Star Wars: The Holy Empire

Chapter 73: Duel for Death Watch

"I see that you know a bit about the history and laws of Death Watch." said Pre Vizsla "I also see that you are wearing a Mandalorian mask as well so I can tell that you respect us Mandalorians in some way or another. So ok, I will accept your challenge."

"That's great" I said "I will wait for you to get suited up for battle since I want to challenge and defeat you at your best."

"Confident, aren't you." said Pre Vizsla smiling "I like it."

Pre Vizsla goes to a banner with the Vizsla Insignia, that was hanging in the middle of the training hall on the wall. Pre Vizsla moves the banner out of the way, and uses his hand to press on a spot on the wall, which sinks into the wall.

Afterwards, a hidden door in the wall opens up, revealing Pre Vizsla's Mandalorian Battle Armor and sitting on a hilt stand in front of the armor was the Darksaber.

Pre Vizsla starts putting on his armor.

"May I ask were you obtain that Mandalorian mask of yours?" asked Pre Vizsla while getting ready.

"It is a family heirloom. It has been past down from one generation to the next." I said "My people and family respect the Mandalorians but only those who are honorable warriors who follow the Resol'Nare and have good morals out of combat. Though we find it distasteful of your past history as raiders and brigands, but I believe under the right leadership, under my leadership, the Mandalorians can have a future full of honor and can prosper as the greatest race of knights in the history of the galaxy instead as a race of warriors."

"Mandalorian Knights instead of Mandalorian Warriors?" said Pre Vizsla

"Yes, Knights and Warriors are basically two sides of the same coin." I said "But Knights are warriors who fight for a noble cause while Warriors just fight for the thrill of the fight."

"You believe you have a noble cause?" said Pre Vizsla

"Yes, I do" I said "I believe my cause is the most noble cause there is."

"Now I am curious." chuckled Pre Vizsla "What is your so called most noble cause then?"

"My most noble cause is conquering the galaxy and uniting it under one banner, the banner of my Holy Galactic Empire." I said "Under my banner, the galaxy will finally be united under one strong ruler, me."

"You have such a great ambition, just like Mandalore the Ultimate who wished to conquer the Galaxy as well." said Pre Vizsla "But are you sure you are strong enough to lead your so called 'Holy Empire' to conquer the Galaxy"

"Only the future will tell." I said "But I have been setting up the foundations for my conquest and defeating you and then becoming the Secret Mandalore and uniting all of the Mandalorians warriors under me will help me conquer the Galaxy."

"Well, you will have to defeat me first to do that, and I don't see that happening." said Pre Vizsla "Alright, I am ready for our duel but be warned I will kill you if I get the chance."

Pre Vizsla was wear his Mandalorian armor. His helmet was equipped with dual antennas. He was also equipped with a jetpack on his back, magnetized boots, and a pair of Mandalorian vambraces. On each of the vambraces were two blaster barrels, a flamethrower, whipcord thrower, and a launcher that fired disc-shaped buzz saws.

On his belt were a pair of WESTAR-35 blaster pistols and the Darksaber.

Pre Vizsla walked into the center of the training hall, and faced me. He unholstered a WESTAR-35 and held it in his right hand and using his left hand, he unholstered and held the Darksaber.

"I hope you are ready to die today." said Pre Vizsla who then activates the Darksaber.

"Well, I am sorry to disappoint you but I am not going to be dying today." I laughed

I used [Force Pull] to pull both of my lightsabers to my hands. I activated both of my lightsabers and then took the a stance similiar to the Soresu Opening Stance that Obi-wan uses in the future.

"I am ready when you are." I said while in my custom Soresu Stance.

"A JEDI!!!!" cried Pre Vizsla "For generations, my ancestors fought proudly as warriors against your kind, and now you come here and you want to rule us. I will not have my Clan and my people, conquered by your kind. I will make sure you die today, Jedi Scum!"

Pre Vizsla shot at me with his WESTAR-35 but I deflected the shot away

"It looks like you are misunderstanding something here." I said "I am not..."

Before I could finish talking, Pre Vizsla activated his jetpack, and blasted towards me, and swung the Darksaber at my head.

I brought up my lightsaber and blocked the Darksaber. Pre Vizsla then lifted up the WESTAR-35 and aimed at my stomach, but before he could even get a shot off, I kicked him away from me.

As he was kicked backwards, he shot a whipcord out of his vambrace at me, which wrapped around my right wrist. Pre Vizsla regained his balanced and pulled the whipcord, so he could pull me forward to lose my balance but as he did that I prepared my footing and I also pulled on the whipcord at the same time as him, resulting in both of us pulling the whipcord and no one losing any ground.

Pre Vizsla held on to the whipcord tightly and shot at me with his WESTAR-35, and I used my left lightsaber to deflect the shots coming at me.

Seen that we were at a stalemate in pulling the whipcord, Pre Vizsla pressed a button and the whipcord detached from the vambraces. and Pre Vizsla starts shooting at me 5 times with his blaster, and I deflect each shot.

Pre Vizsla grabs holster his WESTAR-35, and grabs a shock grenade from his belt and throw it towards me. I used [Force Push] on the shock grenade to push it back at Pre Vizsla. When Pre Vizsla saw the grenade heading back towards him, he activated his jetpack and flew backwards, and the shock grenade detonated 15 feet away from him.

Pre Vizsla then unholstered his WESTAR-35 again, and started flying circles around me, while I tried to keep my eyes on him which was hard to do since he was flying so fast but thankfully I can feel where he is, through the Force.

After circling me a few time, Pre Vizsla started shooting at me as he circles me. The first shot came from behind me, and I brought my right lightsaber over my shoulder and deflected the shot aimed at my back. The second shot crame from my left side, and I used my left lightsaber to deflect that shot. He then fired two shots at my front, and brought my right lightsaber back over my shoulder and used it to deflect the two shots.

That's how it continued for a couple of times, Pre Vizsla kept shooting me from different sides and angles and I kept on deflect all of his shots.

His finally three shots came from my front and right side which I deflected. When Pre Vizsla was behind me, he made a sharp turn and flew towards my back with the Darksaber raised, and ready to swing down upon me.

I used [Force Jump] to do a backflip, and I went over Pre Vizsla, and as I was going over him, I swung my right lightsaber at his jetpack but Pre Vizsla kept his eyes on me while I was jumping over him and he understood what I wanted to do, so he quickly spun his body around, and used the Darksaber to hit my lightsaber away and at the same time he used his WESTAR-35 and shot at me but I used my left lightsaber to deflect it back at him but he dodged out of the way.

He flew away and land. He took an attacking stance. I also landed and faced Pre Vizsla

"I got to admit, that you are a very skilled warrior for a Jedi." said Pre Vizsla

"Thank you but you are still misunderstanding something about me." I said "I am.."

But before I could finish speaking, Pre Vizsla interrupted me again by taking out a detonator.

"But you still aren't a match for a skilled Mandalorian warrior such as me." said Pre Vizsla holding a denotator.

I looked down and found a bomb on the ground, a foot away from me.

"Time to die Jedi." said Pre Vizsla pressing the detonate button on the detonator.

I jumped backwards but it was too late, the bomb exploded right in front of me and I was caught up in the bomb's explosion.


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