StarCraft’s Strongest Commander

Chapter 886: Nina's bold idea

With a slight sigh, Nina began to talk about the education dilemma on the United side.

Of course, these dilemmas were already in Lin Fan's expectations. It would be better to say that ten years ago, Lin Fan deliberately guided Moi to this step.

In fact, it is very weak and easy to solve this problem, as long as the federation gives Moi a joint provision of brain enhancement drugs and gene enhancement drugs.

But the question is, why does the Federation provide it?

This kind of thing, even as an alliance, is certainly not easy to provide, unless there are equal terms of exchange or...

"Gene enhancement drugs and brain development drugs, we can provide them here!"


Hearing this, Nina was very surprised. Long before Lin Fan communicated, she was ready to speak out or even refuse from the Federation Lion.

After all, if you are yourself, you will do the same.

But he didn't expect that Lin Fan hardly thought about it, so he said directly that he could provide...

"In this way, the Federation can provide a large number of international students for Moi United, the first batch is 100 million, and it can be gradually expanded in the future."

"At the same time, any Moi studying in the Federation can enjoy the same treatment as Jeram, which is the standard treatment for federal citizens, one dose each for the seventh-generation intermediate gene enhancement drug and the intermediate brain development drug."

"Finally, for Moi who have not studied in the federal government and have undergone genetic surgery, they can also be allowed to go to the federal government to inject primary gene enhancement and primary brain development drugs."

Soon, Lin Fan said his plan.

This plan has been determined by the top federal officials over the years, and only waits for a suitable time to jointly promote it to Moi.

At this moment, it is the time that the Federation has been waiting for.

As for why international students and non-international students should be treated differently, the reason is also very simple.

Take Jeram as an example, because he has been studying in the Commonwealth since he was a child, he has long been nurtured by human values, and he has also become accustomed to human life in other aspects such as culture and entertainment.

At this time, if he is allowed to return to Moi United, he will experience extreme maladjustment.

This is the importance of culture, living habits, and value output.

Therefore, for this group of people, it can be an important force when the Federation merges with Moi in the future, and it is natural to give them preferential treatment.

And the other part of the Moi who are not foreign students, although the Federation can also provide them with genetic enhancement and brain development drugs, they will only provide basic ones.

Don't underestimate this difference. After decades, most of the Moi United elite will be composed of these Moi people who have studied in the Federation.

Then, this group of Moi people who have a sense of belonging to the Federation and have almost the same values ​​as the Federation will remove a lot of obstacles to the Federation's integration of the Moi in the future.

This is a conspiracy, it is also a conspiracy, and it is an offer that the Moi cannot refuse.

Although Nina immediately realized this after listening to Lin Fan's specific plan.

But it couldn't refuse.

After all, if they refuse, the best result of the Moi is that civilization stagnates, and the greater probability is that civilization will continue to regress or even be destroyed...

Looking at Lin Fan with a bit of bitterness in his eyes, a bolder idea was gradually forming in his mind.

"In addition, there is one thing on our side that needs your help. I don't know if your Excellency Nina can look at the face of your alliance and help?"

"Your Excellency Lin Fan, please say, if we can do it, we are obliged to do so!"

"Well, ten years ago, Your Excellency Nina provided me with a dark energy crystal. Over the years, we have used this dark energy crystal to successfully solve a part of the black cavity data..."

"What, did you solve the black cavity data? How much did you solve?"

Hearing that, regardless of Lin Fan's words, Nina suddenly widened her beautiful eyes and exclaimed.


"How can it be..."

Although Lin Fan didn't give out the real data, just this 0.5% obviously had already confounded Nina.

You know, even the Fario Civilization that hadn't won the Aurora Civilization at the beginning, in the half-step super civilization stage, it only unlocked 0.5% of the black cavity data.

As for Moi United himself, although he was fortunate to obtain a lot of dark energy crystals from a ruin, after thousands of years of hard work, he only unlocked 0.1%.

One can imagine how exaggerated this 0.5% is.

"How about? Our federation can share the unlocked black cavity data with your union, but hope that your union can provide us with more dark energy crystals so that we can continue to study in depth."

"Of course, we will also share the black cavity data that will be unlocked later!"

Lin Fan said with a smile.

Originally, there was no such condition in the federal high-level integration plan, but it happened that someone came to the door to ask for it. How could they not take the opportunity to make a request?

Moreover, it is not Mingqiang. You see, I have agreed to share the results, although only about 30% of the results have been shared.

However, let the Moi people do it themselves, and with the same amount of dark energy crystals consumed, it may not even reach Lin Fan's share of the achievements.

So for Moi United, this is also a profit, isn't it?

As the saying goes, if I make a profit, you also make a profit. Everyone makes a profit. Isn’t that great!

"Your Excellency Lin Fan, what you said is true?"

After a moment of shock, Nina asked, but the voice... had a distinct tremor.

"Of course, you already know from here that there may be no difference on the surface to acquire knowledge by inheritance and learning, but in fact, there is a huge difference in subsequent scientific research."

"Take the Moi as an example. When you are doing scientific research, you have an encyclopedia in your mind. You can check any information at any time, but being able to check it does not mean you can understand it thoroughly. Therefore, you can quickly obtain relevant knowledge. At the same time, it also creates some obstacles to the scientific research of new technology."

"And human beings are different. Although it takes decades to acquire this knowledge, and unless they are too genius, they can generally only master a single field of knowledge, but as long as they master the knowledge, they are completely understood. In this way, in the process of scientific research, it is naturally like a duck in water."

"Therefore, UU reading is jointly provided by Moi's dark energy crystallization, and then the federation will lead the research. After that, the sharing of results is obviously the fastest and most effective thing in the interests of both parties. What do you think?"

Lin Fan said with a smile, but Nina frowned slightly.

"Your Excellency Lin Fan, I would like to ask, if our Moi united refuses, is it necessary to reconsider the previous matters concerning studying abroad, gene enhancement and brain development medicine?"

Lin Fan just smiled and didn't answer this question.

However, Nina had already let Nina know what Lin Fan meant.

"Well, I can agree to all of these, and I can push this plan in the Supreme Commander's Conference, but I also have a request!"

After staring at Lin Fan for a while, Nina said.

The bold idea that I had just thought of came into my mind.

Nina's pretty face couldn't help being stained with blush.

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