Star Wars: The Holy Empire

Chapter 82: Let there be bloodshed

"Do it." I said "Also shut down our engines, and power. Use emergency power to keep things going."

"Roger, roger." said OOM-341 "Power and Engine are shut down. Distress Signal Activated."

"Now, we just have to wait for our prey to come." I said

After 30 minutes of waiting, a Trade Federation fleet arrived before us. Just like the information given to us by Viceroy Gunray, there was only a Lucrehulk Cargo Freighter and 4 Trade Federation Superfreighters.

"Holy Emperor, they are hailing us." said OOM-341 "Would you like for me to answer?"

"Yes, go ahead." I said "Remember to stall them long enough so that our virus can effect their systems."

"Roger, roger." said OOM-341

OOM-341 then opened up communication with the other ship.

A hologram then popped up with another OOM-series Battle Droid.

"Hello, this is OOM-980. We have received your distress signal" said OOM-980 from the Lucrehulk Cargo Freighter "What seems to be the problem?"

"Hello OOM-980, I am OOM-341. Thank you for coming to our rescue" said OOM-341 "You see, our ship was in transport of some very valuable merchandise when we were attacked by a group of pirates of unknown origins but we were luckily able to repel them but now our ship's power generators and engines were damaged and we are now stuck here."

"I see, you are lucky enough to be able to survive then, OOM-341." said OOM-980 "I will inform our Commander at once to see what he wants to do."

After a few seconds, a Neimoidian comes into picture and projected through the hologram.

"OOM-341, I am Commander Luku Dund of this Trade Federation Fleet." said Luku Dund "Where is your Commander? I would like to speak with your Commander."

"Uh, my Commander is currently injured from the pirate attack and he is in the medical bay receiving treatment as we speak." said OOM-341 "While the Commander is being treated, I am currently Acting Commander."

"A droid as Acting Commander?" said a puzzled Luku Dund "When did a OOM droid's program get upgraded enough to be able to act as Acting Commander?"

"My old program was replaced with a prototype program to see how efficient a OOM-series Battle Droid can be as a Commander." said OOM-341

"Commander! Something is happening!" cried out OOM-980 "Our systems are shutting down! A virus has somehow been uploaded on to our computers and now everything is..."

Before OOM-980 could finish his sentence, he was shut down along with all of the other droids on all 5 starships.

"What is going on!?" yelled Luku Dund "What is the meaning of this!?"

"Jam their long-range communications now!" I commanded

"Jamming now!" replied OOM-341 "Long-range Communication has been jammed."

"You blasted droid, what is the meaning of this!?" yelled Luku Dund

"OOM-341, step back" I commanded

"Roger, roger." said OOM-341 who then stepped out of the way

I then walked in front of the communication device, and a hologram of myself appeared in front of Luku Dund.

"Who the hell are you!?" cried Luku Dund "Do you know what the hell you are doing? You are offending and practically declaring war against the Trade Federation!"

"Commander Luku Dund, I advise you and your fellow Neimoidians to surrender peacefully along with your bodyguards. Please, do not resist us or their will be bloodshed." I said

"Who the hell do you think you are?" said Luku Dund "I am a member of the Trade Federation and what you are doing is an action of war against the Trade Federation and you will pay the cost of anger us."

Luku Dund then turns his head to someone off screen.

"Someone go get the bodyguards, and tell them to go do their job so they can earn their pay!" yelled Luku Dund

"I wanted to do this peacefully but looks like you are insistent on having blood spilt." I said with a cold tone "So be it, let there be bloodshed."

"Pre Vizsla, lead our Brothers and Sisters in capturing that ship." I commanded

"Yes, Mandalore." said Pre Vizsla who then rushes off to the hangar bay.

-Pre Vizsla's POV-

I rush off quickly to the hangar bay because it was a order given to me by the new Mandalore and because I am excited to finally be able to fight in a real battle once again. It's been so long since I last fought in an actual battle and killed any enemies, all because of that pacifist Duchess.

I soon arrived at the hangar bay where I can spotted my fellow Mandalorians Knights, waiting for the go ahead.

"Brothers and Sisters, it's time for us to finally head off to battle." I cried out

"HOORAH" cried out the 20 Mandalorians

"In this battle, we will be facing 50 ex-soldiers who like all of us have experience war. I know that some of you haven't fought in battle for quiet awhile, and some of you are getting a little rusty but so are the 50 ex-soldier bodyguards who you will be facing." I said "This fight will help you sharpen your battle senses. If you want to survive, just remember your training and you will survive. For Mandalore, For Glory!!!"

"For Mandalore, For Glory! For Mandalore, For Glory! For Mandalore, For Glory!" chanted the 20 Mandalorians.

"Now, let's head to battle!" I cried out

I board a TF Transport with my fellow Mandalorian Brothers and Sisters, heading off to our first long awaited battle.

Once everyone was onboard, the B1 Pilot had the loading ramp closed and then it lifted off.

'Hopefully those 50 ex-soldiers can put up a fight, if they can't then this wouldn't be any fun' I thought

After a minute, we landed in the enemy cargo freighter.

The loading ramp started to lower which was when everyone then put our backs to the wall, 10 Mandalorians and myself on one wall and another 10 against the other wall.

Once the loading ramp was fully lowered, we were out of sight and no one could see us in the TF Transport.

I slowly poke my head out for a quick peek outside of the Transport. I slowly looked around and I couldn't see anyone in the hangar bay.

I switched my visor to heat vision, and I still couldn't see anyone hiding. I switched my visor back to normal vision.

I motion everyone with hand signals to follow me. Before going out, I unholstered my two WESTAR-35s, while the others unholstered their WESTAR-35 or GALAAR-15 blasters.

I slowly crept out of the Transport, and into the hangar bay while keeping an eye on my surroundings in case of an ambush. I then ran behind a cargo container for cover, while the others did the same.

I look out from behind the cargo container to check the surroundings once again.

"Does anyone see anything?" I whispered into the communicator in my helmet.

"Nothing, sir" replied the Mandalorians

I then switch the my helmet visor over to electromagnetic vision to spot any traps.

Once he was looking at his surroundings with the electromagnetic vision, he spotted some hidden laser trip mines.

"Everyone be careful there are 1,2,3,...6 laser trip mines in the hangar." I said "Now follow me."

"Yes, sir" said the Mandalorians

I then lead the way through the cargo bay avoiding the traps set up by the ex-soldier bodyguards

We soon arrive at the entrance into a corridor leading into the center of the ship.

I and the rest of the Mandalorians stood against the walls on each side of the door.

I signal for the Mandalorian on the other side of the doors to open it up.

Once the door opened up, blaster fire starts coming through the door.

After 10 seconds of blaster fire, it stopped.

"Where are the pirates?" said a voice down the corridor

"I don't know." said another voice

"Should we send someone to check it out?" said a thrid person

"Are you stupid? That is basically suicide." said a fourth person

"We should just hold our position, and wait to hear from the others to see what is going on with them."

From what I could hear, there are at least 5 people bunkered down the hallway waiting for anyone to appear. If I guess correctly from the blueprints of the ship, there are 4 more corridors, and each one will have 5 guards for each for a total of 25 guards, while the other 25 are probably guarding the Neimoidians.

"Everyone, activate your shield gauntlets and get ready to charge in." I commanded while activating my shield gauntlet "There should only be 5 guards down the hallway."

Everyone activated their shield gauntlets, got ready to charge in.

"On my count, 3..2..1..GO!" I shouted

Everyone charges into the hallway. The hallway was big enough to fit 5 people in a row. So I took the lead with four other Mandalorians, with two on each of my sides. We held up our shield gauntlets up and held out our blasters and waited to fired at the guards down the hallway who took a peek.

When one of the guards here the noise, he took a quick peek out from his cover and spotted us.

"WHAT THE FUCK!!!" cried the guard "THEY AREN'T PIRATES, THEY'RE MAN..."

Before he could finish his sentence, I shot him in the head.

"Fire!!!" commanded one of the guards

The other four guards then came out of hiding and started firing but we would blocked the blaster fire with our shield gauntlets and our beskar armor would protect us if we were hit.

"FUCK, MANDALORIANS!!" cried out one of the bodyguards.

"RUN!" cried another bodyguard

When the guards realized who was attacking them, it was too late, and they were all accurately shot in their heads by us.

"That's 5 down, 45 more to kill." I said


Hello everyone,

I hope you are enjoying my fanfic novel. Just want to let you all know that I am going to be taking an Open Water Scuba Diving Course next month to become a Certified Scuba Diver. It's going to be 3 days but it shouldn't have any effect of my novel writing.

I am going to try and post Scuba Diving videos and more Travel Videos of my time in Taiwan, so you guys can see what I am up to. I should have a video of my Discover Scuba Diving lesson posted up by tonight or tomorrow on my YouTube if you want to check that out.

Youtube: Jerid in Taiwan

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