Starry Sky Fleet, starting from digitization

Chapter 103 Alliance: Do you understand what oppression means?

Qingyang's mental power swept through the core warehouse of Taiyi No. 1, which was the space blessed by Shan Cunjian.

It was determined that all Dia humans inside had entered a state of stasis, and there was nothing unusual about it.

Immediately control the fleet and sail to the star Tia, which is the last planet.

The Tia humans on other planets, including soldiers, were all included in Shancunjian.

When they arrived at the star of Tia, billions of Tia citizens had already prepared and did not carry any supplies.

Countless Tia humans gathered in a plain with fearful eyes, their eyes full of worry and hesitation about the future, but not too much despair and numbness.

Although they already knew that the Dia Star Territory was about to turn into a battlefield for advanced civilization, they still had a glimmer of hope because of Qingyang's existence.

Since this fleet of powerful human civilization has not evacuated, there must be a way to fight it.

Tens of thousands of rays of light emitted from the mountain swept across countless Dia people, and it took only half an hour for all of them to be absorbed into the inner space.

In the end, only the leader of Kasese and a dozen senior officials were left behind.

They want to know what kind of future the Tia Federation will have, and they want to witness it all with their own eyes.

Qingyang naturally agreed to this and let them enter the control room of one of the Huiyue battleships.

When everything was ready, Qingyang looked at Chang Xi: "Have all the cultural and scientific materials of the Tia Federation been copied?"

Physical cultural relics and books and materials were crammed into the mountains, leaving only a massive amount of data.

Chang Xi nodded slightly: "The copy has been completed."

Upon hearing this, Qingyang immediately marked a dead star belt located millions of light-years away on the star map and entered the dark space navigation state.

The Death Star is a planetary graveyard formed by a collection of broken planets and asteroids that have no use value.

Basically, they are all planets that were thrown out of the original star system due to natural disasters and man-made disasters.

The Death Star Belt is an area composed of hundreds of Death Stars and countless asteroids, meteorites, and ice crystals.

Only a few twilight stars are still burning brightly in the center.

And just when the Eternal Fleet entered the core of a broken planet in the Death Star belt and hid silently.

The first wave of six-level civilization coalition forces began to enter the Dia star field from different directions.

The armies of dozens of sixth-level civilizations launched indiscriminate attacks on the civilizations along the way as soon as they entered the Dia Star Territory.

Except for civilizations with a backing background, no other civilizations were spared.

Thousands of level 6 civilized warships directly defeated tens of thousands of level 5 warships blocking the front.

Countless unmanned combat aircraft surged toward the surrounding living planets.

Countless energy cannons and vacuum implosion bombs exploded on the surface of the planet, and cities all over the planet were easily destroyed.

The flames and shock waves can even be clearly seen from the orbit of the planet.

Wails, mutilated limbs and internal organs, and resentment of despair and hatred rose from planet to planet, eventually integrating into the fate of civilization.

Immediately, these civilizational fortunes were collected and taken away by the sixth-level civilization using special equipment issued by the seventh-level civilization.

In fact, this is also one of the purposes of the two seventh-level civilizations. As seventh-level civilizations, they have already initially involved dimensional technology.

The luck of low-level civilizations can already be used to a certain extent.

The destiny of civilization, which contains the resentment of the extermination of races and species, is the best energy source for some dimensional weapons.

Very easy to obtain.

Just let all life in a civilization perish in pain.

There is no shortage of low- and intermediate-level civilizations in the universe!

A certain fourth-level civilization mother planet.

Countless poisonous gases permeate the urban agglomeration, and all lives that are contaminated are twisted and fester. This virus can keep the brain still active before completely disintegrating the entire body.

Let life easily perceive pain and despair.

This makes it easier to gather resentment for genocide.

A sixth-level civilization flagship outside the planet, a jellyfish-like life looks down indifferently.

"The luck and grievances have reached the standard. I hope that civilization will provide some energy technology."

"It's really troublesome. We still need this method to make these reptiles resentful. It would be more convenient to just use the Star Destroyer Cannon."

"Solve it quickly and go to the next level 4 civilization. There are only a few thousand level 4 civilizations in this ruined place. If it's too late, they will be gone. The resentment and luck of level 2 and 3 civilizations are not as valuable as those of level 4 civilization."


Such a scene happened almost everywhere in the Dia star field. In a short period of time, tens of thousands of civilizations and trillions of creatures died as a result.

And all this is just to provide some weapons to serve as energy sources for the seventh-level civilization.

Taiyi control room.

Because these level six civilizations have built a temporary network for convenience.

Qingyang can easily access it and see all this.

Frowning slightly.

Although the Alliance regards other biological groups as nothing, it at least recognizes that they are living creatures and part of the ecology of the universe.

Even the kill was a clean and instant kill.

what is this?

"The seventh-level civilization here cannot efficiently extract high-dimensional energy, so this is the best method." Beria said calmly.

"Therefore, many large nebulae and super star clusters have an unwritten rule, that is, they are not allowed to destroy and interfere with first-level civilizations. Many civilizations will even take the initiative to transform some planets and release various primitive cell organisms.

Used to give birth to a large number of civilizations.

If the potential is strong, take it under your wing; if the potential is average, harvest it after it grows up.

A very small part of them will turn around and become level 6 or 7 civilizations, becoming new ‘farmers’.

Taking the Lancebut Nebula alone as an example, the number of native first-level civilizations born in each batch only accounts for about 30% of the total. "

Beria's explanation also reached the ears of Tia's top management. Cassel looked pale and was speechless for a long time.

I originally thought that the interstellar space was dangerous and full of opportunities, but I didn't expect that the real interstellar space would be so cruel.

If this fleet had not arrived

Qingyang nodded: "The large nebula group and the super star cluster group on the other side of the star sea do not seem to be like this. Could it be that it is more difficult for a sufficiently prosperous regional civilization to advance, but it is still stronger after promotion?"

"Yes, some peak level six civilizations in Xinghai can easily extract high-dimensional energy, and level seven civilizations can already extract it on a large scale."

"And it seems that because of the influence of the alliance, the civilized relationship in the Star Sea is more like a complete interstellar society. Although it is still violent and chaotic, it is at least countless times better than this barbaric survival law.

At least when there is a hostile war between two civilizations, they will not attack passing commercial fleets at will. Even the caravans of low-level civilizations are allowed to enter the territory of high-level civilizations to sell raw materials and special products. "

Well, it's allowed, but I don't know if the price will be reduced.

Qingyang understood.

In the final analysis, it is because the alliance is too strong.

A unique civilization that is powerful enough can completely restrain the behavior of other civilizations.

Otherwise, if the only existence is dissatisfied with something, no civilization will be able to hold on.

So that group of civilizations, intentionally or unintentionally, formed an extremely prosperous star sea society based on the habits of the alliance.

And afterwards, these civilizations found that this was completely beneficial and harmless, so they gradually improved this basic order.

It is really impossible to find an open place to fight, and then the winner will plunder the loser's civilization resources.

After all, if civilization dissipates, the population will not die.

Many civilizations in Xinghai are multi-racial coalition groups. If a certain civilization dies, the original population can join such group civilizations.

What's more, most races have more than one civilization due to division.

Therefore, even if the Xinghai is still full of iron blood and chaos, at least there is a systematic basic order.

Huiyue Ship, Cassese and others listened silently, feeling extremely horrified in their hearts.

How strong is the Star Sea Human Alliance to be able to force a basic order in a civilized area far beyond the Great Nebula?

I have optimized the unreasonable plot of Chapter 7, and I have begun to fulfill my promise of putting it on the shelves.

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