"What do you mean?"

Sawada was already quite angry from the heart, but as soon as Fu Qian said these words, his body immediately shook and his anger froze.

"Did I express myself clearly?"

Fu Qian showed his bloody hand. In just a moment, the wound had healed a lot, which made Zetian's eyes widen.

"Although your behavior offends me, I am not a boring person who spends all my energy on anger. When things are out of balance, what needs to be done is to find a new balance."

"I was quite satisfied with my life, but now that I can no longer maintain it, I undoubtedly need to find some new fun."

"I have to say, this feeling of liberating myself is quite good."

Fu Qian said while exerting force on his hands. In a voice that made people's teeth hurt, the bed welded to the ground was pulled up quickly. He then looked up at Zetian.

"So according to your standards, what level do I belong to now?"


Realizing that Fu Qian was not joking, but had really changed his mind, Sawada swallowed and looked at the torn solder joints.

"The growth in strength is quite exaggerated, and the speed just now..."

He glanced at the turkey head, which had rolled aside.

"It's almost equivalent to the level of a formal transcendent. Even if it wasn't a sneak attack just now, but a head-on confrontation, you shouldn't suffer much loss."

"But this is too weird. At least I have never encountered such a case. According to the information, you are just a middle-aged man who can maintain himself relatively well. The key is that you have not even taken medicine..."

"Can't it be me who has an epiphany?"

Fu Qian said calmly.

"Almost impossible."

Sawada shook his head, his tone still firm.

"The probability of a miracle happening after taking the potion is close to winning the lottery. If you can achieve enlightenment casually, even if the probability is similar, do you think the miracle potion is still necessary?"

"If an extremely rare thing happens, there is a high probability that there are deep-seated reasons. It is wrong to simply attribute it to probability."

"You're right, so it would be a good story."

While Zetian was muttering to himself, Fu Qian suddenly said.

"What's the meaning?"

The former obviously didn't react for a while.

"Isn't your original intention in doing this just to submit a beautiful report?"

Fu Qian pointed around.

"As for whether the purpose is promotion and salary increase or exchanging materials, I don't care about that."

"It seems difficult to end things now, but what if I am cooperating with your test?"

"The selected test subject accepted the suggestion, drank the appropriate miracle potion, and then experienced special changes, far more drastic changes than other people. Yasui must be very interested in such a case and be interested in the experiment. The subject couldn't control himself and killed an employee casually, which is nothing at all."

"At the same time, the experimental subjects are also willing to cooperate with subsequent tests. The only requirement is to obtain security services from the Anjing Group, real security services, and to be free from harassment by the night watchmen."

"What do you think about this story? Or how do you think your leader would feel about it?"

"Although you took the lead, you only fulfilled your responsibilities during the whole process and even succeeded in getting different results. You who handed over all this generously only need to wait for the group's decision."

With a smile on his face, his voice was like a devil's whisper.

"But...there are strict procedures for drug testing..."

Zetian was slightly moved, but still faced a dilemma.

"Yeah, so we have to hurry up before things are discovered."

The smile did not diminish before paying.

"There needs to be a time difference to make the whole process look reasonable."

"How can I be sure that you won't betray me?"

Faced with the previous suggestions, Zetian undoubtedly fell into a fierce inner struggle, but he suddenly realized something while hesitating.

"In a special case like yours, the group will undoubtedly be interested. After I take you out, you can leave me alone and go directly to the group to seek asylum. I don't believe you would be so kind and help me for free."

"No wonder you are still at the grassroots level even now. You still don't understand what is most important to a large organization."

He sighed before paying.

"Stability is the number one priority."

"A special case that suddenly appears, and the causes and consequences are completely incomprehensible. Although it seems tempting, could it be a poisonous fruit thrown by someone with good intentions? For example, a certain organization goes fishing for law enforcement?"

"But if this poisonous fruit is cultivated by oneself, everything is under control. Although it looks unexpectedly special, isn't it much more controllable?"

"Those are two completely different qualities for your leadership."

Before paying, he let out a burst of ironic laughter.

"Honestly, the more I deal with you and your partner, the more attractive you and your partner are to me. The appeal of supernatural power has become a little bit weaker. It turns out that it doesn't seem to have any stimulating effect on the brain."

"But you have a relatively valuable thing, that is, you know a little bit of propriety. I hate rude people."

"make a deal!"

After Fu Qian's repeated provocations, Zetian easily accepted his explanation and gritted his teeth.

"Go to the company on time tomorrow, and I will arrange the inspection and select the appropriate medicine for you."


Facing Zetian's arrangement, Fu Qian shook his head immediately.

"You list all the potions and I'll choose. I don't like not having a choice - now."

"No way, what are you talking about?"

Zetian almost shouted directly.

"Everything related to the potion is top-secret, and it's absolutely impossible to get it!"

"It's possible, or you'd be dead."

Fu Qian's tone was calm but firm, and he even sat back in his chair.

"Go and give it a try. I believe that a motivated young man can unleash unlimited potential."

"That's the most."

The tranquility in the room was broken by Sawada who opened the door again.

This man threw a stack of information over in a rather manic manner.

"So you can't get the specific formula and effectiveness, right?"

Picked up one of the documents from the blood-stained bed and looked at the contents on the paper before paying it.

After repeatedly emphasizing that the information was top-secret, Zetian was forced to start a dangerous attempt in the face of his desire for survival.

And these are the final results he can get after using all his resources.

At this moment, several pages are filled with dense numbers and corresponding potion names.

It seems that except for the specific formula, Yasui's confidentiality of other information is not exaggeratedly high.

After briefly browsing, Fu Qian quickly found a string of familiar characters - HAP0032-667, and the name of its corresponding miracle potion was "Crist-7".

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