Star Wars: The Holy Empire

Chapter 59: Arriving at Otoh Gunga

"Good, then lets head to Otoh Gunga" said Padme "Pilot, take it away."

"Yes, your Majesty." said the pilot

The Naboo Royal Starship soon starts lifting up and flies out of the hangar, heading to Otoh Gunga.

After flying over grassy plains, hills and mountains for 15 minutes, the Naboo Royal Starship arrives at the exterior of a Naboo swamp and lands in a open dirt area near the edge of the swamp.

Once the starship lands, the loading ramp lowers down slowly and once the ramp was fully open, everyone inside walks out while some Royal Guards unload boxes.

"Mesa will goen down un let ebberyone know dat wesa hair." said Jar Jar who then runs toward the swamp but trips over his own feet and tumbles forward into the swamp.

"Statement: That creature is really strange and bizarre, Master." said HK-47 "And it's speech patterns are really annoying, so annoying that I want to exterminate it's entire species. Also that creature makes my artificial brain hurt with its foolishness"

"Don't do that, HK." I said "I don't want you causing a massive genocide besides not all Gungans are like Jar Jar."

"Affirmation: I will try and not kill that annoying creature." said HK-47

"I don't think he is annoying, I feeling he is more of a man-child and a silly and lumsy person." said Dia

"Even though he is childish and clumsy, the only thing that matters is that he is a pure hearted and kind person." said Padme "I feel that Jar Jar is someone we can fully trust."

"I agree with your apprentice and the Queen on this, this Jar Jar may be kind of brainless but at least his heart is in the right place and he tries to mean well." said Qui-gon

-Jar Jar's POV-

Jar Jar swims down and soon approached a bubble city, after a few more minutes, Jar Jar enters Otoh Gunga.

Jar Jar enters the main square of the Otoh Gunga. He stands in the center, stunned, in amazement and fear as he gazes at the surrounding buildings. Jar Jar is in shock when he see that a lot of the buildings are shot up and in ruins from fighting.

Besides the ruined building, Jar Jar can see a lot of refugees all around the main square, with people give them supplies and looking after them.

Jar Jar then notices some familiar guards who were patrolling nearby and approaches them. The guards that Jar Jar approaches are Captain Tarpals and six other Gungan Troops

"Heyo-dalee, Captain Tarpals." said JAr Jar

"Binks!! Noah gain!" said Captain Tarpals

"We comen to see da boss per da alliance negoshing." said Jar Jar while scratching the back of his head" Also da Queenie has brought sum gifts per da Council."

Captain Tarpals rolls his eyes since he doesn't really like Jar Jar that much.

"Mesa will haf sum bongos sent tada surface" said Captain Tarpals

"Okey-dokey" said Jar Jar smiling

Captain Tarpals quickly turns to one of his soldiers.

"Quickly send sum bongos tada surface" said Captain Tarpals

"Yesa, sire" said the soldier who then quickly runs off.

"Mesa'll comen wit yousa" said Jar Jar "See yousa later Tarpal."

Jar Jar chases after the soldier and while he runs, he trips over a small piece of rubble and starts tumbling forward for 3 feet. He jumps back up and continues to run after the guard.

-End of Jar Jar's POV-

Padme, Captain Panaka, Qui-gon , Dia, HK-47 and I are waiting by the edge of the swamp for Jar Jar's return. Off to the side, the Royal Guards finished unloading 4 medium size boxes and one small size box. The Royal Guards then stood guard with the boxes

Soon, tiny ripples can be seen in the water which start to grow into bigger ripples.

"Looks like our bongos have arrived." said Qui-gon

"Bongos?" said Dia curious "What are bongos?

Äfter Dia asked that question, 4 tribubble bongos then appeared from under the water, and started drifting slowly towards us until they stopped at the edge of the swamp.

"Wow, those look pretty cool." said Dia

"Those are bongos, young one." said Qui-gon

The hatches on the Bongos opened up revealing at least one Gungan soldier piloting each bongo, and in the passenger seat of the middle bongos was Jar Jar. The Gungan soldiers stood up from the pilot seat's and exit their bongos.

"Mesa backin ebberyone" said Jar Jar. "Hope yousa notsa'd wait too longo."

"That's alright Jar Jar." said Padme "We didn't wait long.""

As Jar Jar was stepping out of the bongos, he then stumbles after getting his foot caught on the hatch of the bongo and the falls into the water.

"Mesa alright" said Jar Jar who climbs out of the swamp.

"Query: How can one creature be so clumsy?" said HK-47 "I am surprised this creature hasn't gotten itself killed with how clumsy it is."

One of the Gungan soldiers stepped forward, ignoring Jar Jar's little mishap.

"Queenie Amidoll, wesa hair ta escort yousa ta Otoh Gunga" said the Gungan soldier

"Thank you for all of your hard work." said Padme who bowed a little to the Gungan soldiers

Padme turns to her Royal Guards.

"Guards, please load the gifts for the Gungan High Council onto the transports." said Padme

"Yes, your Majesty." said the Royal Guards

The 4 Royal Guards started picking up the boxes.

"Yousa foosa, goen hep dem" commanded the lead Gungan soldier

"Yesa, sire" said the four Gungan soldiers.

The four Gungan Soldiers ran over to the four Royal Guards, and started helping them load the boxes into one of the bongos.

After a minute, the boxes were secured into a bongo.

"Your Majesty, the box are loaded upon the transport." saluted a Royal Guard

"Thank you." replied Padme who then turns to the lead Gungan soldier "Now, shall we get going."

"Yesa. Pleeese board da bongo, yousa Majesty" said the lead Gungan Soldier "Wesa do notsa wanten ta keep da High Council waitin'"

"We don't want that" said Padme "So lets hurry"

Padme then boarded the bongo that was in the middle of the five bongos, and I follow after her and also board the same bongo as her.

"Mesa will goen wit yousa" said Jar Jar who puts his wet arm around Qui-gon

"Hopefully this time you won't be panicking too much" said Qui-gon

"Mesa couldn't halp it, wesa were attacked by giant monstairs" said Jar Jar "Giant monstairs are bombad skeery"

"Ok, ok." said Qui-gon "Just get in"

Qui-gon nudges Jar Jar forward towards one of the bongos

"Okey dokey" replied Jar Jar who boards a bongo, and who was followed by Qui-gon.

After everyone boards a bongo, the hatches of the bongos closes and the bongo starts to descend back into the swamp.

After descending deep enough, Padme started gazing out of the glass hatch, and look at the beautiful site around her.

"Wow" says Padme "This is amazing, the underwater world is so beautiful and mystical."

But after a few seconds, Padme noticed her unqueenly actions, so she quickly calms down and remained stoic.

"Sorry, about that." said Padme embarrassed.

After a couple more minutes, we arrived at a loading bay of Otoh Gunga

Once everyone disembarks their bongos, Captain Tarpal arrives with 10 Gungan Soldiers.

"Heylo ebberyone, Mesa hair ta escort yousa tada High Council." said Captain Tarpal ""Do yousa haf effything yousa need?"

"Thank you Captain Tarpal." said Padme "Captain Panaka."

"Yes, your Majesty" said Captain Panaka

"Bring the small box with us." said Padme

"As you command." said Captain Panaka

Captain Panaka walks quickly to the bongo holding the boxes of gift, and grabs the small box that was on top of the four medium boxes and quickly comes back with it.

"Here it is, your Majesty."

"Thank, Captain Panaka. Captain Tarpal, we are now ready to meet the High Council, and we have brought some gifts." said Padme "Please inspect them and afterwards give them to your Council"

"Okey" said Captain Tarpal ""Yousa fousa, unload da High Council's gifts, un inspict dem un take inventory of all da gifts."

"Sire, yesa, sire" said the five Gungan soldiers

"Now yousa Majesty, yousa un yousa group follow me now" said Captain Tarpal

"Thank you Captain Tarpal, please lead the way." said Padme

Captain Tarpal leads the way with us following him and his 10 Gungan Soldiers then surround us as they escort us to the High Council.

I am walking right next to Padme when she started whispering

"Jerid" whispered Padme

"Yes, your Majesty" I whispered as well

"Do you think this alliance negotiation will go well?" asked Padme in a whisper

"I am sure if you show them mutual respect as equals and are honest with them, they will see that you are sincere in forming an alliance with them." I whispered "I am pretty sure with you here, this alliance negotiation will go great. Just believe in yourself, okay."

"I will try" whispered Padme

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