StarCraft’s Strongest Commander

Chapter 887: 2 difficult choices

After finishing the communication, Lin Fan was still a little confused.

After all, what Nina said last is really...

But this matter, I have to agree to it again, and I seem to be a little moved?

A beauty at the level of a civilized leader, or a beast earmother, can a man really refuse it?

Well, let's report this matter first.


At the same time, Nina, who also ended the communication, re-entered the exclusive virtual meeting room of Moi United Supreme Leader for the first time.

"Nina, how was the conversation?"

"It can be said to be ideal, or it can be said to be not so ideal..."

"What does it mean?"

The supreme leaders listened to Nina's somewhat ambiguous words, coupled with the obvious twisted expression on her face, they were very puzzled.

"Lin Fan agreed to recruit a large number of Moi people into the Federation as foreign students, and gave Jeram the same treatment, that is, to provide the federal so-called seventh-generation intermediate gene enhancement and brain development drugs for free."

"At the same time, for the Moi who did not study in the Federation, the Federation will also provide a large number of gene-enhancing drugs for brain development drugs, but only basic..."



In the virtual meeting room, suddenly fell into silence.

All of you present here are civilized leaders. None of them are simple characters. Who can't understand Lin Fan's purpose for doing this?

This is to start the layout, in the future to annex Moi United!

"No, I can't agree!"

"Yes, I really want to do this. After dozens or hundreds of years, the entire Moi Alliance will consist of all the elites who are pro-federal. It's too dangerous!"

After a moment of silence, Arnault and Aim spoke first.

In their view, if they do this, it will take as long as several decades or as many as hundreds of people, and the Moi Alliance will be annexed by the Federation.

This kind of thing is absolutely unacceptable!

"Arno, Aim, don't worry, Nina, there should be other things you haven't said?"

Seeing Nina being a little bit hesitant to speak, Arms knocked on the table and said.

"Well, for this plan, Lin Fan still has a condition, and this condition is so that we can't refuse it at all!"

"There are still conditions like this? And we still can't refuse the conditions that can only be promised? What a joke!"


Arnault couldn't bear it anymore when he heard this, and shouted directly at the incident.

However, in the next second, Arms' roar also sounded.

"What you look like, you are one of the top ten supreme leaders. No matter what the problem is, listen to Nina to finish the matter before expressing an opinion!"

When Arms said so, Arnault also sat back. After all, Arms, as the oldest supreme commander, his prestige is obviously the highest among the ten. Even the grumpy Arnault is angry. In front of the Arms, he can only be like a good baby.

"Nina, go on!"

"Well, everyone should remember that we gave the Federation a piece of dark energy to solve the problem of congenital brain death and acquired brain death ten years ago?"

Hearing this, everyone nodded.

Everyone naturally remembers such big things.

"Well, now this Dark Energy Crystallization Federation has been consumed!"


This said, everyone was a little confused again.

You know, Moi's joint research for thousands of years has only consumed half of the dark energy crystals.

How long has it been for the Federation?

A whole piece of dark energy crystal is gone after ten years?

"Yes, they are exhausted, but the Federation used this dark energy crystal to analyze 0.5% of the black cavity data, and is willing to share the results."

"The condition is that we continue to provide the Federation with the dark energy crystals needed for its follow-up research!"

Bertram, the Supreme Commander of the Sixth Administrative Region, widened his eyes and looked at Nina in disbelief.

You know, he is the highest person in charge of the dark energy crystallization research of Moi United, and he naturally knows what the black cavity data is.

But the point is, after thousands of years of joint research, we have solved the 0.1% black cavity data, OK?

As a result, the human side has solved 0.5% in ten years?

"Nina, sure it is 0.5% and not wrong?"

"Yes, sure! And Lin Fan said, as long as we provide enough dark energy crystals for their research in the future, then the black cavity data solved in the follow-up will also be shared with us!"

"Promise them, promise them immediately!"

Unable to bear it anymore, he patted the table again directly, Bertram stood up and said.

The expression of excitement surprised others.

After all, not every supreme commander is interested in scientific research. Except for Bertram, who is responsible for scientific research, a few people such as Nina will go to learn more about relevant scientific research projects. As for others, they usually only care about it. The final success or failure.

Therefore, half of the people here don’t know very well about black cavity data, and they also don’t know what 0.5% black cavity data means.

"Beltren, you can explain the black cavity data to them first."

Seeing the dumbfounded expressions of Arnault and others, Arms couldn't help shook his head and said to Beltran.

"Well, the so-called black cavity technology is the exclusive technology of super civilization, and whether it is research or application, this technology needs the support of dark energy crystals."

"In the dark energy crystals, in addition to the extremely dense dark energy, there are also some matter that shouldn't exist in the universe, and this matter is called black cavity particles."

"The so-called black cavity data refers to the resolution of the black cavity particles in the dark energy crystal. In the thousands of years of scientific research after we obtained the dark energy crystal from that ruin, it only solved the problem of close to 0.1 % Black cavity data only!"

"One more thing, according to the information we have obtained before, the Fario civilization that defeated the Aurora civilization, before becoming a super civilization, also unlocked about 0.5% of the black cavity data."

"From this, can you know what the 0.5% unlocked by the Federation represents?"


I didn't have much feeling in the front just by listening, until after the Beltran Fario civilization made a comparison, everyone realized how terrifying the 0.5% black cavity data was.

"Wait, Nina, you just said that as long as we agree to continue to provide dark energy crystals to the Federation, they can now share 0.5% of the black cavity data with us, and the results obtained in the future will also be shared?"


"Hey...what are you waiting with the Federation immediately!"

After taking a sharp breath, Arnault also said eagerly, completely forgotten a few minutes ago...

My own attitude towards the Federation.

"Wait, Nina, you just said that this is a condition, then is this condition a precondition for the federal plan, or is it indispensable for both?"

Aim asked when Arnault was interrupted in excitement.

"According to Lin Fan, the two are indispensable!"

The words fell silent again in the virtual meeting room.

After a long time, I still have to return to the original problem.

Yes, it will be difficult to escape the fate of being annexed by the Federation in the future, and if you refuse...

It is also difficult to escape the fate of future civilization decline or even extinction!

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