Star Wars: The Holy Empire

Chapter 60: Birth of the Gungan-Nabooian Alliance

"I am sure if you show them mutual respect as equals and are honest with them, they will see that you are sincere in forming an alliance with them." I whispered "I am pretty sure with you here, this alliance negotiation will go great. Just believe in yourself, okay."

"I will try" whispered Padme

As Captain Tarpal and his men escort us, we walk through the city, and everyone can see the ruins of all of the buildings.

"Look at all of this devastation." said Padme "The Trade Federation has really gone to far with what they have done."

"Yes, it is so sad to see a once prosperous and lively city turn into a city of ruins and death like this." said Qui-gon "How many people have you lost in the Trade Federation's attack of your city?"

"Dat is a strange ting. Even wit all-n da destruction yousa see around yousa, no una has dyed." said Captain Tarpal "Wesa only haf around foosa tousand Gungans minorly injured whichen is a blessin'."

Padme, Captain Panaka and Qui-gon quickly looked at me, and realized how the Gungans had no casaulties was probably becuase of me.

"Well, I am glad that your people had no deaths from this unjust invasion of the Trade Federation." said Padme "Hopefully, if we can establish an alliance between both our people, we can prevent such atrocities in the future from happening."

"Iffen dis alliance can hep prevent such future atrocities from happenin' ta mesa people un home, den Mesa hope yousa unda Boss can comen ta hot terms un establish it" said Captain Tarpal

As we walked through the main square of the city, Padme kept looking around us and notices all of the injured Gungans and refugees.

"You do have a lot of injured and refugees Gungans outside, do you not have a lot of room to house them?" asked Padme

"Almost 10% of da city is in ruins, un around 25% of da city has been damaged un wesa do notsa know iffen all-n da buildings are stable or notsa" said Captain Tarpal "So inda meantime, wesa tryin' ta set sum tents up ta house da injured un refugees."

"I will talk to your council about providing you with some tents and doctors to help." said Padme "I would love to provide food, but we Nabooians don't have a lot of it ourselves because of the blockade and invasion of the Trade Federation."

"All da halp wesa can get will besa mui mui hepful yousa Majesty" said Captain Tarpal

"Before I forget, can you also have the gifts we brought with us, brought to the Gungan High Council after your troops finishing inspecting them?" asked Padme

"Do Notsa worry, yousa Majesty." said Captain Tarpal "Mesa informed mesa troops ta bring da fife boxes tada High Tower Board Room after inspictin da boxes."

"Thank you, Captain." said Padme

After walking for 10 minutes through the city street and the looks of all of the Gungan refugee , we arrive at the High Tower which houses the Gungan Council. We enter into an elevator, which was able to hold all of us, and we went up.

In less then a minutes, we arrive at the top of the tower, and into the High Tower Board Room which was was a hydrostatic bubble-chamber with bubble walls, and small lighted fish swimming outside the bubble like moving stars.

When we entered the room, everyone can a see a long circular judge's bench filled with four Gungan Reps and in the middle of the four was Boss Nass who dominates the room and who sits on a bench higher than the other Gungans.

"Greetings, Boss." said Captain Tarpal "Queenie Padme un shesa entourage are hair per da alliance negoshings"

Padme walks into the center of the room, and everyone follows, and stands behind her.

"Greetings, oh great and powerful Boss of the Gungan People" said Padme " I am Queen Amidala of Naboo...I come before you to negotiate an alliance between our people."

"Why should wesa besa in an alliance wit yousa un yousa people" said Boss Nass

"Although we do not always see eye to eye, Your Honor, but our two great societies have always lived in peace...until now." said Padme "The Trade Federation has destroyed all that we have worked so hard to build. Your city was damaged and your people injured and my people were in camps. If we do not act and form an alliance, I believe somethine like this invasion might happen again in the future...I ask you to, I beg you to form an alliance with us so that we can both protect our home, Naboo."

"Yousa wanten ta forge an alliance between ussa boot why do da clankens follow yousa now?" asked Boss Nass "Yousa send dose clankens ta conquer are-sa people, notsa'd yousa?"

"No, that's not it." said Padme "My bodyguard was able to infiltrate the Trade Federation Droid Control Ship, and reprogram their droid armies to follow him before we left Naboo to seek help from the Republic."

"Iffen hesa reprogramed da clankens before yousa left, den why did theysa still attack mesa people and city?" asked Boss Nass

"Let me help explain that." I said walking next to Padme and started lying "You see, I installed a virus on the Droid Control Ship to reprogram the droids to obey me but I couldn't have the virus quickly reprogram the droid to obey me since I have to take it slowly since I couldn't let the Trade Federation Officials notice the virus and we need them to not know that their entire army was being reprogramed. But the good thing is that I was able to install a program that stops the droid from killing any native from Naboo"

"Mesa see, Mesa see. So yousa virus had ta goen slowly so da Trade Federation would notice it un stoppa it." said Boss Nass "So it'sa tanks ta yousa dat none of mesa people were killda in dis invasion den."

"Yes, that's right." I said

"Hmmmm" said Boss Nass as he rubs his chin. "Do yousa haf anyting else yousa would liken ta spake Queenie before Mesa make mesa decision?"

As Padme heard that, Padme quickly drops to her knees and prostrates herself before Boss Nass and the four Gungan Reps. There is a gasp of surprise from Captain Panaka and the Gungans.

"We are your humble friends...our fate is in your hands." said Padme " Please the peace and safety of our homes depends on this Alliance forming."

Slowly, Captain Panaka follows Padme's decision and bows down before the Gungan Council. Qui-gon then follows along and bows as well. I then bow down as well to help Padme's cause and I motion Dia to bow as well, and she followed along with everyone.

With all of us bowing except for HK-47 who was puzzled with this strange action of ours, the Gungans are now puzzled by our actions.

"Iffen wesa do form an alliance, whata will yousa do abouten da defense of Naboo?" asked Boss Nass "Since yousa haf no army, do yousa wanten uss-ens ta use are-sa Gungan Grand Army ta defend are-sa home un yousa? Do yousa wanten da Gungan Grand Army as a meat shield per yousa un yousa people?"

"Boss Nass, I promise you that I will not let that happen, and I don't want to use your Grand Army as a meat shield for us." said Padme "In the future, I plan on creating a Self Defense Force, which is a small army, and with this small army known as the Self Defense Force, it will be used to defend our home alongside your people's Grand Army, we will defend our home together as equals."

After hearing Padme's little speech, Boss Nass begins to laugh.

"Yousa no tinken yousa greater den da Gungans. Yousa tink of Gungans as yousa equals." said Boss Nass "Mesa like dis. Mabee wesa can become good friends."

"I would love nothing more than both of our people becoming good friends who can stand side by side in good and bad time." smiled Padme

"Alright, yousa haf convinced mesa" said Boss Nass "Pleese, stand back up."

"Does that mean you are willing to forge an alliance with us?" asked Padme with eyes full of anticipation.

"Yesa, da Gungans un yousa people will besa good friends un allies " said Boss Nass "As of today, da Gungan-Nabooian Alliance isa formed."

Padme and the rest of us stand back up. Padme turns around to us, and smiles brightly at me. Padme then notices a bunch of Gungan troops coming in carrying the boxes of gifts, we have brought. Padme turns back to Boss Nass.

"Thank you so much Boss Nass for forming this alliance with my people." said Padme "I promise you that you will not regret this.

"Mesa mui mui happi ta make such good frends." laughed Boss Nass "Tanight, wesa'll havena giant celebration for ares alliance between are-sa people ."

"I would love to celebrate the birth of the Gungan-Nabooian Alliance right now but before that I have some gifts for the Gungan High Council." said Padme ""As a token of mine and my people's thanks and gratitude for accepting to form an alliance with us, I have brought 5 boxes of gifts for you."

Padme then gestures to the Gungan troops carrying five boxes. When the Gungan troops notice Padme gestured at them, the Gungan troops walked in between us and the Gungan Council and they placed the four medium in a line in front of Boss Nass and the four Reps. Captain Panaka grabs hold of the small box and stands next to Padme.

The Gungan troops open up the boxes.


Hello, everyone. How are you all doing? I am sorry for the delay in the chapter release but I have been a little busy. I have been busy with my work and my love life and I have even started uploading videos on my Youtube channel again. My Youtube channel is Jerid in Taiwan. I plan on uploading my gaming videos and videos of my travels on there. So, if you would like please take a peek at my channel and if you like my videos please press the like button and please subscribe to my channel as well if you like.

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