StarCraft’s Strongest Commander

Chapter 857: Moi who annihilated themselves


In the virtual conference hall, everyone was thinking about the word Lin Fan said.

What exactly does this timing refer to?

What can make the Moi willing to give up their racial advantage and eliminate this foreign gene fragment from themselves?

But no matter what you think, everyone can't figure out what Lin Fan's timing is referring to.

"Lin Fan, tell me in detail, what do you mean by timing?"

Lin Zhen asked.

"According to the results of my genetic testing and physical testing of Nina, the inheritance instincts stored in her brain have reached the limit that can be accommodated. In other words, she has reached the critical point of self-destruction!"


Hearing that, all the bigwigs are a little shocked, it is really...

This information is a bit too shocking.

"Yes, if my judgment is correct, Nina is already at the critical point of self-destruction. After all, even if it enters the field of dark energy, so that the brain has been developed to the limit, the capacity that can be stored is still There are still restrictions!"

"But it is clear that after countless generations of inheritance, although the Moi have obtained unparalleled advantages, they have almost reached their limit today. Even if this generation can survive, the next generation will definitely be unable to To accommodate the huge heritage and be blown up!"

"In other words, it is the self-extinction of the entire race!"

"I believe that in the face of the crisis of genocide, the Moi will make the right choice!"

"At that time, it is the time I said!"

"However, as far as I know so far, the Moi people seem to have not done too much research on biotechnology or genetic technology. They are afraid that even if the entire race begins to collapse, they will not find the problem in the first time. .."

"Therefore, I suggest that you can remind them at an appropriate time!"


It turns out that there is still such a saying, and the big brothers are a little shocked.

However, this news is very good news for the Federation, which is equivalent to saying that the Federation holds the key to whether the Moi can continue.

This...will allow the Federation to occupy a very advantageous position in the future negotiations of the Moi Alliance.

"If this is the case, we can form a military alliance with Moi, and even intervene in the war between him and the White Tiger Empire to a certain extent!"

"Of course, the Federation cannot fully intervene in this war, but it must also ensure that it can help Moi unite and block the White Tiger Empire!"

"After all, with the Moi united between us and the White Tiger Empire, it is also a pretty good choice for the Federation!"

Sanders, the former Star Fleet marshal, raised his head and said after hesitating a little.

"I also agree that, according to Marshal Lin Fan, we can actually treat the Moi as half of our own people. Without the need to pay too much for the Federation, we can carry out limited intervention to ensure the security of the Federation!"

"In the final analysis, the federation is not strong enough to confront the Tier 10 technological civilization, and it is still a top Tier 10 technological civilization!"

"Then, treating Moi United as the federal moat is undoubtedly an optimal solution!"

Lin Yu also nodded and said.

Well, apart from Lin Fan, the two most important figures in the military have agreed.

Of course, this is an interpretation from a military perspective, and for a scientific interpretation, since Lin Fan just said that, Bai Zixuan, Lin Kexin, and Wei have completely no opinion.

And the rest are all the federal executives, and several people are looking at Lin Zhen...

"Since everyone has no problems whether it is from the scientific level or the military level, there is no problem at the administrative level, and I support it!"

Nodded, Lin Zhen said.

After all, administrative decisions are usually based on military or scientific references.

Then, just as Lin Zhen said, since there is no problem from the military level or the scientific and technological level, there is naturally no problem with the administration.

"I propose that the Federation temporarily characterize the Moi as a half-blood family relationship and form a military alliance with them. At the same time, Marshal Lin Fan will discuss with each other how the Federation will intervene in the war with the White Tiger Empire after the alliance!"

"Now, start voting, please raise your hands if you agree!"

After a few seconds, everyone in the room raised their hands...


At the same time as the high-level federal leaders showed their hands and voted, at the meeting of Moi's joint Supreme Commanders, all the Supreme Commanders were still in shock caused by what Nina said.

"You say yes?"

"That is known as the first true God confirmed in the history of Moi United?"

Aiim's eyes widened and asked incredulously.

Speaking of Faen, he is more familiar than everyone here. After all, the **** he believes in is Faen...

In the history of the Moi, about 50,000 years ago, Faun was recorded in the literature for the first time.

"He is the **** of walking and mortal, he is omnipotent, he has brought us a new life, he has made us stronger from now on..."

These are the words recorded in the Divine Law and Grace, and Aiim is simply memorizing it backwards.

Unexpectedly, I heard this from Nina here...

However, after the shock, Aiim also recovered.

Indeed, there are many mentions in the Dharma and Grace Divine Code, such as the words that bring us a new life, give us new strengths, and make us stronger.

So, combined with what Nina said and altering the genes, so that the Moi have the ability to pass on knowledge, doesn't it correspond to these words?

So, faith in Faen is really correct?

"Yes, it's Fine!"

"This is the inference I can draw from almost all historical civilizations, and it may be the closest to the truth!"

"It's just that I still don't know why UU read he did this!"

"But one thing is crucial, and that is..."

"Our genes have been altered, and whether this alteration is good or bad, we have to figure out what will be the future of our Moi people!"

Looking at the other nine supreme commanders, Nina said.

Indeed, after learning that his genes have been modified, no one will be relieved.

To solve this problem, you must figure out what has been modified, and whether it will have any bad impact on the Moi people in the long run?

However, what frustrated Nina was...

Whether it is biotechnology or genetic technology, the Moi people are at a very early stage...

There is simply no ability to figure out this problem in a short period of time!

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