StarCraft’s Strongest Commander

Chapter 842: Supreme Commander-in-Chief Conference (Part 1)

In fact, don't look at Alfie's direct destruction of Arnault's two fleets in Holter, but in fact, Arnault's loss is actually very small.

After all, the final bomb is only aimed at creatures!

In other words, among the hundreds of billions of warships that were wiped out, except for the 3 billion warships that were finally besieged and suppressed in Jeripok, the other 97 billion warships did not have any damage, but the crew on it was lost. Send the remotely controlled robot into the killing range of the terminal bomb, and then drive the battleship out.

As for the lost crew...

The racial talents of the Moi are not to be looked at. It can be said that as long as there is a demand, everyone in the entire Moi can be a qualified soldier, and they can take up various positions without the need to start training from recruits.

Therefore, for Arnault, his loss is only 3 billion warships and Jeripok, the senior fleet commander.


Soon after the Arnault fleet arrived at Ariston, a message was transmitted to nine of the ten administrative regions through the Moi United Supreme Route.

[In the name of the Supreme Commander Arnault, convene the remaining Supreme Commanders to conduct the Moi Joint Twelfth-Order Supreme Commander Meeting three days later. 】

"Didn't that guy Arnault go to Holter? Why is there a meeting of the Supreme Commander?"

"He didn't provoke that Tier 10 technological civilization, right?"

"Probably not. Isn't Holtaire a super galaxy cluster with the highest level of science and technology civilization, proper fat!"

"In short, there must be a major event. You must know that our last giant supreme commander-in-chief meeting was held more than five thousand years ago when a war with a Tier 10 technological civilization occurred!"


As soon as the news arrived in the major administrative regions, the other supreme commanders in place were immediately shocked by the news, and hurriedly contacted each other to find out the news.


No one knows what happened!

Of course, some people wanted to contact Arnault directly to inquire about the situation, but Arnault refused all the other Supreme Commander’s communication requests...

After all, it is a shame in itself, and it is enough to say it once. Arnault is not interested in explaining it to the other nine supreme commanders individually before the meeting.

Three days...

It was fleeting, and it was time for the Moi United Supreme Commander's Conference.

This is a minimalist hall with only a large round table and ten chairs. After a bunch of white lights fell towards each of the chairs, ten Moi figures appeared here. They were sitting around the round table. Everyone can feel from him, that kind of aura that has been at a high position for a long time.


They are just shadows projected!

"Arnaud, you had better give a reasonable reason, you know, the Supreme Commander's Conference will never be held when it is not civilized!"

After everyone sat down, Antonio, the highest-ranking commander of the first administrative region with the hottest temper among the ten, directly spoke up.

After all, although I don’t know what happened, according to the mastermind of civilization, Arnault’s fleet only lost 3 billion warships, and this loss is in no way linked to the crisis of civilization’s survival, right?

This made Antonio very angry, thinking that Arnault had made the Conference of the Supreme Civilization too trivial!

"Antonio Supreme Commander, don't worry, I will give you a reasonable explanation!"

"Huh, that's the best!"

After speaking, Antonio leaned against the back of the chair with his arms around his chest.

Arnault had said so, so there was nothing left to say, and it would be over after Arnault explained.

If you are not satisfied with the explanation, you will have a chance to go crazy behind you!

"Everyone, please look here. This image is a scene of 50 billion warships commanded by my commander Jeripok, fighting a civilization called humanity!"

While talking, Arnault controlled the virtual panel on the round table, and played the battle screen that Yeripok had sent back after he resumed communication.

"Humanity? Is this our new, and is it an enemy that can trigger the Council of the Supreme Commander?"

Looking at the virtual image presented on the desktop, An Sen, the Supreme Commander of the Ninth Administrative Region, couldn't help but think of this.

Unlike Antonio, Anson did not think that Arnault would be blinded by the Supreme Commander's Conference. Since this conference was held, it meant that something really happened on Holter's side.


This incident can still pose enough threats to Moi United.

Well, I think so.

But the problem is...

The more you look at the picture in this video, the more An Sen feels that his wisdom has been insulted.

What do you see?

A picture of tens of billions of battleships of Tier 8 technological civilization at war with the Yelipok fleet?

Does this thing need to be brought to the Supreme Commander's Conference?


and many more...

Just when Anson couldn't take it anymore and wanted to speak, he found out...

Those fleets of Tier 8 technological civilization are retreating, and another fleet, which is obviously a different civilization, is starting to attack.

But from the video, it can be recognized that the weapon used by this civilized warship is definitely a fixed dark energy cannon, which means...

This is a ninth-order technological civilization!

Soon, the entire video was played, but it was clear that the Supreme Commanders were not satisfied with Arnault's explanation.

Yes, you came across a ninth-tier technological civilization, and even damaged a general, but is this the reason for you to convene the Supreme Commander’s Conference?

You know, our Moi Union is a ninth-order surpassing civilization!

What is the ninth-order transcendence civilization?

That was in the ninth-order civilization, some technologies could even be compared with the world's technological civilization!

From the image, apart from the fact that the other party is a ninth-order technological civilization, there is nothing to be seen. It is completely an ordinary ninth-order technological civilization, okay?

"I know that you are not satisfied with the information in this video, but has everyone thought about one thing?"

"Why... Yeripok's fleet only has 3 billion warships?"

Hearing this, the supreme commanders who were just about to go crazy suddenly calmed down a bit.

Yes, Arnault’s two tiger generals Sarna and Yeripok knew about them, and they also knew that each of them commanded a fleet of 50 billion warships.

But in the video, there are only 3 billion warships, and there seems to be a lot of panic...

why is that?

"It seems...everyone has noticed the key point, so I'll just say it..."

"Humans...have a very terrifying killer with a kill range of up to 10,000 light years, and Yeripok's 50 billion fleet is under one blow..."

"The only thing left... the three billion warships you have seen!"


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