StarCraft’s Strongest Commander

Chapter 900: Fall of God

More than two months have passed since the first battle in the capital circle of the Zilun Empire.

Under the sweep of the combined fleet composed of humans and Moi, the remaining forces in Neilkenia were quickly swept away, and there was no resistance.

And the fleet of the Zilun Empire originally stationed at the mouth of the ocean, arrived in the Weierster Supercluster a month later.

But they were waiting for the Federal Dreadnought Fleet that had already been stationed here, and the 50 billion warships were wiped out without even making a splash.

The battle that was originally planned to end within three months was even half a month earlier.

After all, the addition of 200 billion warships combined with Moi has saved Lin Fan a lot of trouble and time.

The next step is to rely on the hub-type super galaxy cluster of Neilkenia to start a new round of major expansion of the Federation.


Tens of billions of light years away, a heavyweight visitor arrived on the starry sky road built by the Sun River Empire around its dark energy springs.

Zhang Hao, a member of the Supreme Council of Alphat Civilization.

"Mr Cheung, why are you free to come to our side today?"

On the huge square in front of the imperial palace, after watching the human figure descending from the air, Letems quickly stepped forward and greeted him "enthusiastically"!

"Letmus, we already know about your private contact with the Black Mans Empire. If you can't give a reasonable answer today, the Alphat Supreme Council will impose the most severe punishment on the Sun River Empire!"

Ignoring the seemingly enthusiastic Letems, Zhang Hao said coldly.

Betrayed the Canglong universe, secretly fornicating the Black Mans Empire, if Letems can't give a reasonable and satisfactory answer today, then Zhang Hao will do it directly.

As for the result of the hands-on?

You are afraid that you have never seen the Alphat fight, even if there are more warships, it can't hurt them at all, they can only be slaughtered unilaterally.

What's more, Zhang Hao is also one of the members of the Supreme Council and one of the most powerful tribesmen in the entire Alphat civilization.

"This...actually we don't know. A few months ago, we suddenly received a piece of information, and there was another thing that we didn't know what technology was used to transmit it."

"We would never do anything like betraying the Canglong Universe, but since Mr. Zhang Hao is here, he happens to help us see what that thing is?"

"After all, we have studied for a few months, but we still haven't worked out anything!"

Hearing this, Zhang Hao's face looked a little better, as long as he didn't betray the Canglong Universe, everything was easy to say.

"Okay, then you lead the way, I'll take a look!"

"Yes, please come with me, congressman!"

Under the leadership of Letems, Zhang Hao soon came to a building that looked like a laboratory. On a shelf in the center of the building, a silver-white cube was placed, and it was impossible to see it from the outside. What is it.

"Congressman, this is the thing. After we received that piece of information inexplicably, this thing was transmitted in a way that we couldn't understand."

"Well, let me take a look."

Zhang Hao stepped forward and reached out and touched this strange silver-white cube. Even if it was him, he couldn't tell for a while what it was.

However, Zhang Hao, who was studying attentively, didn't notice that there was a crazy look on Letems's face behind him.

Suddenly, the cube in Zhang Hao's hand suddenly shone brightly, and a sense of imprisonment instantly filled every part of his body.

Realizing that it was not good, Zhang Hao quickly checked his body, only to find that he couldn't even lift a finger at this moment. The whole body was wrapped in a strange energy and could not move.

Zhang Hao was shocked, and immediately subconsciously wanted to transform into an energy body, but found that no matter what he did, he couldn't do this.

just like...

He has degenerated from a pure energy life body to a mortal body before.

This made Zhang Hao suddenly panic.

"Litmus, what did you do to me?"

"What did you do, or guess what? Hahahaha!"

Suddenly, Letems laughed frantically.

"You Alphat people who are aloof and self-proclaimed as gods, now is the time to fall into the mortal world!"

"Do you know what this is? This is the technology provided to us by the Black Mang Empire, which is specially used to restrain your pure energy life forms. Once the special particles emitted by this device invade, your Alphats will again Nor can it be converted into an energy body."

"In other words, it means becoming a mortal again!"

"Hahaha, this is really wonderful, the era of the fall of the gods will be opened by our Sun River Empire!"

"And the Black Mans Empire has also promised that our Sun River Empire will become the new overlord of the Blue Dragon universe forever!"

With a face of madness, Letems laughed.

"Litmus, are you crazy? You are in collusion with the civilization of the outer universe!"

"Furthermore, you are so stupid to believe in the words of the Black Mang Empire. Become the hegemonic civilization of the Blue Dragon Universe forever?"

"Don't be kidding, when the Heimang Empire arrives, all civilizations in the entire Azure Dragon universe will be slaughtered by it, and your Sun River Empire is no exception!"

Staring at Letems fiercely, Zhang Hao said.

As for the plan of the Black Mans Empire to let Lightmus rule the Blue Dragon universe, this guy actually believed it.

It's utterly stupid.

The account at the moment wanted to report the situation to Lin Aotian immediately, but after various attempts, he found that all of his abilities had disappeared, and it really seemed to be degraded.

But just as Zhang Hao was working hard to make various attempts, Litemus walked in front of him and took out a sharp blade of dark energy alloy.

"Well, it's almost the same, it's time to get you on the road!"

"You are the first, but not the last. The era of the fall of the gods begins!"


The sharp blade of dark energy alloy was pierced into Zhang Hao's heart without any hindrance. The freshness that mortals should have, but at this moment, it kept pouring out along the wound.

Zhang Hao looked incredulously at his chest, which was pierced by the sharp blade of dark energy alloy and constantly pouring blood. UU read, but he was completely reduced to a mortal body, but he couldn't do anything. After a few seconds With a look of unwillingness, he lost his eternal life.

"God... but that's all!"


After confirming Zhang Hao's death, Letems laughed madly again.

"Come on!"

"His Majesty!"

"Drag it out and throw it to feed Harvey (a creature in the Sun River Empire that resembles a dog on Earth)!"

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

The two guards were expressionless, and after responding, they stepped forward and grabbed one of Zhang Hao's legs, just like that...

Dragged out!

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