Star Wars: The Holy Empire

Chapter 80: Getting the Supplies and Equipment

"Yes, space is a big place, and their are many different kinds of alien species out there especially in the Unknown Regions and beyond those regions." I said "You many think the Jedi are your greatest enemies but they are not, they will become our future allies in the future against the greater threat, a greater enemy that the Galaxy needs to fight against but the only way to defeat them is to unite the Galaxy under one banner, my banner."

"A greater enemy!" said Pre Vizsla with a look of excitement.

"Looks like you are excited at the mention of a powerful enemy." I said

"Of course, Mandalore." said Pre Vizsla "We, True Mandalorians always wish to prove our strength through battle against a powerful enemy and now that you tell me that their is a enemy more powerful than the Jedi, it gets my blood boiling."

"Calm down, the threat isn't here just yet." I said "The greater enemy will come for us in the future."

"Yes, Mandalore." said Pre Vizsla "What is this greater enemy that we will be facing?"

"They are known as the Yuuzhan Vong, they are a nomadic religious zealot alien species who believe and view mechanical technology as blasphemy." I said "They will kill anyone that uses and destroy anything that is mechanical technology. They hate everything from simple machines to droids because they believe machines and mechanical technology are a polluting influence."

"Then how are they a threat to the Galaxy?" said Pre Vizsla "Since they don't have any kind of mechanical technology, how can they even travel space and mostly how will they be able fight against us? We could properly kill them real easily"

"Being overconfidence will be your downfall if you think you can defeat the Yuuzhan Vong. Even though they don't use mechanical technology, they still have technology such as deadly weapons and starships, they are just made differently." I said "There technology is very innovated and unique, since their technology revolves around genetic engineering and being made purely organic."

"WHAT?!" said Pre Vizsla "So all of their weapons and starships are organic then? That is weird"

"There technology maybe weird but it also is very deadly." I said "You will learn more about them once they come and invade us."

"When will they come?" asked Pre Vizsla "Why don't we just do a pre-emptive atta..."

As Pre Vizsla was asking questions, he was interrupted by a female Mandalorian running in.

I quickly use [Force Pull] to pull and put back on my Revan Mask since I only planned on letting Pre Vizsla see my face. Since showing my face to him was a way I can gain his recognition and trust.

"Mandalore, Sir Vizsla. There are four Trade Federation Transport ships approaching our location." said the Mandalorian "What are your orders?"

"Oh, looks like the supplies and equipment are here already." I said "That AC-130 works really fast and efficiently, maybe I should upgrade him some more and promote him from Captain to Commander. He has been very useful to me lately."

'Maybe I can download every strategy and tactic there is in it's AI processor?' I thought 'I could probably even make AC-130 superior and better then the ST-series Super Tactical Droids. I will do it a later time then'

I decided to stop thinking about that and decide to go and check the supplies and equipment.

"Now, let's check out your new supplies and equipment." I said heading out of the mining buildings

"Yes." said Pre Vizsla who then follows after me and he was followed by the female Mandalorian that came in.

Once we got outside, I can see four Trade Federation Transport Ships in the distance approaching my location.

They soon arrived and landed in a open area in the mining crater.

As soon as the transports landed, the loading ramps quickly came down, then B1-AC-130 came down and started issuing commands.

"Ok, everyone. Quickly and carefully unload all of the supplies and equipment, the Emperor needs them. Make sure you don't damaged anything or I will make you do some intense training with General HK-47." said B1-AC-130

"Training with General HK-47!!!" cried the B1s "Roger, roger. We will do it quickly and carefully so please don't make us train with General HK-47. "

As soon as I heard that I was confuse.

'What the Hell?' I thought 'When did HK-47 suddenly become a General? Also how come they are scared of HK-47? What did he do to them?'

I stopped thinking about that and I soon approach B1-AC-130, and when B1-AC-130 noticed my approached, he stopped what he was doing and knelt down on one knee with it's head down.

"My Holy Emperor, it is so wonderful to see you again." said B1-AC-130 who then looks up at me "I have been looking forward to gazing upon your holy and glorious presence, my Holy Emperor."

When all of the other B1s heard B1-AC-130 mention my arrival, they all stopped what they were doing and knelt on one knee as well and stared at me and started to shout.


I know that droids can express emotions but when B1-AC-130 and the other B1s shouted out and looked at me with their gazes, I had a tingling feeling that went down my spine that they were gazing at me with fanatical gazes of worship, like I was there god or something.

'I didn't program these droids to be so fanatical, just loyal to me and to obey my every command.' I thought 'Did they gain some kind of weird personality quirk when I upgraded them with the Force. I know that they had weird personality quirks during the Clone Wars. I might have to check that out later and see if their new personality quirks will be a problem.'

I started feeling some people gazing at me, so I looked around and found quite a few Mandalorians standing still and staring at us.

I coughed

"Ok, ok." I said "Get up and get the equipment and supplies unloaded."

"Roger, roger." said B1-AC-130 "You heard the Holy Go...Emperor. Get everything unloaded now."

"Roger, roger." said the rest of the B1s who then stood back up and got back to work.

"What were you about to call me?" I asked puzzled

"It is nothing my Holy Emperor." said B1-AC-130 "Here are the list of supplies and equipment that is being unloaded."

'I really need to get them checked out.' I thought 'I am sure he was about to call me Holy God'

B1-AC-130 passed me a holopad andI took it from him and did a quick scan of it.

"Looks like everything is here." I said

I then handed the holopad to Pre Vizsla.

"Here." I said "This is the list of supplies and equipment I am giving you so you can mine Beskar more quickly that way we can create more Beskar Armor for our Mandalorian Knights."

Pre Vizsla starting looking through the list displayed on the holopad.

"100 Modified DLC-13 mining droids, 100 of the latest Mining Lasers, 1 Mining Guild excavation driller and 1 month worth of rations." read Pre Vizsla "With all of this new equipment and all of the old mining equipment that was abandoned here, we should be able to mine Beskar more quickly and get enough to Beskar to make armor for most of our brothers and sisters in a year or it might take longer but we will have to take in account for the Mandalorians who will join us in the future, so it might take longer than that and we don't have enough Forges and Armorers to craft the Beskar Armor."

After Pre Vizsla was done looking through the list, he started thinking and calculating about the current task of mining Beskar and how to get every Mandalorian equipped with Beskar Armor.

"The Armorer problem can be solved if we have our current Armorers take on more apprentices to train to become Armorers while at the same time we can try and find some more Armorers to recruit." said Pre Vizsla "The only other problem is we don't have a lot of Forges. Mandalore, do you think it's possible for you to get your hands on some Forges, so that we can forge more armor quickly"

"Maybe." I said "I believe we can easily buy some Forges but we should save our funds for the future activities our groups, so we can just steal the Forges that wait a minute, I can probably get use a few free Forges through my powerful connections."

"A few free Forges, but they cost quite a bit of credits." said Pre Vizsla "Who is your contact?"

"He is a powerful Merchant who I have under my thumb." I laughed "Let's go and contact him now."

I rushed off back to the mining buildings in the center of the mine crater with Pre Vizsla following behind.

Once inside, I quickly went to the holocommunication device and started it up. I quickly typed a few things and made a call.

I waited for the call to be picked up.

"Mandalore, who are you calling?" asked Pre Vizsla

"My puppet." I said "My puppet will be able to get us some free Forges for you."

"Your puppet?" said Pre Vizsla What do you mean when you say..."

Before Pre Vizsla could ask finish his question, the call was picked up and a hologram instantly appeared.

The hologram was of Viceroy Gunray.

"My Emperor, how may I be of service?" said Viceroy Gunray

AUTHOR'S NOTE: Come check out my latest video on Youtube. It is a Star Wars The Black Series Unboxing Video. The item I am unboxing is pretty awesome and amazing if I say so myself.

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