StarCraft’s Strongest Commander

Chapter 858: Congenital brain death

Yes, as Nina said, the Moi people have always been quite strong in the fields of space technology, time technology and dark energy technology, and even achieved surpassing on many fulcrums, reaching the level of ordinary tenth-order technological civilization.

But by the way...

Biology and genetic technology have never been paid attention to, and there has been almost no development!

As a result, even if one's own race genes have been altered by humans, they have to rely on humans to inform them.

Not to mention, the problem will be thoroughly clarified and a solution will be given in a short period of time.

And everyone else in the room also thought of this problem, and the conference room fell into silence.

Until three minutes later...

"Everyone, I just received a document sent to me by Marshal Lin Fan."

Nina's voice suddenly sounded in the conference room, and the other nine Supreme Commanders who were still immersed in the shock of what Nina said, only then discovered that Nina's face had become very ugly.

What did the humans send to Nina?

Nina didn't say much, and directly sent this newly received document from Lin Fan to every Supreme Commander!

"Absurd, this is impossible!"

Soon after, Aiim's roar rang out in the conference room.

As a believer in Fa'n, what he said in today's meeting was enough to impact his three views, but as one of the Supreme Commanders, he resisted... and did not go wild in this Supreme Commander's meeting.

But what was recorded in the document in his hand made him unable to bear it anymore.

This document is simply an extension of Nina's original genetic test report. It has been analyzed in detail based on the test results, and its development has been simulated through various modeling.

That's fine, the key is that in the final conclusion of this document, it is very clearly stated that within three generations of the Moi, they will inevitably destroy themselves...

And the reason for the destruction was that part of the ethnic genes was foreign gene fragments that did not belong to the Moi.

If this is combined with Nina’s previous speculation about 50,000 years ago, that is to say, the only true **** she believes in actually planted a time bomb in the body of the Moi, and the countdown to this time bomb Is it almost zero?

It is simply the greatest blasphemy against one's own beliefs, how can Aiim bear it?

When even roared...

"Aim, I know that Faen is your sacred belief, but at this time, please calm down!"

"Speaking of which, this document reminds me of a strange disease that has been unresolved since more than two thousand years in our Moi Union..."

"Congenital brain death!"

First persuaded Aiim, the Supreme Commander Antonio of the first district said immediately.

Hearing that, everyone's complexion changed.

Yes, starting more than 2000 years ago, a strange disease appeared in the Moi joint. The brain death phenomenon occurred directly when the newborn baby appeared. To this day, the cause has not been found.

The most important thing is that this situation is becoming more serious year by year, from the initial case to the current 18% incidence...

In other words, for every 100 babies born to the Moi, 18 of them fell to the ground and died, and all the symptoms were brain death!

This condition is named congenital brain death in the simulated union!

When I just read the report sent by Lin Fan, everyone hasn't linked this report to the congenital brain death that now makes the Moi helpless, but after Antonio mentions it...

Everyone's faces have changed!


This symptom of congenital brain death is the situation described in this human document, right?

Otherwise, the situation would be too similar!

"Nina, you said that human genetic technology is quite advanced, right?"

"Yes, that's right!"

"Okay, then I propose to ask for human help to see if the problem of congenital brain death can be solved!"

The Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Fourth Administrative Region, Larnas, directly proposed after receiving Nina's confirmation.

"Larnas, you..."

"Aim, there is something you may not know. My wife is three months pregnant, but according to the test, the fetus has already shown some special signs. After she leaves the mother's fetus, it is speculated that there is a 99.9% probability that there will be congenital brain death!"

Just when Aiim wanted to blame Larnas, so he rashly decided to ask someone to help, Larnas interrupted him and said.

This matter was originally kept secret by Larnas, and the other nine supreme commanders had heard of it for the first time at this moment, and they were shocked.

Everyone knows that because of his own physical factors, Larnas has always been very difficult in fertility, and has even been diagnosed as...

Unless there is a miracle, a successful conclusion is impossible.

Now, hundreds of years have passed. Finally, Larnas’s wife is pregnant, but it is judged that 99% of the probability of birth is congenital brain death...

Everyone in this room can also imagine how big a blow this is to Larnas.

For a while, everyone didn't know how to persuade...

"Nina, can you help me ask the human side whether they can solve this problem while ensuring my wife's safety?"

"If it is possible, let our family make this test product, and it will happen to be able to confirm the authenticity of this human document!"

Larnas looked at Nina and said, his eyes were extremely firm.

"Larnas, are you serious?"

"Yes, I am very serious, and this is also my wife's wishes!"

"What, did you leak the content of our Supreme Commander's meeting to your wife?"

"Don't worry, I didn't tell him more, just sent a message just now, telling her that there may be a chance to solve the problem of our son's congenital brain death!"

Shaking his head, Larnas said. U U Reading

The content of the Supreme Commander’s meeting is naturally not to be leaked, but Larnas is one of the Supreme Commanders on the one hand, and on the other hand the content he told his wife does not contain too sensitive information, only that there may be such a chance.

In this case, everyone can still accept it.

Of course, it should be placed on ordinary or other things, even if it is, Larnas will definitely be punished severely, and even deprived of the position of supreme commander.

But at this moment, everyone also understands Larnas's feelings. If he is himself, he will do the same thing, right?

"Okay, let me ask for you, wait a minute!"

Nina didn't dare to decide this kind of thing alone, looked around the other eight Supreme Commanders, and found that they all nodded slightly to herself, and then spoke.


In front of everyone, Nina contacted Lin Fan.

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