Star Wars: The Holy Empire

Chapter 78: The Mandalorian Knight's Codex

"Don't worry, you will still be able to keep true to your Martial History and continue fighting in battles and wars, its just that you will be doing it for me now." I said "I will make sure that the Mandalorians can stay true to their martial beliefs."

"That's good then." said Pre Vizsla "As long as you let us Mandalorians stay true to our core martial beliefs then I believe that my men will follow you willing, and not just because they are honor-bound."

"I think so too." I said thinking about how my new title 'Secret Mandalore' helps increase my affinity with Mandalorians.

After a few miles of walking down the mine, we arrived at an entrance into hideout and headquarters of the former Death Watch, now the Death Knight's headquarters. I can see a lot of Mandalorians gathered in messy square formations in an open field, and waiting like basic trained soldiers in an army.

We stopped at the entrance, and I started admiring the Mandalorians who will become my new soldiers and army. I have always admired and adored the armor of both the Clones and Mandalorians in my past live.

"It looks like you have just started training these Mandalorians to behave like an army which will be good for the future of my Holy Mandalorian Army." I said smiling behind my mask "But they are still a little messy, and will need to continue there training as an army."

"Holy Army??" said Pre Vizsla

"Yes, all of my armies will have Holy in their names since their mission is a Holy and Sacred mission." I said "The Mandalorians will eventually become my third Holy Army."

"Three Armies???" said Pre Vizsla "You already have two armies at your disposable?"

"Yes, I do." I said "And with the Death Knights and once the Death Knights gathered enough Mandalorians, I will be able to create a third Holy army, the Holy Mandalorian Army, with all my armies at full strength, I will then wage a Holy Crusade against the Galaxy and then unite it under my Holy Banner"

"Hahahah, I guess me and my men joining you is a greatest opportunity we will ever have." laughed Pre Vizsla "And with three armies at your disposable, you will be able to wage the greatest war in the history of the Galaxy and be the first one to ever conquer all of the Galaxy."

I could tell through the Force, that Pre Vizsla's blood was boiling for action and was excited at the thought of fighting the greatest war ever.

"Not just yet, my armies are still small at the moment but with time, they will grow to become enormous and unstoppable." I laughed "And I will become the Holy Emperor of the Holy Galactic Empire."

"Even though you aren't a Mandalorian in name, you are still like us Mandalorians." said Pre Vizsla "I can respect that, why don't you just become a Mandalorian in name as well?"

"That's ok, I am an Holy Imperial" I said

"Holy Imperial?" said Pre Vizsla

"Yes and every citizen in the Galaxy will become an Imperial along with their planetality." I said For example, Mandalorians will known as Imperial Mandalorians, Coruscantis will become Imperial Coruscantis."

"Ok, I get it." said Pre Vizlsa

"So as the Emperor of my future Empire, my nationality will only be known as Holy Imperial." I said "Now, lets get going. We need to introduce these Mandalorians to their new Mandalore."

"Yes, Mandalore." said Pre Vizsla

We walk up in front of all of the Mandalorians standing at attention, and walked up a make shift stage. We stopped right in middle of the stage and turned and looked at all of the Mandalorians here.

"My brothers and sisters attention." said Pre Vizsla "I have an announcement for all of you to hear. My ancestor, Torr Vizsla said 'To ensure we would be led by the most powerful, I decreed that any warrior could challenge the Secret Mandalore for leadership of Death Watch'. And I have lost the challenge for leadership, so I am no longer the 'Secret Mandalore'. Now, let me introduce you to your new Mandalore."

Pre Vizsla stepped aside and I walked forward.

There was a huge commotion through the crowd of Mandalorians, and a lot of gossiping and whispers

"Attention, my brothers and sisters." I said "Before we continue I shall let you know that I am not a Mandalorian."

When I said that, there was another huge commotion through the crowd.

"But like Tor Vizsla once said 'any warrior can challenge for leadership' so the leader has to be the strongest, not the strongest Mandalorian so race or species doesn't matter at all as long as they are the strongest because only the strongest shall rule this organization." I said "Since I have defeated Pre Vizsla in a duel, I am now your Mandalore and you are honor-bound by the Resol'nare to rally to my cause."

"Only a Mandalorian should be the Mandalore" cried out a Mandalorian who step out of formation.

A few other Mandalorians were about to also step out and agree with that Mandalorian when I then used [Force Choke] on the Mandalorian who stepped out of formation. He began floating in the air. His legs were dangling, and he was started choking and grabbing at the air around his neck, unable to grab anything or stop the choking.

All the Mandalorians were shocked and the ones who were about to agree with the choking Mandalorian stopped and stayed in place, while Pre Vizsla remained silent and watched.

I took the Darksaber from my belt and held in up above my head and activated while I continued choking the Mandalorian who wanted to go against me.

"The Darksaber is in my possession, and since I ow wield the Darksaber, I am Mandalore." I said

Pre Vizsla stepped forward.

"He has defeated me in battle, and I can testify that he is the strongest one of us all in single combat and he is basically a Mandalorian except in name." said Pre Vizsla "Our new Mandalore has told me about his cause that he wants us to rally to and after talking with him about it, I believe he can lead us Mandalorians to a new, glorious and prosperous future so I am willing to follow him, and you should follow him with me."

Pre Vizsla stepped back and let me take the stage again

"You have heard it from Pre Vizsla himself and he has accepted me as the new Mandalore, so you should as well." I said "Now, who else is against me becoming Mandalore."

There was no answer, just dead silence.

"So do you accept me as your new Mandalore!" I yelled

"YES, MANDALORE!" yelled the Mandalorians

Soon, the Mandalorian who was choking was struggling slower and slower.

I stopped the [Force Choke] and the Mandalorian dropped to the ground and he started coughing and gasping for air at the same time.

"Now, get back in formation." I said to the coughing Mandalorian

The coughing Mandalorian quickly stood up and got back in formation

"Now as the Mandalore, I have decided to rename our organization from the Death Watch to Death Knights, and I declare that all Mandalorians Warriors shall be now known as Mandalorian Knights instead." I said "And I will not tolerate any kind of terrorism or assassinations on my watch, for these methods are the methods of scum, criminals and the weak. Do you understand?"

"YES, MANDALORE!" yelled the Mandalorians

"Also I am changing the Canons of Honors to the Mandalorian Knight's Codex" I said "The Codex will be this:

Strength is life, for with strength one can protect his love ones, clan and people.

Righteousness is life, for protecting the weak and innocent is what is honorable and right.

Honor is life, for with no honor one may as well be dead.

Loyalty is life, for without one's clan and people one has no purpose.

Death is life, one should die as they have lived."

The Mandalorians remained silent but they started looking at each other and whispering about the new Codex.

"This Codex has most of the old Canons of Honor and a few changes and additions because I felt that the Mandalorians need to become more civilized in this modern time while also keeping true with their Martial History." I said "I created this Codex because I believe that with this Codex, the Mandalorian people can prosper while also continuing their fighting ways. With this Codex, the people of the galaxy will see you in a brand new light. Instead of fearing you and hating you, they will come to instead idolize and worship you as heroes of the Galaxy."

When the Mandalorians heard about the fact that people might idolize and worship them as heroes, they become interested in that, and wondered what that would be like.

"Mandalorians shouldn't use cowardly, pathetic, and scum like methods such as terrorism or assassinations. You shouldn't behave like raider scums who bully the weak and innocent. That just makes you pathetic and dishonorable. Do you wish to tarnish your honor by doing these things?" I said "What do you want my brothers and sisters, do you want your honor intact or do you want dishonor? Now choose!"

"HONOR! HONOR! HONOR!" cried out all of the Mandalorians

"GOOD!" I yelled out "I promise you this. I will give you the honor and glory you so deserve. I will give you the battles and strength you so desire! This I promise!"


AUTHOR'S NOTE: Sorry for the late upload but I wasn't feeling so well lately because of my vaccination shot but now I am better and back to writing and making videos for Youtube. I hope you enjoy this chapter, I think it turned out pretty good.

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