Star Wars: The Holy Empire

Chapter 76: The New Secret Mandalore and Birth of the Death Knights

"That doesn't sound so bad, especially the Knight title. Mandalorian Knights, after hearing a second time, it does have a nice ring to the name." said Pre Vizsla "Hope you don't mind me stealing the name after I kill you."

"Well, me dying isn't going to happen." I said "But you better prepare to serve your new Mandalore and Emperor, my future vassal."

I charged at Pre Vizsla and started attacking him from the front, while my two flying lightsabers were attacking and slashing at him from the sides.

As I kept on barraging Pre Vizsla from his sides and front, he had a hard time blocking all of my attacks, he would use his vambraces made of Beskar to block the lightsabers from the sides and he twisted his wrist and barely block my attacks from the front, and he would shot with his other hand and I would block with the bottom blade of my double-bladed lightsaber.

I have been keeping up the barraging attacks for 5 minutes now, and there are a bunch of scratches on Pre Vizsla's armor. Pre Vizsla was also getting tired both physically and mentally.

I started using the combat tactics of Maul to try and finish this battle quickly. I used [Force Jump to jump over Pre Vizsla, and striked at him from above and my two flying lightsabers attacked from the sides.

Pre Vizsla knew that he couldn't block it, so he used his jetpack to duck and roll away from the attacks but as that happen, I controlled one of the flying lightsaber to quickly strike his jetpack before he could get away.

Once, Pre Vizsla's jetpack was damaged, the jetpack started to go out of control and it sent him flying. Pre Vizsla started spinning out of control in the air and after a minute of trying to get control back of his jetpack, Pre Vizsla was then sent flying and he slammed really hard into the training hall wall, .

Thanks to that hard slam into the wall, the jetpack got even more damaged and it shut down. Pre Vizsla then slid down the wall, and landed on his ass. He was slouching over, it looked like he was unconscious but I could tell through the Force that he was awake and waiting for me to approach him. He also crack a couple of ribs and a few bones as well.

"Get up, I know you didn't faint from that little slam." I said, standing 20 feet away from him, watching him.

After two whole minutes of silence and staring, Pre Vizsla slowly stood back up while using the wall to support himself.

"That was a good move, you made." said Pre Vizsla "Without my jetpack, you have limited my mobility."

"Of course, I can't have you keep running away from my attacks." I said "I should end this duel quickly, I have a lot of important things to do."

"Well, don't think you can defeat quickly or easily, even without my jetpack, I will still take you down." said Pre Vizsla

"Good, I like your determination and tenacity." I said "Once you become my vassal, I have so many plans and things for you to do in the future."

"I..." said Pre Vizsla

Before he could even start his sentence, my floating lightsabers started attacking him once again from his sides, and he blocked them with his vambraces. He fought through the pain from his cracks ribs and bones, and quickly moved

"Oh, I should kindly return your little toy back to you." I said

I then quickly used [Force Telekinesis] to lift up the missile that Pre Vizsla shot at me awhile go, and throw it at him from behind. At the same time, I did that, one of my flying lightsabers deactivated and was falling to the ground.

Once, I throw the missile at Pre Vizsla, I quickly used [Force Telekinesis] on the falling lightsaber before it could hit the ground and had it attack Pre Vizsla again.

"Toy?" said Pre Vizsla

The two flying lightsaber then quickly backed away from Pre Vizsla.

When he saw the flying lightsaber backing away, he was confused but he suddenly had a bad feeling come from behind him. He quickly turn his head and saw the missile coming towards him.

He instantly runs away but just as he got 8 feet away, the missile landed where he was standing and exploded, sending Pre Vizsla flying once again and he flew towards and slammed into the training hall wall, once again.

Pre Vizsla then fell onto the ground, sprawled faced down on the ground. Through the Force, I could tell that quite a few of Pre Vizla's bone in his left leg and his right arm were now broken, and he was injured internally bleeding from his cracked ribs.

Knowing that he was severely injured and won't be able to put up much of a fight anymore, I deactivated my two floating lightsabers, and had them hooked back on my belt, and I deactivated [ Maul's Double-blade Lightsaber] and hooked on the back of my belt, behind my cape, which had a bunch of hole from the bomb, Pre Vizsla used on me.

"That hurt" said Pre Vizsla, as he struggles to stand up. He had to lean against the wall to hold himself up and keep himself from falling down and looks at me. "What do you think you are doing? I haven't been defeated yet."

He then starts looking for his weapons, and found his WESTAR-35 and Darksaber 15 feet away from him. He pushes himself away from the wall and struggles and slowly walks to his weapons.

It took him a full minute for him to get to his weapons, Pre Vizsla slowly knelt down on his good leg, and was about to grabbed his weapons when I used [Force Pull] on them, and brought them to me.

As Pre Vizsla watches his weapons land into my possession, he fell and laid on his back, while staring at me.

I activated the Darksaber, and started admiring it.

"This blade is magnificent." I said "The Darksaber is about the exact same size as a Shoto Lightsaber, which makes it perfect for my Jar'Kai form."

"It looks like its my defeat. Now that you own the Darksaber, you are now the new Secret Mandalore of the Death Watch" laughed Pre Vizsla

"No, I am the Secret Mandalore of the Death Knights."" I said

"What??" said Pre Vizsla

"From this day onward, the Death Watch shall be known as the Death Knights, and all Mandalorian Warriors in the Death Knights shall be called Mandalorian Knights." I said

"I see, Knights." laughed Pre Vizsla as he looked up at the ceiling "I had so much planned for the future, just so I could bring back glory to Mandalore and the Mandalorians."

"Don't worry, you and your Mandalorians will gain glory and honor." I said "Also don't be obsess on the planet Mandalore. Sure, it's the home of your ancestors but now it's a dying and inhospitable planet, that has no value and can't support life anymore thanks to all of the wars your people waged. You should move on and focus on the future, and once I conquer the Galaxy, I can give you a brand new planet that is hospitable and able to support life If you want, you can also name that planet New Mandalore, as a symbol of hope for the future of the Mandalorian people or you can also continue on with your ancestor's nomadic lifestyle going from planet to planet by patrolling my Empire and keeping Order from within it. If you and your people keep trying to stick to the old ways, the Mandalorians will become no more, your people need a new path to follow, and that path is with my Empire."

"You might be right, my people have been obsessing over Mandalore and trying to keep it and the Mandalorian people true to our past self for so long that we have basically killed our planet because of all of the wars, we wage." said Pre Vizsla "And now we are fighting among ourselves, the Mandalorians of the Old Ways against Duchess Satine Kryze and her New Mandalorians of the Pacifist Ways but we are Mandalorians, we are warriors, its in our bloods to fight."

"If you want to fight so bad, fight for me, fight for a better future your people, fight for a noble cause." I said while I held both my palms out towards using [Force Heal] on Pre Vizsla.

"What are you doing?" said Pre Vizsla while trying to get up

I used the [Force Telekinesis] to stop him from getting up, and to hold him down

"I am healing you, I don't want my Commander of the Death Knights to die on me." I said "You need to lead your men into battle for me, and fight for the glory of my Empire and your Mandalorian Knights. What do you say, why don't you fight for me and gain glory and honor while you do it."

"You have beaten me in combat, and proven yourself and earn the right to lead us as the new Secret Mandalore." said Pre Vizsla "So, as a Mandalorian, I will honor the Way, and fight for you, my Mandalore."


Hello, everyone, I have tallied the votes up, and there were people who voted for more than one games, but the clear winner is KOTOR 1 & 2. I plan on holding a Live Stream of KOTOR 1 on Saturday 8 PM Taiwan Time for Star Wars Saturday. If you want, you can come join me in my live stream and vote for what you want me to do in the game.

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