Star Wars: The Holy Empire

Chapter 81: Wait for our Prey

Before Pre Vizsla could ask finish his question, the call was picked up and a hologram instantly appeared.

The hologram was of Viceroy Gunray.

"My Emperor, how may I be of service?" said Viceroy Gunray

"Isn't that the Viceroy, I heard he was arrested and imprisoned by the Republic." said Pre Vizsla

"I see you made bail already." I said

"Yes, I did. It cost me a pretty little penny too." said Viceroy Gunray "But because of the Republic's corruption and my connections, I was able to get the bail cheaper then anyone else would but I still have to go to court and get my lawyers to convince the court to declare me innocent."

"Where are you now?" I asked

"I am on a Lucrehulk cargo freighter heading back to Cato Neimoidia as we speak. Why?" said Viceroy Gunray

"I am in need of some Forges that have the ability to melt Beskar." I said "Do you have any Forges like that?"

"Hmmm, Forges that can melt Beskar, those are really rare but let me check." said Viceroy Gunray as he activated his computer which was apart of his desk

The Viceroy starts typing and searching his comuter. It wasn't until almost a whole minute went by that the Viceroy finally turns back to the hologram of me and speaks.

"I found what you needed, sire." said Viceroy "After searching our merchandise list, we do in fact have a total of 10 Forges that can melt Beskar."

"Are you able to give them to me for free?" I asked

"I am unable to do that because Forges that can melt Beskar are very very expensive, and if I give them to you for free, then that would make my position as Viceroy of the Trade Federation unstable with some of the other members." said Viceroy Gunray "Especially after losing the Battle of Naboo, some members of the Federation are doubting my abilities as Viceroy so I need to take care of them. And I am sorry to say that someone has already bought the Forges and they are being delivered as we speak"

"That's ok, just give me the location of these Forges, and we can just go and 'acquire' them for ourselves then." I said

"Yes, sire." said Viceroy Gunray "I am sending you the details now."

The data was soon transferred to the holocommunication station, which I then transferred onto a datapad.

I sat down and started looking through the datapad while Pre Vizsla looked over my shoulder and did the same.

"From the information, the 10 Forges are being transported by a Lucrehulk LH-3210 Cargo Freighter which is guarded by 200 OOM-series Battle Droids and there are only 10 Neimoidians onboard who each have 10 living bodyguards for a total of 50 bodyguards protecting them." I said "I would of thought that they would use OOM-series Droids as bodyguards instead of actual people since it costs a whole lot less."

"Well, some Neimoidians prefer to have bodyguards who have combat experience and who can make quick decisions in battle." said Viceroy Gunray "So some Neimoidians like to hire ex-soldiers as their bodyguards and don't mind the cost of hiring them."

"I see, that is kind of true. Also the Cargo Freighter is also escorted by 4 TF (Trade Federation) Superfreighter, with 100 B1s on each Superfreighter" I said "Too bad that the Forge isn't being transported by a Lucrehulk Battleship then I could of 'acquire' a lot more droids for my droid army. Oh well, I shouldn't be too greedy. 'Acquiring' these 600 droid and 5 more starships will be a good little addition to my droid army. Pre Vizsla, we will need some Mandalorian Knights to go get you your brand new Forges."

"Yes, Mandalore." smiled Pre Vizsla "What is the plan?"

"We are going to use the Lucrehulk Battleship that we have with us, and use it to trick the Neimoidians to come to us." I said "We will send a distress signal from the ship and then the Neimoidians will come to us and once they are close enough, we will send out a jamming signal and virus, shutting down most of their systems and droids, then I will lead a squad of Mandalorians to kill the bodyguards but make sure you capture all the Neimoidians alive. Once that is done, the 10 Forges are as good as ours."

"Why capture them alive, we can't ransom them for any money since they will have seen us and know that they were captured by Mandalorians." said Pre Vizsla

"Don't worry about that." I laughed "Once I have a 'good talking' with them, they will become my puppets and they will help financially support our Death Knights."

"Really?" said Pre Vizsla "Well, if you say so then I will trust you on this."

"Good." I said "Gunray, thanks for the info, you can go now."

"Thank you, sire." said Viceroy Gunray "I hope to be of more help to you in the future."

I then hung up the holocall and turn to Pre Vizsla.

"Now Pre Vizsla, go get your best people for our little raid." I said "We need to hurry up now since they are passing by a nearby star system in about 2 hours. So get it done in 30 minutes"

"Yes, Mandalore." bowed Pre Vizsla who then runs out of the mining buildings to gather his top people for the raid.

I shut my eyes and leaned back in my chair and took a quick nap while waiting for Pre Vizsla.

After 30 minutes, I opened my eyes when I felt Pre Vizlsa presence.

"Sir, I was able to gather 20 of my best people that were available." said Pre Vizsla

"Let's get going then." I said

As soon as I got outside, I spotted 20 Mandalorians, 11 males and 9 females, waiting in a square formation.

I walk in front of them. I stood still with both of my hands behind my back.

"Brothers and Sisters, today you have a very important mission which will help the future of the Death Knights." I said "I am expecting this mission to be easy, but you can never tell what will happen on a mission so I want you to be careful and make sure you don't die."

"YES, MANDALORE!" shouted the 20 Mandalorians

"Good, because everyone of you is important for the future of the Death Knights." I said "Now for the mission, we will be heading to a nearby star system where a Trade Federation Cargo Freighter is transporting 10 Forges to a client. Those Forges are what we need to to steal so we can create Beskar Armor for our Brothers and Sister. Now follow me."

I started to head towards the TF Transports which have been unloaded.

"Holy Emperor, we have finished unloading everything." said B1-AC-130 "We are your orders."

"Good, get all of the B1s on board, we are heading to this locations." I said while handing the holopad with the coordinates of where the Trade Federation ships where going to passby. "When can we arrive at those coordinates?"

B1-AC-130 took a look at the holopad and started thinking.

"Holy Emperor, if we rush as fast as possible, we should be able to get to these coordinates in an hour or so." said B1-AC-130

"Good, let's go." I said as I walked aboard the TF Transport while Pre Vizsla and the 20 Mandalorians followed behind me


"HURRY" cried the B1s "QUICKLY, QUICKLY!"

As soon as the B1s heard the command, they quickly rush on board the TF Transports and where able to finish boarding in 20 seconds. The ramps came up and the TF Transports lifted off and headed back to the Lucrehulk Battleship.

B1-AC-130 activated a holocommunicator and appearing was a hologram of a OOM-series Battle Droid.

"What can I do for you, AC-130?" asked the OOM droid.

"OOM-341, I am sending you coordinates." said B1-AC-130 " The Holy Emperor wants us to get to that location as fast as possible, so once the Transports have landed in Lucrehulk 1 , have the Lucrehulk 1 immediately head to those coordinates. Make sure we get there in an hour."

"Roger, roger." said OOM-341

The holocommunicator went blank and B1-AC-130 put it away.

B1-AC-130 quickly head to where I was sitting with Pre Vizsla sitting next to me and the Mandalorians either sitting, standing or just leaning against a wall.

"Holy Emperor, I have sent the coordinates to Lucrehulk 1, and once we land in the landing bay, it will immediately take off." said B1-AC-130

"Good job, once we finished this mission and we are back on Naboo make sure you remind me to upgrade and promote you." I said

"Roger, roger." said B1-AC-130 "What is the plan for the mission, sire."

Once B1-AC-130 asked for details in the mission plan, the 20 Mandalorians turned their heads to me.

"The plan is simple, we will send out a distress signal, and the TF fleet that we are going to raid will stop by and see what is wrong. Once, they approach us, and open communications with us, we will send a virus to shut down all Battle Droids on all 5 ships." I said "Once the Battle Droids are disabled, we will start jamming their communications, and then the Mandalorians will board the Cargo Freighter and kill the Bodyguards and capture the Neimoidians alive, then the 10 Forges on board will be ours. Do you understand the plan?"

"Yes, Mandalore!" cried out the 20 Mandalorians

-An hour later-

I was in the Command Center of Lucrehulk 1, and we just arrived at our destination.

"Holy Emperor, we have arrived at the given coordinates." said OOM-341 "Should I activate the distress signal now?"

"Do it." I said "Also shut down our engines, and power. Use emergency power to keep things going."

"Roger, roger." said OOM-341 "Power and Engine are shut down. Distress Signal Activated."

"Now, we just have to wait for our prey to come." I said

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