Home World Command

Being summoned to Home World Command had become second nature to Camile Wray. Walking through the halls of the building a smile came to her face knowing she and Greer having disabled the Lucian Alliance naquadah bomb had saved the structure and all in it. The young Senior Airman escorting her to the General's office did so in silence, which she found common in lower enlisted personnel.

Entering O'Neill's office she laid eyes on the man, and noticed the Head of the IOA was also present. If Carl Strom were also here that must mean a new posting with some new operation must be in the works. The ordeal aboard Destiny would finally give her the recognition she deserved the woman thought.

"Ms. Wray, please take a seat. Can I get you something to drink" asked O'Neill.

"No thank you General. It's a pleasure to see you. Carl, it's a surprise to see you here as well" replied Camile.

"Thank you for coming on such short notice Camile" said Strom in welcome.

"Ms. Wray, we've called you here to day to discuss a few matters of importance" began O'Neill.

"My full debriefing after Destiny's arrival covered all aspects of our time onboard. Unless these matters of importance cover something not in the debriefing" stated Wray.

"Your debriefing is on file, but that isn't why we called you here today" answered O'Neill while looking towards Strom.

Turning his gaze towards Wray wish a curt smile Strom remained silent.

"If this has anything to do with the upcoming deployment of Borealis I must say I'm flattered, but I wasn't aware my name was in the running for selection to the expedition. Although if chosen as the IOA representative I would be honored" said Camile in humble tones.

"You're absolutely correct in that your name isn't in the running for appointment to Borealis" smirked O'Neill.

"I see. Then for what reason was I summoned here today if I may ask" asked Wray.

"Camile, several flagrant breaches of protocol were noted in the debriefings. We're here to discuss two specific instances" answered Strom.

"I'll do my best to answer any questions you may have" replied Wray.

"You IOA people never cease to amaze me with your little dog and pony shows, your conniving plans, and the fact that none of you can be trusted as far as I can throw you" said O'Neill in an exasperated tone.

"General, I feel it only far to not judge the entire IOA based on a few isolated events" protested Strom.

"Mr. Strom, I suggest you sit there and not say another word or I will have security throw you out of this building so fast your head will spin" snarled O'Neill.

"General O'Neill what is this about" demanded Wray.

"Let me give you a little history lesson Ms. Wray. The IOA during it's involvement with the SGC has managed to cause far more problems than it fixes. You've hung numerous members of the military and scientific community out to dry, your Mr. Marrick intentionally released replicators aboard the Odyssey and almost cost us the victory over the Ori, and now we can add mutiny and insurrection to the list" thundered O'Neill.

"Carl, back me up here" demanded Wray.

"It's out of my hands Camile" retorted Strom.

"Do you deny staging a mutiny aboard Destiny that almost resulted in the death of the commanding officer and his second in command" demanded O'Neill.

"It was a very complex situation General" answered Wray.

"I'm a military man. Were I a civilian the last thing I would expect the human resources lady to do is lead a mutiny" yelled O'Neill.

"In civilized cultures the military reports to civilian leadership, not the other way around. Acting in the best interests of the civilian contingent aboard steps were taken to assure a smooth transition in command" defended Wray.

"I think you're forgetting that this was a military expedition. Young may not have done things perfectly but he made the best of a very bad situation. In no way will I allow you to use him as your scapegoat here" responded O'Neill.

"Carl" demanded Wray

"Camile, as I said I can do nothing to defend you in this matter" replied Strom.

"Even your own people are hanging you out to dry on this one. Was part of your smooth transition to use dehydration and starvation to beat the service members aboard into compliance with your wishes" demanded O'Neill.

"That is not exactly how it played out General" countered Wray.

"Yes it is, and I have eighty sworn affidavits here that attest to that fact. You wanted the military to turn over their weaponry to your people or dehydrate and die. Your smooth transition was nothing more than an attempted coup d'état" hissed O'Neill.

"As I stated it was a complex situation. You're making this sound like an orchestrated long term plan to usurp Colonel Young. That frankly is not the case" stated Wray sternly in reply.

"Really? So this wasn't your second attempt to grab at command of the expedition? You all but tried to hang Young out to dry over what was later proven to be a suicide onboard" sarcastically accused O'Neill.

"Carl, a little support here would be great" stated Wray.

"Camile, I can't condone your actions in either of these two cases" responded Strom.

"You can't condone them? Are you kidding me? This was the script you told me to follow" yelled Wray.

"I have no recollection of any conversation like that Camile" innocently replied Strom.

"You're a bastard. You've passed me over for promotion so many times for no reason, now you're going to let me burn at the stake for something I was instructed to do. You're a piece of work" hissed Wray.

"So the truth comes out. Why am I not surprised that the IOA was behind this the entire time? Oh that's right, because this is how you kids play ball" said O'Neill in a condescending tone.

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