Looks like this is it.

Fu Qian nodded silently in his mind.

Kisaragi Kana most likely used this potion.

And it is almost as guessed. Not only are the previous numbers consecutive, but the names next to each other are "Creep-1" to "Creep-9", which can basically confirm the preliminary screening.

There should be no doubt about the mission.

"In your case, my plan is to choose a body-strengthening potion, so that it will not be so abrupt when the results come out."

Seeing that Fu Qian was really looking at each one, Zetian said impatiently from the side.

"you sure?"

Before paying, he put on a very sarcastic expression.

"Any questions?"

It was obvious that the previous confrontation had made Sawada somewhat unconfident, and he began to doubt himself almost immediately.

"What is the difference between different serial numbers with the same name?"

Fu Qian didn't answer him but asked instead.

"Uh...this is top secret."

When Zetian hesitated subconsciously, he saw Fu Qian shaking the paper in his hand.

"It seems that there is no need to make such a ridiculous and pointless insistence? Everything has been done, and there is no possibility of turning back."

His tone as if he was forcing a girl into prostitution obviously had an effect, and Zetian quickly gave up his struggle.

"The potions themselves are indeed provided uniformly by the company, and potions with the same name but different serial numbers are actually not carefully differentiated when distributed. After the test target selects the appropriate classification, they are all distributed randomly."

"Of course, according to my personal estimation, potions with the same name with different serial numbers should have the same main ingredients and different ingredients."

It’s really a magic potion-like idea, no wonder it needs so many volunteers.

It was not too surprising to pay the time before.

"Very good, but according to my estimation, the effects of medicines often do not follow the assumptions, right?"

"Indeed, so far, even in effective cases, the effects are often unexpected and do not follow the expected rules. At most, the connection is reflected from some weird angles."

"At this time, a special case miraculously followed the assumption. Isn't it a bit normal and irritating?"

It seems a bit...

Sawada lowered his head and realized that this was indeed a problem.

"So your suggestion is to choose a less relevant potion?"

"Yes, but before that, you need to think of a reason for your choice."

Leaving the question to professionals, Sawada picked up the second piece of information before paying the bills while he was deep in thought.

On the new document, the content was no longer a potion number, but a resume report including gender and age, and the name was clearly Kisaragi Kana.

This was something that Fu Qian specially asked Zetian to find out.

22 years old...unemployed...his mother died of illness, and he lives with his father and sister...

After quickly checking the contents of the file, it was obvious that the information was very detailed, including how many men he had dated.

In terms of quantity, this Miss Kisaragi is undoubtedly quite bohemian.

In addition, the time of submitting the application and using the medicine were also consistent with her self-report.

"Which one does Kisaragi Kana use?"

Before paying, he threw the information aside and looked at Sawada and asked.

"Why are you paying attention to this?"

Sawada was obviously really confused, but he still found it in the document and pointed it out before paying.

Sure enough, it was "Creep-7".

“Assessing taste.”

He explained casually before paying.

"Absolutely not now!"

Zetian instantly understood what Fu Qian meant and looked nervous for a moment.

"The company pays great attention to every subject and will not allow any one to go missing. If you are really interested in her, wait until the observation is over and she is officially abandoned. Then you can do whatever you want with her."

"Really, so when will she be officially given up?"

"Soon, she only has two test opportunities left."

"Well, I accept the advice of professionals."

It is rare to do well before paying.

"Wait a minute, actually I suddenly had an idea."

At this time, Zetian suddenly realized something.

"When the time comes, you will also use the same potion as her."

"Oh, what's the reason?"

Fu Qian did not directly express his rejection of this arrangement, but looked at Sawada curiously.

"The reason is simple. After my investigation, I speculated that you might want to use Kisaragi Kana as food, so you deliberately chose the same potion to see if there would be any special effects."

"Anyway, it's a reason."

He frowned and thought for a few seconds before paying, but did not express any objection.

Of course, in fact, he only did one thing in these few seconds, and that was lamenting that Sawada was too cooperative.

After sighing, he picked up another piece of information before paying - this was the last piece of information, and his name was Dancy Crawford.

The content is equally detailed, and even every victim turned into food is recorded.

"You should know these things best yourself. Why did you ask me to specially prepare them for you?"

Fu Qian looked carefully, but there was suspicion on Zetian's face.

"Simply because I'm not Dancy."

Fu Qian glanced at him and said in a matter-of-fact tone.

"It's true that Danxi was killed by me a long time ago. I just pretended to be him, so I need to know more information."

Staring at Fu Qian's face, Zetian was stunned for more than ten seconds, but in the end he suddenly smiled and understood.

"This is really a good story, a very good story!"

"In case of any uncontrollable accidents, this is a good explanation for me and the company. Now I feel more at ease."

"Then it's decided. I'll take you out first. You and Kana Kisaragi come over tomorrow, and I'll take care of the rest."

"no problem."

Towards evening, Fu Qian came to the fortune teller's hut again.

Before that, he had been resting at home for most of the day.

According to Sawada, after two more tests, Kisaragi Kana will be completely abandoned and the project will be completed.

But for me, besides completing the task, I am also very interested in finding out some things, such as what happened to Kana Kisaragi.

"Mr. Dancy."

The female fortune teller saw Fu Qian entering the door and nodded gently in greeting.

Opposite her was Mr. Kisaragi whom she had met once before.

"Are you here to see Kana?"

"Yes, didn't you notice you were busy?"

Fu Qian took a casual look at Mr. Kisaragi and could clearly feel that something was wrong with the atmosphere.

The person sitting opposite the fortune teller, his face flushed at the moment, was glaring at the female fortune teller.

And with Fu Qian's observation ability, he easily discovered that there was even a short knife hidden under this man's clothes.

As for the daughter opposite him, although her expression was calm, she had no intention of flinching, which was quite tit-for-tat.

The smell of gunpowder is a bit strong!

"Kana is inside, I asked her to come out."

The female fortune teller smiled and said to Fu Qian.

However, before she could call someone, the curtain behind had been opened.

Kisaragi Kana walked out swaying with a smile on her face, seemingly very satisfied with the person who came to pick her up.

"Mr. Dancy, let's go."

After glancing at her father and sister, she rushed to say hello.

Mr. Kisaragi, who was furious just now, didn't even have the courage to look at each other, and subconsciously looked away.

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