Star Wars

Chapter 152

"Wow! Close combat is always so exciting!" With a strange cry, the Rubik's Cube quickly marked the fastest Lickers and rushed to the nearest one. The Licker, who was running wildly, suddenly found something rushing towards him, but it didn't smell like meat, not even those low-level ones. After seeing that it was not food and could not be eaten, the Licker didn't take the Rubik's Cube seriously and didn't even dodge. At this moment, he suddenly felt a shock in his head and the scene was spinning.

Puff! A steel rod was inserted into the Licker's mouth, and the tip of the rod was exposed at the back of his neck.

With a few clicks, the left mechanical arm turned into a machine gun.

The Rubik's Cube half-knelt on the ground and began to aim at the Lickers for sniping.

After analyzing the wind direction and other natural factors in detail, the computer quickly simulated the Licker's running route and movements, and set the target on the simulated Licker's forehead.

The power of the squad machine gun was enough to penetrate the heads of these Lickers.

Sniping was the best choice when they were too far apart.

Swoosh— a bullet flew a little distance ahead of a Licker's running route, and after passing a tuft of grass and an evolved zombie, the bullet spun at high speed and hit the Licker's head...

Bang! A ball of blood burst out of the Licker's head and he fell to the ground!

Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh—the Rubik's Cube kept firing bullets to harvest the lives of the Lickers. As the number of Lickers increased, the pressure increased. Some evolved zombies and Lickers even attacked the Rubik's Cube. The sharp black nails kept drawing a string of sparks on the Rubik's Cube, and slowly it could no longer continue to snipe without moving.

After grabbing an evolved zombie and breaking its neck, it smashed it towards a running Licker, knocking the Licker staggering. At this time, the machine gun fired three bursts and hit the Licker's head.

Jiangcheng Airport.

The pilots were having a meeting in the underground hangar.

The billowing smoke from the Xin'an Town camp in the distance, the faint roar of zombies, and the distress signals they had found let these people know that something had happened in the Xin'an Town camp.

Now, should they decide to go out and risk their lives to rescue or continue hiding in this turtle shell and wait? These regular soldiers before the end of the world quickly made a decision.

It would be better to fight than to stay here and watch countless people die.

Even if they die, they will die with a clear conscience!

Suddenly, the door to the conference room opened, and the pilots stared blankly at the armored unit commander walking in.

"Are you sure you want to risk flying a fighter jet to rescue them?" the armored unit commander asked seriously.

"That's right, we can't just watch those people die like this, it's time for us in the Air Force to make a decision, we don't want our children who don't know if they are still alive to ask what we were doing when so many people died, the children just need to know that we are men."A senior Air Force officer said calmly

"Good! Since you pilots are not afraid of death, we, the army armored soldiers, are even less afraid of death. Our tanks are responsible for attracting zombies and destroying them, clearing the airport runway for your planes!"

"Good! I knew you were a man, hahaha~"


A hearty laugh rang out in the conference room, and then the entire underground hangar started to move quickly...

Xin'an Town Camp.

The two steel rods had long been bent into a circle and could not be used, so they were simply thrown out to hit the two evolved zombies.

If the left mechanical arm uses a machine gun, the mechanical hand cannot be used to fight the enemy. The Rubik's Cube is considering how to change this combat method, blocking the lickers while calculating what quick methods are available. At this time, the flock of crows in the sky has begun to dissipate, and the survivors are organizing a retreat, but many malnourished survivors can't run fast and can only walk slowly behind. The fleeing team is very long...

The Rubik's Cube suddenly had an idea, quickly removed the machine gun and installed it on the shoulder, and after remodeling the energy line, it became a combat form with a machine gun on the shoulder. The left hand is freed up to have more combat actions, and the right hand becomes a bayonet. The three attack methods cooperate with each other to eliminate the lickers much faster.


As time went by, it became increasingly difficult for the Cube to stop the Lickers. The screen was filled with the red marks of the Lickers, and the energy consumed in such a short time was as high as 26%! With a swish, the Cube cut off the forelimb of a Licker, and at the same time, the machine gun on its shoulder fired a shot at its head.

Looking up, the Cube found that it was surrounded by all kinds of zombies, and was almost caught in the zombie torrent. There were red marks all around.

The detection equipment found a place where Lickers gathered, and began to quickly assemble missiles behind it...

Teng~! The missile was launched into the air.

The missile with a tail flame circled in the sky and headed straight for the densely populated area of lickers.

It went straight in.

Then, after a second of silence, there was a sudden blinding light and a violent explosion.

The flying shrapnel and shock waves tore zombies apart one after another.

Countless limbs and internal organs flew into the sky.

The zombies that had already surpassed the Rubik's Cube turned back and ran towards the explosion.

The sound, the flames, and the limbs all over the ground deeply attracted the zombies.

Eating the same lickers or evolved zombies can also promote evolution.

The unique smell of the virus constantly attracted zombies to come and loot.

Behind the retreating team, Zhang Xiaowen waved a machete and kept killing one evolved zombie after another. The number killed by one person was several times that of Zhang Nan and his companions.

Suddenly, a ball of fire broke out in the dense torrent of zombies in the distance, followed by a deafening explosion. Zhang Xiaowen looked in the direction of the Rubik's Cube with a worried expression.

""Girl, is your motorcycle okay?" Zhang Nan asked.

"It's okay, zombies won't eat those smelly and hard metals unless they want to commit suicide."

With a quick horizontal slash, Zhang Xiaowen cut off the heads of two evolved zombies. Just as she was about to continue, she suddenly looked up to the south. There was something in the sky approaching quickly.……


Look at what's approaching in the south sky, my equipment can't detect it far enough!

" Zhang Xiaowen called Cube.

Upon hearing that, Cube began to scan the south sky, and immediately found six Dragon Country domestically-made twin-engine heavy fighters roaring and approaching quickly, with all kinds of bombs and missiles hanging on the belly and wings.

According to preliminary calculations, each fighter has a load of about ten tons!

These are the fighters at Jiangcheng Airport!

This is good, a round of bombing can at least eliminate most of the evolved zombies and lickers, but...

I'm still in the zombie group!

Bang bang bang...! The mechanical legs stepped on the ground and pushed away the zombies blocking the way while running towards Zhang Xiaowen, not caring about whether it was a licker or an evolved zombie. Cube didn't want to be hit by a bunch of aerial bombs or something like that! Once it was hit, it would really be recycled to the repair shop...

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