Star Wars

Chapter 153

In the sky, inside the cockpit of a fighter jet.

Six heavy fighter jets were two-seater models, and the pilots behind were quickly making plans for ground attacks. From the sky, they could clearly see the Xin'an Town camp, which was filled with smoke and a sea of fire. To the east were a black mass of zombies like a flood, and to the west were a long retreating crowd. This scene scared all the pilots, and they were glad that they came to rescue, otherwise it would be a bloody massacre when the zombies caught up with the crowd!

"Prepare the incendiary bombs! Attack the zombies in front and cover the survivors' retreat!"The fighter fleet with data sharing received the attack plan, and the attack system quickly and automatically made reasonable attack arrangements for each fighter.


Six fighters dived towards the zombie group one after another...

Click! The aerial bomb hook opened, and two precision-guided bombs detached from the plane and glided towards the front of the zombie group by inertia. Then the plane raised its nose and flew into the sky. The second fighter dropped two bombs at the place where the zombies were densely packed, and the remaining four dropped bombs in turn according to the planned positions.

The Rubik's Cube captured the landing point of the precision-guided bombs that dived quickly from the sky, and quickly transformed into a racing motorcycle and rushed out desperately! Suddenly, in a hurry, it bumped into an evolved zombie and rolled over. It had to transform into a robot again, secretly cursing that this zombie was standing in the wrong place.

"This is so exciting……"Speechless

""Cube!" Zhang Xiaowen screamed. On the screen of the goggles, several red dots marked as incendiary bombs were falling rapidly towards the direction of the cube. The speed was very fast.

The cube looked up and saw that the bombs were getting bigger and bigger. He quickly simulated the communication frequency of the fighter jets and shouted to the six fighter jets.

"Friendly forces! Don't hurt friendly forces by mistake!"

The precision-guided bomb landed, and then, a raging fire suddenly exploded. The rolling incendiary bombs drew a line of fire between the zombies and the survivors. Countless zombies were engulfed in the flames. Even the agile Lickers could not escape. They were on fire and screamed desperately. The incendiary bombs that followed continued to draw one fierce burning line after another in the zombie group.

"Yeah~!" The pilots shouted excitedly

"By the way, who was calling friendly forces just now? Was it the guys from the armored unit?"

"No way? They are still cleaning the airport, how can they be faster than us, but someone did call us on our frequency just now……"Several pilots were a little confused about the situation.

Zhang Xiaowen stared closely at the billowing smoke and flames. So far, the Rubik's Cube has not come out...

Boom - the fighter jets made a huge roar and flew over the heads of the survivors, causing cheers and screams. These people who had no interest in the military before the end of the world saw the power of military equipment for the first time.

A figure with black smoke suddenly jumped out of the fiercely burning flames. It was the Rubik's Cube! But he staggered and ran a few steps before he was engulfed by the flames again! Fortunately, he rushed out again a few seconds later, covering his chest with one hand while running. The shrapnel that had just flown from nowhere penetrated the armor and was embedded in the mechanical parts. Every time he moved, sparks would flow down from the wound.

Zhang Xiaowen looked at the Rubik's Cube rushing out, raised her arm to wipe away her tears and smiled, and sniffed her nose hard to try not to cry.

"Is this napalm? It's primitive but powerful, but it's only a good weapon when used on others.……"There were flames on his calves and the wheels on his back, and thick black smoke was trailing behind him. He almost dodged by the edge of the flames just now, and watched a Licker being engulfed by the flames in front of him. Fortunately, he was not hit directly and escaped.

"Mission accomplished, save ammunition and fuel and return immediately."

Six fighters turned their heads and flew towards the airport. Seeing that the goal was achieved, they did not drop all the ammunition. These things are currently non-renewable resources and can be saved as much as possible.

On the ground, the Rubik's Cube moved its mechanical legs and ran to a safe area. The armor on its mechanical legs behind it was burned black, and it looked miserable. Zhang Xiaowen originally ran over to hug like in the movie scenes, but finally gave up. The temperature was definitely a third-degree burn.

"Rubik's Cube! Are you okay?"

"Fortunately... hurry up and get everyone to leave, away from those zombies."

The right mechanical hand grabbed the shrapnel embedded in the machine on the chest, and pulled it out fiercely.

With sparks flashing, the shrapnel that caused the line to be blocked was pulled out, and flicked aside with the mechanical finger.

Zhang Xiaowen observed that the position of the shrapnel was exactly the position of the human heart.

If it was someone else, the shrapnel would have penetrated the heart and even first aid would be saved.

Although the Rubik's Cube is a mechanical life form, the wound still looks very creepy.

The matter finally came to an end with the help of the Air Force fighter jets, but in the future, we can't ask the Air Force for help. I'm afraid that this flight has consumed a lot of fuel and it will be impossible to be so wasteful in the future. In short, it's worth it. Fortunately, most of the survivors were saved. The flames of the napalm bombs temporarily blocked the zombies' advance and human scent, but this place was completely ruined.

Zhang Nan breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the Rubik's Cube rushing out of the flames. No matter how weird this robot was, it was at least a major force on his side. It successfully delayed the most difficult Licker zombies and provided an opportunity for the survivors to retreat. Holding the principle that the enemy of my enemy is my friend, Zhang Nan still hoped that this guy would have a better life. He nodded to Zhang Xiaowen, indicating that they should retreat as soon as possible.

The Rubik's Cube was about to evacuate with the team when suddenly, the detector discovered something not so good.……

""Warning! Warning! Unknown giant zombies spotted!"

Turning around, the mechanical eyes stared at the raging fire motionlessly, and at the same time, the machine guns were assembled with a few clicks on the shoulders. Speechless, he also understood the meaning of the saying on Earth that one wave has not yet settled, another wave has risen.

Zhang Xiaowen and Zhang Nan looked at the Rubik's Cube in confusion, not understanding what was so good about the fire.


""What's that sound?" a mutant asked curiously. Others didn't know what the sound was.

Bang... bang... bang...

Everyone had a bad feeling at the same time. This sound was like... the footsteps of some giant beast! Judging from the sound, it must be very big. Why didn't the incendiary bomb just now burn this thing that hasn't appeared yet to death! It's just a zombie, there's no need to make it so exaggerated!

"Get ready for battle!

" The Rubik's Cube roared, then half-knelt on the ground and fired a machine gun.

The three red thin lines were aimed into the billowing fire and black smoke.

Zhang Nan and others saw this and quickly took a shooting posture and aimed the muzzle at the position indicated by the Rubik's Cube.

The footsteps brought great fear, making everyone's heartbeat speed up and breathing rapidly.

They couldn't figure out what was not afraid of fire, and there were evolved zombies and lickers, and finally a big gift package.

Why was today so difficult?

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