Star Wars: The Holy Empire

Chapter 74: Duel for the Death Watch (2)

"But you still aren't a match for a skilled Mandalorian warrior such as me." said Pre Vizsla holding a denotator.

I looked down and found a bomb on the ground, a foot away from me.

"Time to die, Jedi." said Pre Vizsla pressing the detonate button on the detonator.

I jumped backwards but it was too late, the bomb exploded right in front of me even though I was quick, I was too late and I was caught up in the bomb's explosion range.

At the last second as the bomb's blast was about to hit me. I made a split-second decision to gather the Force around my body. The Force quickly gathered around my body, it was like a shield or armor but I was still too slow. Some of the shrapnel and the blast hit me, it sent me flying and soon I was rolling on the ground. After flying 15 feet, I was on ground, laying on my back.

I was in pain all over but the pain wasn't too bad and I could deal with it. As I stood back up, I found that my right dangling without ant support which meant my right shoulder was dislocated, my insides felt like they turned upside down and through the Force, I could tell there was no internal bleeding which was great.

Also thanks to the blast and my dislocated right shoulder, I dropped my right lightsaber 5 feet away while I was tumbling.

'Ding' [You have learned [Force Barrier] without the Help of the System. [Gained 10,000 EXP]

[Exp: 313,200 / 350,000]

I ignored the System Notification

"That stings!" I said clutching my right shoulder

I then looked down and found that my torso armor had some shrapnel imbedded into it but it didn't went all the way through.

'Thankfully I upgraded the armor's defenses through the Shop Page before coming here' I thought 'If I didn't then my injuries would be even worse then they are now.'

"You actually survived the surprise bomb." said Pre Vizsla with a surprised tone "I guess I have to give you some credit for surviving. It would seem you have some good skills and combat abilities and some luck on your side. You really have given me a great surprise, I thought you would be dead but oh well."

"Well, what can I say, I am full of surprises." I said

"Well, your luck and surprises won't save you now that you are severely injured" said Pre Vizsla

I deactivated my left lightsaber, and grabbed my right arm. I then pulled my right arm forward and straight in front of me with a quick and strong pull. There was a pop, and a sudden pain in my shoulder, I clenched my teeth. Now my shoulder was now back in it's socket.

I activated my left lightsaber again and aimed it at Pre Vizsla and I quickly started to use [Force Heal] to the max, to repair any damages that I might have received to my muscles, blood vessels, ligaments and tendons, and nerves in my right shoulder.

"Now, shall we get started again." I said

"Hehehe. I am really starting to look forward to this now." said Pre Vizsla "It's been quite a long time since I had a worthy opponent to fight because of the Duchess's Pacifists ways ruining the Mandalorian Culture, so I am starting to become happy that you came here for I have been feeling that my skills were starting to get a little rusty so this duel of ours will be good for me to help sharpen my skills."

"Well, that's good." I said "Once, I become Secret Mandalore of the Death Watch, I want you to be at peak condition so you can be my right hand man, and fight and defeat my enemies for me."

"You still think you can defeat me?" laughed Pre Vizsla "Have you not looked at yourself, you are severely injured while I still don't have a single scratch on me. That blast must of did something to your head"

"Are you sure about that?" I laughed "I am feeling okay."

I stopped using [Force Heal] because now I am now mostly healed and deactivated my left lightsaber. All of my minor injures were gone, and any serious injuries that I had, have became minor injuries.

I started jumping up and down, like what a boxer does before his match. I used [Force Pull] to pick up my dropped lightsaber.

"Now, shall we continue our duel" I said full of energy ,activating both of my lightsaber and getting back into Soresu Stance

"What the hell? How come you seem fine now?" questioned Pre Vizsla

"Simple, while we were talking, I have been using the Force to heal most of my injuries." I said

"That is basically cheating, isn't it." laughed Pre Vizsla "But I can't really complain since 'Everything is fair in war', plus that just means our duel will last even longer, which makes me happy. I can't wait to fight even more."

As I was staring at Pre Vizsla, I started thinking.

'I know I shouldn't do this and it's kind of dangerous to do it in this life or death situation but this will be perfect for me if I want try out my new lightsaber combat form, my new telekinetic lightsaber combat style' I thought while staring at Pre Vizsla. "It's dangerous to fight with a untested combat style but I need to battle test it in actual combat so I can see if I can actually use in actual battle. Ok, let's do it .'

"You should feel lucky." I said "You shall be the first person to witness my new lightsaber combat form, the Traya Form."

"Traya Form?" said Pre Vizsla puzzled

"Traya is the female Jedi/Sith who mastered this form of combat, that I am about to show you." I said "But this combat form was lost and was never named, so I decided to name it after the one who mastered and excelled in this form of combat."

"I didn't ask for a history lesson." said Pre Vizsla "Just get on with it."

"Of course." I said "Let us continue our duel?"

I activated my two lightsabers and I use [Force Telekinesis] to lift up both of my lightsabers in the air, facing straight up and circling around me. At the same time that was happening, I quickly reached behind my back, and using the Force to retrieved [Maul's Double-bladed Lightsaber], that I retrieved and repaired, from my Space Ring.

I brought [Maul's Double-blade Lightsaber] in front of me and held it out with one hand, and activated both blades while my two single blade lightsaber circle around me in the air.

"What the fuck!!!" shouted Pre Vizsla "Now that is cheating! This fight is starting to look a little unfair for me."

"Well, its like you said 'Everything is fair in war.' I said "Now let's get this duel done with, so I can claim my title of Secret Mandalore."

I used the Force to aim the two floating lightsabers at Pre Vizsla and I sent them towards him like missiles. He then used his jetpack to fly up and dodge the lightsabers, but I used the Force to lightsabers take a sharp turn up and follow after him, like heat seeking missiles.

As they approached him and were nearing closer to him, he used the Darksaber to hit them away but as soon as they were hit away, they just went back to chasing him.

"Damn it" said Pre Vizsla who then flies towards me, and lowered his head and then shoot a missile from his jetpack at me.

I then used [Force Telekinesis] to stop the missile, at the same time I did that, one of the lightsabers chasing after Pre Vizsla dropped to the ground and deactivated. Soon, the missile ran out of fuel and since it did hit anything, it didn't explode so I placed it on the ground off to the side while I was also controlling the last flying lightsaber to continue chasing after Pre Vizsla.

At the same time I did all of that, Pre Vizsla saw what happened with my dropped lightsaber.

Pre Vizsla used the Darksaber to hit that last lightsaber flying after him away and it flew and pierced a nearby wall. He lands nearby me.

"I see" said Pre Vizsla "It seems like you can't use your combat form with too many objects."

"Yeah, you guessed correctly, but that's only because I am too weak right now but in the future I will become powerful, and once that happens I will be able to use more lightsabers, can you imagine it." I said with my arms spread out in a 't' shape. "Imagine, 20 lightsabers hovering in the air, 10 circling around and defending me and at the same time, and the other 10 lightsabers will be attacking my enemies, defense and offense, both in perfect harmony."

"If you can actually make that happen, then you would become an unstoppable weapon of mass destruction on the battlefield." said Pre Vizsla with a look of wonder "Nobody will be able to stop you and you could become the strongest and most perfect warrior."

While Pre Vizsla was facing me and his back towards my dropped lightsaber, I used [Force Telekinesis] to lift up the dropped lightsaber and activated it and the lightsaber that pierce the wall. I sent both of them towards Pre Vizsla's back.

Pre Vizsla suddenly felt a cold shiver down his spine and jumped sideways on instinct and dodged my lightsaber.

"Sneaky bastard aren't you." said Pre Vizsla

"I am very impressed that you could actually dodge that attack but I would of been very disappointed if you were unable to dodge that attack." I said " Because I expect greatness and more from you, my future vassal and general of my Empire."

"So you want me as a vassal and general for your armies." said Pre Vizsla

"Yes, I want you to become the General of my Mandalorian Knights." I said "So, let's end this, shall we."

"That doesn't sound so bad, especially the Knight title. Mandalorian Knights, after hearing a second time, it does have a nice ring to the name." said Pre Vizsla "Hope you don't mind me stealing the name after I kill you."

"Well, me dying isn't going to happen." I said "But you better prepare to serve your new Mandalore and Emperor, my future vassal."

I charged at Pre Vizsla and started attacking him from the front, while my two flying lightsabers were attacking and slashing at him from the sides.


Hello my fans, I have been given an idea by one of my fans for my YouTube channel: Jerid in Taiwan.

I have decided to make videos of Star Wars games for my channel, so if you love Star Wars and my novel come watch me play some Star Wars games on Youtube for you.

If you have any Star Wars games you want to see me play for my first ever Star Wars video for my Youtube, just post your vote for your favorite Star Wars game in the comments of this chapter and I will tally the votes after 5 days and I will then let you know the decision after I tally up all of the votes.

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