Home World Command

"General O'Neill, are you really going to sit there and taken the word of a self admitted mutineer over the head of the IOA" asked Strom.

"In all honesty yes I am" tartly relied O'Neill.

"This is an outrage" thundered Strom.

"Oh we're just getting started on the outrage Carl. Pending a full review of the IOA by all member nations all IOA personnel will be recalled from and reassigned from sensitive assignments" retorted O'Neill in an almost cheery tone.

"The President will never let you get away with this, least of all the other member nations" countered Strom arrogantly.

"Wrong again Carl. I was given authorization by the President several days ago, but this conversation sold me on using that authorization" stated O'Neill.

Standing to his feet Strom stormed out of the General's office before another word could be uttered. Leaning back in this chair O'Neill let a smile spread across his face.

"So what happens now General" asked Camile.

"The IOA is going to go through a shake up that much is for certain" responded O'Neill.

"I meant what is going to happen to me" asked Camile.

"Ms. Wray, I spoke with the President about that. Historically mutineers were hung, but we haven't done that in centuries. It's safe to assume the IOA isn't going to keep you around. I am prepared to offer you a position within the SGC" graciously offered O'Neill.

"You used me to get to the IOA didn't you" asked Wray.

"The simple answer to that is yes. We've known for some time that Strom was trying to pull the strings in expeditions off world. You allowed us to finally pin it on him" answered O'Neill.

"I'm going to need time to think about what I want to do with the future" stated Camile.

"Take your time, but keep in mind Strom might try to even the score. Let me know what you decide" finished O'Neill.

Andromeda galaxy

On the Asgard home world day to day events occurred as they had over the duration of the Asgard civilization. A herculean effort had allowed the Asgard to reestablish their new home world to the glory of their original home world of Hala.

Arriving from the November site in the Milky Way an Asgard science vessel delivered several items of note. Aboard this vessel was an example of the new beam weapon the Tauri had managed to miniaturize. Asgard scientists would study this weapon, duplicate for addition to all vessels in their fleet, and attempt to improve upon its design.

The vessel also carried hair and skin samples that had been harvested from clothing and the personal effects of Dr. Jeremy Franklin, Dr. Amanda Perry, and Ginn. DNA would be isolated and extracted form these samples. Using the refined cloning process possessed by the allied race would allow for bodies to be produced in a matter of weeks. Once grown these bodies would be taken to the Arkos station along with scientists who specialized in the mind transfer technology developed long ago. It was hoped that the three individuals minds currently locked away in the Destiny mainframe could be recovered.

Cheyenne Mountain SGC

The chaos of the upgrade project had passed. Biometric and contagion detectors were now online, as were the security force shields. The control room was also now fully returned to online status. Deep space sensors duplicate of those found on Atlantis now scanned out into the reaches of space, searching for any threat to Earth.

With the addition of the Pegasus model gate and its city ship style DHD further changes had come. The power cables that for so many years channeled electricity into the superconductors of the older Milky Way model gate were now gone. The DHD supplied all the power necessary for dialing within the Milky Way network. With the addition of the DHD all designed security features now functioned, unlike the old dialing computer that had bypassed these protocols and once endangered the sun of K'Tau by poisoning it with particles of heavy elements transferred through the active wormhole.

Entering the briefing room General Landry saw the familiar face of Daniel Jackson seated at the conference table. Walking up to the man he quickly shook the former member of his premiere off world team's hand.

"Good to see you Dr. Jackson" greeted Landry.

"Always a pleasure General. Looks like you've been doing some remodeling. The place is looking great" smiled Daniel.

"We've held off on upgrading everything for as long as we could. With no pressing galactic crisis it seemed like a good time to put in new curtains" laughed Landry.

"I don't want you to feel I'm stepping on your toes by being here" said Daniel shifting topics.

"Jack briefed me in so I already know you're here to pluck away my best and brightest. The list of people you sent over raised a few eyebrows. They are all waiting in the hall. I'll let you get to it. Remember, heavy is the burden of command" smiled Landry while quickly leaving the room.

The assembled group of people about to enter the conference room had been rushed to the SGC for this meeting. Some had been recalled from vacations with friends and family. As they all knew when the SGC called you ran.

Filing into the room was Lt. Scott, Lt. Vanessa James, Master Sergeant Ronald Greer, Corporal Barnes, Chloe Armstrong, and Doctors Brody, Volker, and Park. Taking their seats Daniel rose from his seat, turned on the power point projector and began his presentation.

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