Star Wars: The Holy Empire

Chapter 77: Gathering the Members

'Ding' [Title Gained - Secret Mandalore] [Effect: 1) Improves your affinity with anyone who calls themselves, Mandalorians 2) Increases your strength, speed, and agility by 10%]

'What, I can gain titles' I thought 'Did I gained any titles before and if I did, why wasn't I notified by the system. I should check out how these titles work later '

"I am healing you, I don't want my Commander of the Death Knights to die on me." I said "You need to lead your men into battle for me, and fight for the glory of my Empire and your Mandalorian Knights. What do you say, why don't you fight for me and gain glory and honor while you do it."

"You have beaten me in combat, and proven yourself and earn the right to lead us as the new Secret Mandalore." said Pre Vizsla "So, as a Mandalorian, I will honor the Resol'nare, and fight for and obey my Mandalore's commands. I also would like to see if you will be able to establish your Empire or not. It should be fun following you on your war path, we will be like the Neo-Crusaders of Mandalore the Ultimate to you."

"No, you will be better than those Neo-Crusaders, who were nothing but raiders who loved pillaging and destroying the lives of the innocent." I said "You will follow the Resol'nare and follow a whole new Code, the Code of the Mandalorian Knights. I will introduce this Code, to the Death Knights when you are all gather together at your hideout in the mines."

"You even know where are hideout is? How?" asked Pre Vizsla

"I learned everything through the Force, it told me everything I need to know." I said "With the knowledge given to me from the Force, I will use this knowledge to help me unite this Galaxy, and establish my Empire and expand it further into the Unknown Regions of space."

"Now, that seems unfair." said Pre Vizsla

"Ok, you should be fine now but you will still have some small cracked bones and bruises but I believe that should be no big deal for you." I said "And you should be able to handle that small amount of pain."

I stopped using [Force Telekinesis] and Pre Vizsla sat up then he stood up slowly, and moved his body around to get a feel of his condition.

"Yeah, this amount of pain is nothing to a Mandalorian." said Pre Vizsla who knelt on one knee in front of me "My Mandalore, what is you command?"

"I see, you have no thoughts of backing out of our agreement." I said "That's good."

"Of course. According to my ancestor's words, only the strongest warrior has the right to lead the Death Wat...guess its the Death Knights now." said Pre Vizsla "Also I have my integrity and honor as a Mandalorian, so I will follow you, but once I am strong enough, I will challenge you and one day gain back the title of Secret Mandalore."

"I welcome the challenge, my Commander." I said "Now, lead me to the headquarters and hideout of our Death Knights. I want to see my Mandalorian Knights and lay down the new Code, I have created for them"

"Yes, Mandalore." said Pre Vizsla repsectfully

Pre Vizsla walks off to the side and headed to his hidden armory in the wall, and took out a communicator. and pressed a button

"Gather all members, I have an important announcement." said Pre Vizsla

"Yes, sir." said someone from the communicator

"Mandalore, I have issued an order to gather all members of the Death Wa...Knights, and I will introduce them to you, and announce you as their new Mandalore." said Pre Vizsla "Please follow me, Mandalore."

Pre Vizsla press on another part of the wall, which opened up to reveal a hidden elevator. We both got in, and Pre Vizsla pressed a button and the elevator's doors closed and it started heading down.

"Do you have anything else you want done, Mandalore?" asked Pre Vizsla

"No, but I do want a head count of all of our members." I said "Do you know how many men and women we have in the Death Knights?"

"Yes, I do." said Pre Vizsla "I don't know the ratio of men and women though, but I do know we have around 400 Mandalorians on Concordia and we have 200 Mandalorians out in space, funding our organization through bounty hunting. The 200 Mandalorians who aren't here, will be able to connect to us and hear the announcement through holopad."

"So, a total of 600 Mandalorian Knights, that's a good start." I said "You must of worked really hard to get that many Mandalorians to join you."

"Thanks but it was easy." said Pre Vizsla "Thanks to the Duchess actions of exiling all of the Mandalorians who wouldn't give up their warrior ways, it was easy to recruit a lot of Mandalorians into our organization, and that number is still rising since each day."

"We should focus on increasing our numbers and increase their training. We need to train the Death Knights to fight as an army" I said "Also have you had any communication with Bo-Katan Kryze and her Nite Owls?"

"No, I haven't" said Pre Vizsla "I know that she came to Concordia with her Nite Owls but I felt that trying to communicate with and get them to join us would of been to risky to do since Bo-Katan is still Duchess Satine's sister, and she might even warn her sister about us. I am slowly gathering Mandalorians to join us and I don't want to take that risk by contacting Bo-Katan, since I don't want to ruin everything I have done until now"

"Bo-Katan telling her sister will not happen without a doubt since I know that Bo-Katan is proud of the Mandalorian's martial history, but she probably won't join us now since she won't accept me as the new Secret Mandalore since I am an outsider and not a Mandalorian." I said

"But you defeated me fair and square in a duel, she should be honor-bound to serve you. " said Pre Vizsla "Should I try and trick her and her Nite Owls into joining us?"

"Maybe." I said "Do you think, if I defeat her in a duel that she will accept me as the Secret Mandalore?"

"I don't know, if you what you said is true and she won't accept you as Mandalore even though you wield the Darksaber, she probably still won't accept you even if you defeat her." said Pre Vizsla "But we can never know unless we try it."

"That is true, and if that doesn't work out I can use my last resort." I said "But I really hope I don't have to use my last resort on Bo-Katan."

"Your last resort?" said Pre Vizsla "What is your last resort?"

"That's a secret." I said "But with it, she would become a puppet in the palm of my hand, but I don't like using it on good people unless I have to, fsince it would be for the greater good of the galaxy."

The elevator doors open and I walk out into a lit mine tunnel, followed by Pre Vizla who then led the way down the mine tunnel.

"Were you going to use this last resort on me if I didn't gave up the Mandalore title and Darksaber to you?" asked Pre Vizsla

"Yes, I was." I said "But I am glad you didn't make me do it, and I am happy that you stayed true and honorable."

"I am a Mandalorian." said Pre Vizsla "Just like the Canons of Honor says 'Honor is Life, for without no Honor one may as well as be dead.'"

"That's good." I said "I do like the Canons of Honor but I find that its incomplete and incorrect in some parts, which is why I rewrote them for the Death Knights."

"You rewrote the Canons of Honor?!" said Pre Vizsla

"Yes, most of it will be the same though but there will be some additional things added, and a little change to another part of it." I said "I believe I have perfected the Canons of Honor. Also I will keep the Resol'nare the same since it is perfect the way it is."

"Ok" said Pre Vizsla "So you say you perfected the Canons of Honor, I am curious about what you changed and added to it."

"There will also be some new laws as well which I won't tolerate being broke no matter what, now that I am Mandalore." I said "And there will be death for anyone who breaks my laws."

"Yes." said Pre Vizsla "Since you are the Mandalore, you are able to change and create laws but don't change everything since we True Mandalorians take great pride in our Ways, Laws, Codes and History."

"Don't worry, you will still be able to keep true to your Martial History and continue fighting in battles and wars, its just that you will be doing it for me and for a righteous cause." I said

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