StarCraft’s Strongest Commander

Chapter 901: Beginning of the turmoil

In fact, according to Letems' original plan, he would not act until twenty years later. After all, many preparations have not been completed yet.

But I didn't expect that his connection with the Black Mang Empire would be discovered by the Alphat civilization, so that the plan had to be greatly advanced.

However, after successfully killing Zhang Hao today, it also gave him a lot of confidence.

You know, although the Black Mang Empire has said that this technology can restrain pure energy life forms, if it has not been used in practice, Letems is also a little unsure.

And now, the last worry has disappeared from Letems's heart.


Now that you have done it, you have to contact your allies, and Lightmus immediately sent a communication to Nevete.

"Litmus, what's the matter?"

"I just killed Zhang Hao!"

"......Can you say that again?"

"I said I just killed Zhang Hao!"

After reconfirming, Nevet was finally confirmed, and he hadn't heard any hallucinations just now.

He certainly knew who Zhang Hao was. After all, Zhang Hao was the person in charge of the connection between the Alphat civilization and the four super civilizations. Everyone had met many times, and he was the most familiar Alphat of the four super civilizations.

"I said, what are you thinking? Didn't you say that you didn't do it until 20 years later, you are not ready at all now, okay?"

Nevitt said angrily.

"I can't help it. Alphat civilization discovered that I had received information from the Black Mans Empire. This Hao also came here for questioning. Since I can't hide it, I can only do it!"

"But don't worry, your side has not been exposed. Follow me and my guess. After the Alphat found out that I had killed Zhang Hao, it is very likely that your three super civilizations would crusade against me!"

"I need Fario Civilization to respond internally for us, and at a critical time..."

Soon, an extremely bold plan was uttered from Letems, and even Nevete couldn't help but widen his eyes after hearing it.

"How about it, isn't it a good plan?"

"Yes, it's not bad, but it's too dangerous. If something happens, our two civilizations will be over in an instant!"

"But the profit after success is enough for us to take this risk, isn't it?"


"Nevet, we have no retreat, what are you still hesitating at this time?"

"Okay, I did it!"

After gritting his teeth and coming up fiercely, Neiwei nodded and said.


At the same time, the Alphat civilization, the Supreme Council.

"Zhang Hao has fallen!"

Looking at the congressmen who were urgently recruited, Lin Aotian said something shocking.


"Could the Speaker make a mistake?"

"Yes, how could it fall? It is known that there should be no way to kill our Alphat in the universe!"


Almost no one could accept such news, and they all spoke.

For a while, the whole room was a little messy.

"No, I have confirmed that Zhang Hao's life source has indeed disappeared, and when it disappeared, it was not long after he arrived in the Sun River Empire!"

"Damn it, wouldn't it be the information that the Black Mang Empire sent to them that contained methods or techniques to deal with us?"


After a congressman made a bold guess, Lin Aotian nodded and said.

This is a bit difficult to handle. You must know that the Alphat civilization has no warships and no so-called weapons.

After successfully evolving to an ultra-restricted civilization, for the Alphat people, those weapons that were once have no meaning.

After all, no matter how many warships there are, they can't do just an evolved Alphat.

Yes, in the universe, Alphat has become a godlike existence.

But at this moment, the Sun River Empire seems to have mastered a method or technology that can deal with itself, then, without any other weapons, the Alphat is really equal to being forced into a dead end.

"President, even if the Sun River Empire possesses a certain technology that can threaten the lives of our energy bodies, it is still just a medium super civilization in itself!"

"Therefore, even if we don't take action, the other three super civilizations can be encircled and suppressed. I don't believe that the Solar Empire can block the three super civilizations from attacking at the same time, and two of them are stronger than them!"

Congressman Jiang Chen proposed after thinking for a while.

"Dr Jiang, this method is good!"




Soon, all the congressmen all agreed to this proposal and looked at the first speaker, Lin Aotian.

"Okay, then do it!"

"Immediately release information to the three super civilizations, announce the evidence of the Sun River Empire and the Black Mang Empire, and order all combat forces to be deployed. We must completely eliminate the Sun River Empire, a civilization that dared to collude with foreign enemies!"

Lin Aotian also considered various possible plans, and finally agreed to the plan proposed by Jiang Chen.

"Yes, Speaker!"

Soon, Alphat Civilization announced that the news about the collusion of the censoring civilizations with the forces of the outer universe has spread to the three super civilizations.

According to Lin Aotian's orders, the Divine Yao civilization, the gem empire, and the Fario civilization are constantly mobilizing their forces to form the most powerful coalition in the history of the Canglong universe.

The strength of the three super civilizations is no joke. The coalition formed by them with all their strength, let alone annihilate the Sun River Empire, even if it pushes the entire universe horizontally, there is no problem.

Of course, except for the Alphat civilization.

What others don't know is that the leader of the Fario civilization in the coalition forces is communicating with the target of this crusade, the emperor of the Sun River Empire.

"Litmus, the coalition has begun to form, and it is expected that it will launch a full-scale attack on yours in at most three months!"

"It's okay, UU reading has long expected this result, isn't it? Because Zhang Hao was killed, Alphat feared that I had mastered the way to deal with them, so he shrank and didn't dare to come out, but let the three The super civilization comes out to fight, and it really deserves to be the so-called god!"

"Don't talk about other things, are you ready for that thing? Without that thing, our plan would be impossible to talk about!"

"Of course, but due to time issues, you can only prepare at most two before the war!"

"Well, two are enough!"

"Okay, I will notify you then!"

"Okay, that's it, we will contact you again if there is a new situation!"

Soon after the communication was hung up, Letems began to laugh frantically again.

"Nivet, you fool, control the Azure Dragon universe with you?"

"You think too much, this battle is not only the cemetery of the Divine Obsidian civilization and the gem empire, but also the cemetery of your Farion civilization!"

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