Star Wars: The Holy Empire

Chapter 46: Duel of the Fates

I smirked behind my Revan mask and walked out, in the front of the group and looked at all of the droids, which numbered to maybe 60 droids.

I raised my arms in a Jesus pose with hands in fists.

"Execute Order 99" I shouted

When I shouted out 'Execute Order 99', the hidden programming that I placed in the B-1s and Droidekas Thought Processsors activated, which also sent a signal back to the Droid Control Ship to activate the secret programming known as 'Order 99' in all of the droids on the planet and all of the Lucrehulk Battleships.

Soon, all of the B-1 Battle Droids in front of me, knelt down on one knee, and bowed down to me while the Droideka stood still, since they couldn't bow.

"The Holy Droid Army is ready to serve the Holy Emperor" shouted the B-1 Battle Droids.

"Holy Emperor?!" said everyone, except for Padme, with a look of puzzlement since Padme knew my dream to create an Empire and bring peace to the galaxy.

Soon, a Commander B-1 Battle Droid stood up and walked forward. The Commander B-1 Droid stood in front of me and saluted.

"Designation B1-AC30" said B1-AC30 "I am ready to serve the Emperor, and lead my squadron into battle in your glory.

"Good" I said "You will take me to the Trade Federation's Viceroy, so we can capture him."

"Roger, roger" said B1-AC30 "Rise up, and follow the Emperor's Orders."

All of the B-1 Droids and Droidekas stood up at attention.

"Should I send a message to the Droids surrounding the Viceroy to capture him for you?" asked B1-AC30.

"That would be great." I said "Have the Viceroy captured for me."

"Roger, roger" said B1-AC30

B1-AC30 took out a communicator and a holorgram of a B1 Command droid appeared.

"By the Emperor's Command, capture the Viceroy of the Trade Federation." said B1-AC30 "For the Glory of the Empire."

"Roger, roger." replied the Command Droid "For the Glory of the Empire."

B1-AC30 stopped the communication and put away his communicator.

"The Viceroy shall be captured soon." said B1-AC30

"Escort us to the Throne Room" I commanded

"Roger, roger." replied B1-AC30

When I turned around to face everyone, everyone was shocked except for Padme, Dia and Qui-gon. For everyone else, their jaws were wide open in shock by how well everything was going.

"He...he...really did it." said Captain Panaka "In a matter of seconds, we have taken back our home."

"What I am really curious about, is all of this Emperor and Empire talk, that these droids are talking about." said Obi-wan

"We will probably learn about it in due time, Obi-wan" said Qui-gon

"Yes, Master" replied Obi-wan

"Let's hurry up to the Throne Room." said Padme "I want get back to work so I help bring order back to Naboo."

That's a good idea, your Majesty" I said "Let's go"

The group started walking to the main entrance of the Hangar, escorted by the B-1 Droids, when the main entrance into the Hangar opens, to reveal a hooded Darth Maul standing in the doorway. Captain Panaka, Padme and her guards backed away, while Qui-gon, Obi-wan, Dia and I step forward.

" We'll handle this..." said Qui-gon

"Ok" replied Padme

"B1-AC30, escort the Queen to her Throne Room" I commanded

"Roger, roger" said B1-AC30 "Troops, escort the Queen to the Throne Room."

"Roger, roger" replied all of the B-1 Droids

The Battle Droids escorted the Queen and the rest of the group to a side entrance.

"Dia, go with the Queen and protect her" I ordered

"But Master, I want to fight with you." replied Dia

"No, you are not ready to face a Sith yet" I said "So protect the Queen, understood?"

"Yes, Master" replied

Dia rans after the Queen's group.

After everyone leaves, Qui-gon, Obi-wan and I take off our capes, and ignite our lightsabers. After seeing three opponents, Darth Maul became a little hesitant in fighting us, since he wasn't confident enough to kill the three of us.

Darth Maul stopped hesitating after a few seconds since he knowns he can't fail his Master here and their is no way to run away. Darth Maul takes off his cape and holds out his long lightsaber hilt. He ignites out end, and a second later the other end ignites.

"You should let us take care of this Sith." said Qui-gon "We can handle it from here, you should protect the Queen."

"I think I will stay." I said "Just to be safe. Besides, an army of Droids is protecting her."

"You are right, the Queen is heavily protected." said Qui-gon

Qui-gon and Obi-wan started to engage Darth Maul in a friece sword fight. Qui-gon attacked Maul from the left side, and Maul blocks. Obi-wan jumps over Maul and attacks Maul from behind, Maul blocks Obi-wan's strike. While I hang back, and watch with my lightsaber still activated, ready to strike at any moment. Qui-gon and Obi-wan continued to attack Maul fiercely, and the fight moves to the center of the hangar.

As Qui-gon and Obi-wan continue fighting Maul, Maul continues to outmaneuver them at every turn by used [Force Pull] to throw objects at them or flipping into the air behind them.

'I must say that Darth Maul's moves are incredible.' I thought while observing the fight 'Once he is weakened, I should try to mind control him, so he can fight for a justice cause.'

As the fight rages on, Maul kicks Qui-gon, knocking Qui-gon to the ground. After knocking Qui-gon down, Maul jumps backwards towards the entrance to the power generator area. Qui-gon jumps back up, and gets back into the fight. Maul used [Force Pull] to pull an object and throw it at the control panel next to the door. Once hit, the doors to the power generator area opens up.

As I see that this, I rushed into the fight since I can have Qui-gon dying on me like he did in the movie. I jumped forward using [Force Jump] with my lightsaber raised above my head, and brought it down when I was coming down upon Maul.

When Maul notices my approach, he flips backwards out of my strike range, and Qui-gon strike at Maul when he lands back on his feet, causing to stumble a little and become unbalance. Obi-wan then strike at Maul, and Maul blocks, but because Maul was still a little unbalance, he was pushed backwards.

After stumbling backwards, Maul quickly regain his footing, and became balanced again. Obi-wan rushed at Maul and strikes at him. Maul blocks the strike and kicks Obi-wan, knocking him to the ground while Qui-gon and I fight Maul. Obi-wan quickly gets and gets back into the fray.

We continue our fight across a narrow bridge in the power generator room. Darth Maul jumps onto a bridge above us. We follow after Maul. I jumped in front of Maul and Obi-wan jumped behind me. Qui-gon jumps behind Maul. We continue our sword fight across the bridge.

As our fight continues on the small and crowded catwalk, with the vast power pits around us, Obi-wan jumps over me and strikes at Maul but Maul blocks the strike and roundhouse kicks him, sending him flying off the catwalk and falls down several levels onto another catwalk. Qui-gon rushed from behind and elbows Maul in the face, knocking him off the catwalk, and landing hard on his back on another catwalk two levels down.

Qui-gon and I jump down after him. Maul flips back onto his feet, ready to fight again. As Maul looks back, he sees a small door. He jumps over Qui-gon and strikes at him but Qui-gon blocks the Maul's strike. Maul starts to back away towards the small door.

Qui-gon and I follow after him. Obi-wan soon jumps onto the catwalk runs after us, trying to catch up.

Maul enters into a long hallway followed by Qui-gon and I. As we enter, we can see that the long hallway is filled with a series of deadly rays that go on and off in a pulsing pattern that shoots down the corridor every minute or so.

Maul makes his way down the hallway while defending attacks from Qui-gon and I. Maul jumps backwards, and Qui-gon runs after him. I was about to rush forward to attack Maul when the deadly rays suddenly turned on, closing the way to Maul and cutting off Maul's way of retreating. Qui-gon is one ray wall away from Maul, while I am another one ray wall away from Qui-gon

As we wait for the deadly ray walls to turn off, Obi-wan starts to become impatient and paces back and forth, waiting for the deadly ray walls to open. Qui-gon deactivates his lightsaber and sits down to mediate. Maul touches the ray wall with his lightsaber, unable to penetrate it, so he also deactivates his lightsaber.

Maul starts to pace back and forth while staring at Qui-gon and me, waiting for the deadly ray walls to turn off, so he can kill us.

As Qui-gon meditates, the deadly ray wall between Qui-gon and Maul turns off, and Maul activates his lightsaber again and strikes at the Qui-gon, Qui-gon activates his lightsaber and blocks Maul's strike. Qui-gon attacks Mauls with aferocity not seen before. The deadly ray wall in front of me turns off and I rush into the fight. When all of the deadly ray walls turned off, Obi-wan starts running towards so he can join the fight.

Qui-gon and I pushed Maul into the area known as the melting pit with a deep hole in the middle of the area.

The deadly ray walls begin to turn on again, trapping Obi-wan one deadly ray wall short from entering the melting pit. Obi-wan slides to a stop just before hitting the deadly ray wall.

Qui-gon and I continue to battle Maul around the melting pit, as Obi-wan watches on with frustration. I jump behind Maul to attack him from behind but Maul blocks my attack.

As Qui-gon attack Maul from the front, Maul catches Qui-gon off guard, and makes a quick move, bashing his lightsaber handle into Qui-gon's chin and turns around and about to stab him with his lightsaber but before he could, I used [Force Pull] on Maul sending flying towards a wall, preventing Qui-gon from dying.

"That was a close one" I said to Qui-gon

"Thank you, you saved my life there." said Qui-gon gratefully

"Before anything bad happens, I better get serious." I said

I toss my purple lightsaber to my right hand and lifted up my left hand and used [Force Pull] to pull the lightsaber on my belt to my hand. I activated it, revealing a red lightsaber.

When Qui-gon, Obi-wan and Maul saw the red lightsaber, they were all shocked.

'I can't believe I have to use my red lightsaber now, I didn't want to reveal it yet but Maul is a pretty good duelist, and I can't afford to let anything happen to Qui-gon' I thought to myself 'I really need to up my lightsaber training after this'

"Now, let's finish this" I said with my arms folded into an 'X'.

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