Star Wars: The Holy Empire

Chapter 45: (Title at the End)

"We haven't much time." said Obi-wan

"I agree" said Qui-gon "So Jerid, where is this army of yours?"

When asked me that question, everyone but Padme turned their heads to me.

"My army is right in front of you" I said while I gazing at the 6 Lucrehulk Battleships

After I said the everyone was gazing out of the cockpit window, looking for this army of his, but only saw the Lucrehulk Battleships.

"Where? I don't see anything except for Trade Federation Ships." said Captain Panaka

"My army is on those ships and on Naboo." I said "Before we left, I sneaked aboard the Trade Federation's ships, and reprogramed all of their droids by using the Force on the Droid Control Computer."

"WHAT" cried out Captain Panaka "Then why did we even need to go to Coruscant to appeal for help from the Senate if you could of just turn the Trade Federation's army on them?"

"The Queen needed to see how corrupt and useless the Republic is." I replied "Also this invasion and the trip to Coruscant is a big stepping stone for her growth and her future."

"Put what about our People?" shouted out Captain Panaka "They are being oppressed by the Trade Federation, and they could be hurt."

"Don't worry about a thing, I had the B-1 Droids programed to treat the people on Naboo kindly and gently." I said "I took every precaution to make sure that the people of Naboo remain safe and treated well, before we left for Coruscant."

"Wait a minute, you said you used the Force to reprogram the Droids?" asked Obi-wan "I didn't know that was possible."

"It's possible." said Qui-gon "That power is known as [Mechu-deru]. It was a Force Power created by the Sith, a long time ago. Because of it's origins, only a few Jedi Tech Specialist use this power, mostly likely their are under 50 Jedi who use this power in the Order."

"Amazing" said Anakin

"Alright, let's get going" I said "Pilot, land the ship in the Theed Hanger."

"HUH?!" cried out the pilot "What about the blockade? We can't be spotted, and they will shoot us down when they spotted us!"

"Don't worry about that, just land the ship in the hangar." I said "And I will take care of the blockade."

So the pilot flew the Defender towards the Trade Federation blockade.

I lift up both my hands, and started using [Mechu-deru] to send out commands to the B-1 Droids on the Trade Federation ships to let us pass them and clear the way for us. After I sent the commands, I lowered my arms.

"We are clear to go through the blockade." I said

"If you say so" said the pilot with a worried look.

As the Defender slowly enters and goes through the blockade, the pilot and the rest of Padme's guards and Handmaidens were nervous and the edge of their seats with anticipation. While Qui-gon, Obi-wan, Padme, Dia and I were calm.

After a couple of minutes, the Trade Federation ships did nothing, and soon the Defender was pass the blockade.

After passing the blockade, the pilot, Padme's guards and Handmaidens sighed a sigh of relief.

"We actually made it through without any trouble" sighed the pilot.

"Of course" I said "Everything will go according to my plan. Now let's go and prepare for our welcome party."

I walked out of the cockpit with Dia following right behind me.

Padme soon follows after me with her guards and Handmaidens, with Qui-gon, Obi-wan, and Anakin in tow. Everyone went their separate ways to prepare. After a couple minutes of preparation, everyone was done preparing. Padme was now in her dark magenta battle dress, the same one I saw in the 'Phantom Menace' movie.

'She looks amazing' I thought

I turned my head, and see Dia wielding her two electroblade training swords, and wearing her Satele Shan's Armor outfit. Everyone started walking down into the Cargo Hold, and once in the Cargo Hold, we just began waiting for the Defender to arrive in Theed.

Off to the side, Qui-gon is in thought, thinking about how to convince the Jedi Council to let Anakin join them. Obi-wan walked up to Qui-gon.

"Do you think the Queen's bodyguard's plan will work, Master?" asked Obi-wan

"I think it will work, that is if he has truly reprogramed the Trade Federation's Droid Army to fight for him." said Qui-gon "If that is true, then with no army, the Trade Federation will be defeat in a matter of seconds with their Viceroy captured. My only worry is that Sith who attacked us."

"I don't think you should worry to much about it, Master." said Obi-wan "If have the Trade Federation's Droid Army on our side, we can easily capture this dark warrior, and see if he truly is a Sith, as you think he is."

"We will see then." said Qui-gon "May the Force be with us."

After a few moments of silences, Obi-wan started speaking again.

"Also Master, I'm...I'm sorry for my behavior lately. It is not my place to disagree with you about the boy." said Obi-wan "I am truly grateful that you think I am ready for the Jedi Knight trials.

Qui-gon turns his head to Obi-wan and looks at him for a long moment, then Qui-gon begins to smile at Obi-wan

"You have been a good apprentice. You are much wiser than I was at your age, Obi-wan" said Qui-gon "I foresee you will become a great Jedi Knight and I can't wait to see it."

At the same time, Viceroy Gunray, Settlement Officer Rune, Darth Maul, OOM-9 droid and some B-1 droids are in the Throne Room standing in front of a hologram of Darth Sidious

"We have detected the Queen's ship approaching Theed..." said Viceroy Gunray "We believe the Queen is planning on landing in Theed, If she does land in Theed, then it won't be long before we capture her, My Lord."

"This is an unwise and unorthodox move, even for her." said Darth Sidious "It's too idiotic and also really strange. Lord Maul, be mindful and cautious. The Queen's bodyguard has some sort of plan, and I have a weird feeling that he will cause a rift in my plans."

"Yes, my Master." said Darth Maul "If I see the bodyguard, I will make sure to kill him."

"Be patient..." said Darth Sidious "Let them make the first move, so we can see what they are planning."

Soon, a Neimoidian comes running into the Throne Room.

"The Queen's Ship is fast approaching Theed, Viceroy." said the Neimoidian "The ship will be here less then 5 minutes. It's believe that she will be landing in the Palace's Hangar"

"This is truly unexpected" said Darth Sidious "...she is more foolish than I thought. What does she except to do by just charging into the fray "

"We will gather all available troops in the palace and nearby area to surround the Hangar and encircle them." said Viceroy Gunray

"I am increasing security at all Naboo detention camps." said OOM-9 "In case the Queen's arrival inspired some kind of rebellion."

"I feel there is more to this, My Master." said Darth Maul "The two Jedi may be using the Queen for their own purposes. They might be trying to trap us somehow."

"The Jedi cannot become involved, it's against their so called Code. They can only protect the Queen." said Darth Sidious "Even Qui-Gon Jinn will not break that convenant....This will work to our advantage... if the Queen wants to be captured so badly, then let's capture her.

"I have your approval to proceed then, My Lord?" asked Viceroy Gunray

"Proceed." said Darth Sidious "Kill everyone but the Queen, she can still be of use to us."

In the Theed Hangar, the Defender can be seen landing in the Hangar. Once the Defender was set down, the Loading Ramp lowers down to the ground and everyone disembarks except for Anakin and his mother, who were left on the ship.

Once everyone was out of the ship, the many doors into the Hangar fly open, and a lot of B-1 Battle Droids and Droidekas came charging into the Hangar. As the droids came charging in, everyone except for me got into a battle stance. Soon, our group was surrounded by all of the droids, and the droids had their blasters aimed at us.

"So what's the new step of your plan?" asked Qui-gon while looking at the surrounding hostile droids while also gripping his lightsaber hilt.

"Have you really reprogramed these droids" cried out Captain Panaka "They look pretty hostile towards us."

I smirked behind my Revan mask and walked out, in the front of the group and looked at all of the droids.

I raised my arms in a Jesus pose with hands in fists.

"Execute Order 99" I shouted

(Title: Execute Order 99)

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