StarCraft’s Strongest Commander

Chapter 843: Supreme Commander's Conference (middle)

When Arnault's voice fell, all the Supreme Commanders were stunned.

The damage range exceeded 10,000 light-years, and the 47 billion warships of the Yelipok fleet were destroyed in a single blow?

What kind of fairy killer is this?

"Now, do you still think this meeting is unnecessary?"

Looking around the other Supreme Commanders who were shocked, Arnault said with a hint of sarcasm.

Obviously, although this is for everyone, everyone understands that Arnault is targeting Antonio.

However, even if he is back, Antonio is not in the mood to fight with Arnault at the moment. After all, if everything Arnault said is true, then...

This human threat is too great!


Seeing the awkward atmosphere in the conference room, Nina, the Supreme Commander of the Fifth Administrative Region, also known as the Moi think tank, knocked on the table and said.

"Arno, do you have any detailed information about this super killer of humans?"

"Yes, but not many. This kind of weapon is very strange. Even if I use all the means to detect it on the spot, I can't analyze its characteristics!"

Arnault replied while manipulating the data and reports.

"According to our post-mortem inspection and follow-up analysis, the following conclusions can be drawn!"

"First, the killing form of this weapon is similar to the spread of a virus. It can spread over a large area and exist for a long time. According to our tests, its range can reach tens of thousands of light years, and the sustained killing time can reach thousands or even tens of thousands of years. Don't wait!"

"Second, it only has fatal damage to life forms, and non-life forms will not be affected in any way. According to the warships we pulled back from the battlefield afterwards, all the warships that were affected were intact, except for the crew above. All lost their lives!"

"Third, the Dark Energy Envoy has a certain resistance to it, but it only lasts a few minutes longer than ordinary people, and if it cannot be treated in time, it is also impossible to escape death!"

"Fourth, the weapon's delivery method has obvious shortcomings. There are currently three known delivery methods: hyperspace launch, space teleport launch, and pre-buried detonation!"

"Finally, I will add one more point of my own judgment. Based on the several actions of human beings, I can basically be sure that there will not be too many of these weapons, at least not the type that can be used continuously and unlimitedly!"

After listening to Arnault's explanation, Nina began to ponder.

I have to say that this kind of weapon is also quite shocking to her. According to Arnault, it is that the Moi United has no defensive ability against this kind of weapon at present, even if it is a dark energy shield, it cannot stop the opponent. penetrate.

However, although the killing effect of this weapon is terrifying, it is actually much better for the Moi United than other civilizations.

after all...

Moi United can be all soldiers!

Let's put it this way, if other civilizations are replaced by humans, then even the warships are intact, but what about the key crew?

You know, it takes at least several years to train a qualified warship soldier.

Therefore, even if you can pull these warships back every time, how many qualified crew members can you use as a reserve?

If this is the case, you will soon fall into a situation where there are no ships and no one.

But Moi United is different. This is a special race that can pass down the experience in every generation. It can be said that as long as your patriarch has a certain generation of this job, then you are also a skilled worker!

Therefore, as long as the warships are in hand, the Moy United can reopen these warships at any time, unless...

You can kill all the people of Moi Lian and the entire civilization!

Not to mention, this kind of human weapon still has so many restrictions on its release.

After thinking a little bit, Nina was able to formulate several ways to deal with it based on the information she had obtained so far.


There is a key question here!

That is, according to Arnault, human beings have retreated to the Reynolds Supercluster.

Yes, if it’s an interstellar encounter, Nina definitely has a lot of ways to deal with the terminal bomb, but if it’s an ocean current landing battle...

Nina really has nothing to do!

after all...

Even if they can't beat you, as long as you release a terminal bomb at the exit of the ocean current, it can completely cool you off, and the cost is at most that you can't use the ocean current for 10,000 years.

It can be said that this kind of human weapon is absolutely insoluble in the defense of the territory.

"Arno, to what extent has the enmity between you and humans reached, and is there any possibility of mitigation?"


Hearing Nina's sudden question, Arnault's eyes widened and looked over in disbelief.

Are you kidding me?

Ask me if there is a possibility of reconciliation with humans?

I was killed by them for nearly 100 billion warships and a senior commander!

This sulky breath, how can you bear it if you don't rush to kill them?

"Nina, to be specific, why did you make such a proposal?"

Bertram, the supreme commander of the sixth administrative region, raised his head and asked after a few seconds of thinking with his head down slightly.

He understands that as Nina, who exists as Moi's joint think tank, any proposal must be considered in all aspects, and it can never be said casually.

"After reading the information submitted by Arnault, everyone should have a preliminary understanding of this human weapon, right?"

Hearing that, everyone nodded slightly.

After all, it is an infinitely inherited race, and there are ten people here who are the ten most outstanding people in this generation of Moi. Maybe some aspects are not as far as Nina thought, but according to the information of Arnault, the basic things They are all quickly analyzed.

"Then I will ask everyone a question!"

"Even if we mobilize the main fleet of the top ten supreme commanders and launch a full-scale offensive against mankind, have you ever considered what would happen if mankind detonated that super weapon at the outlet of the ocean?"

What result...

Hearing this, including Arnault, everyone was shocked!

Do you still need to ask what the result is?

The fleet that arrived at Relos will be annihilated!

Moreover, there are subsequent fleets that have entered the ocean current and have not yet arrived. The moment they arrive at Reynolds, they will also be destroyed instantly!

One shot to get Arnault's more than 40 billion warships?

If it develops like Nina said, if it detonates at the exit of the Reynolds Ocean Current, it will not be 40 billion but 400 billion or even 4 trillion, okay?

Humans who use this weapon are absolutely insoluble in ocean current defense!

This battle...

It's impossible to fight at all!

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