

"You are right about that my sweet little apprentice" I said "But you need to remember that if you don't know your opponent's strengths, weaknesses and powers before you attack, you might lose."

I held out my hand and activated my [Mechu-deru] Force Power. I soon took control of the 5 training droids, and had them cricle around Dia

"Huh" cried out Dia

When Dia saw the training droids starting to circle her, she became puzzled. She tried to command them with the remote control but the droids didn't listen any of her commands.

"For example, I have the Force Power called [Mechu-deru] which allows me to control and upgrade machinery, including droids, through the Force." I explained

"Uh-oh" cried out Dia when she learned about my ability to control droids with the Force.

Dia then jumped to the side, then I commanded the training droids through the Force to commence firing on her. Dia ran behind some cargo boxes for cover.

I then deactivated the droid and stored them in a storage box.

"Ok, Dia" I said "Let's get back to some combat training"

"Ok, Master" said Dia peeking out from the cargo boxes, making sure that the training droids weren't there to shot her.

We then did some sparring for 2 hours, while Anakin watched us.

The next day, we arrived in Naboo space. Most of everyone is in the cockpit, looking out at Naboo. Everyone sees that there are still 6 Trade Federation Lucrehulk-class battleships orbiting Naboo

"The blockade's still here." said Captain Panaka

"That makes no sense. The war's over now, since they should have taken full control of Naboo by now..." said Qui-gon "There should be no need for it now."

"Well, they are still blockading the planet" said Captain Panaka "They've probably spotted us by now."

"We haven't much time." said Obi-wan

"I agree" said Qui-gon "So Jerid, where is this army of yours?"

When asked me that question, everyone but Padme turned their heads to me.

"My army is right in front of you" I said while I gazing at the 6 Lucrehulk Battleships

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