Starry Sky Fleet, starting from digitization

Chapter 104 The main server is connected

Countless level six civilized warships and mechanical armies were raging across the stars, and all planets with life were bloodbathed without exception.

Even a large number of galaxies were completely annihilated by pieces of dichroic foil and dark matter pulse bombs.

Whether it is stars or planets, anything considered beneficial to the enemy's operations will be erased.

Qingyang and others were sitting in the control room, silently looking at the Dia Star Territory, which was plunged into wailing and resentment.

A little emotional.

Tens of thousands of civilizations were quickly exterminated before their eyes, and even the originally bustling star field was quickly emptied.

It can be said that this is the most massive and rapid civilization annihilation action that the Eternal Fleet has witnessed since its establishment.

"The matrix radar cooperates with the local star network for alert. The rest of the people should go to rest first." Qingyang turned around and ordered.

The Eternal Fleet that has entered a hidden state cannot be detected by wide-area scanning of level six civilizations unless it is searched at close range.

Qingyang planned to stay here for the past twelve days just to be on the safe side.

As time goes by.

More and more sixth-level civilization fleets are entering the Dia star field, and many times some fleets have even passed by the Death Star belt.

Every time, it triggers an urgent alarm on the star chart, but every time it is a near miss.

Of course, it's not always good luck

There were still about five star sea hours before the Star Network main server was connected, and the star map of Tai 1 once again sounded the alarm.

【alarm! alarm! A large number of 100,000-level energy sources have been detected entering the Dia star field]

【alarm! alarm! More than 50,000 level six civilized warships are surrounding the Death Star belt]

Qingyang, who had not changed his expression when he heard the first alarm, was slightly startled, and then he was shocked.

It shouldn’t be. How did those level six civilizations discover them?

Qingyang didn't know that not long ago, many civilizations in the Dia star region had fled into the Death Star belts.

With the discovery that there is a large amount of civilization fire hidden in the Death Star belt, the Death Star belt in the Dia star field has now become the main target.

The Death Star belt where Qingyang and others are located is the last batch of cleanup targets.

Qingyang breathed a sigh of relief after scanning the star map to make sure that the hard blade ship hidden on the surface of an ordinary star was fine.

The Evil God Statue is inside that Hard Blade Ship.

"Prepare to meet the enemy, the Hard Blade Ship releases the Evil God Statue."

Fifty thousand battleships with an attack power level of 5,000 to 6,000 are getting closer and closer to the Death Star hidden in the Eternal Fleet.

Qingyang finally ordered helplessly.

The top executives of Tia raised their voices in their throats and were extremely nervous about what was going to happen next.

The Eternal Fleet jumped directly and instantly to an empty starry sky.

A large number of warships around immediately locked onto the Eternal Fleet!

"The elite battleships of the sixth-level civilization are not our fleet. Destroy them!"

The alien creature whose leader looked like a spider said coldly.

Looking at the warships in all directions, Qingyang also sneered: "Comparing numbers?"

Suddenly, a dense white halo of light flashed around the Eternal Fleet, and continued to spread toward the surroundings!

It spread to millions of kilometers around in the blink of an eye.

Before the tens of thousands of enemy fleets could recover, 300,000 huge mechanical warships sailed out of the circle of light at the same time. In an instant, an area of ​​millions of kilometers was filled with silver-white mechanical warships!

The average energy level is even more powerful than a level 6 civilization battleship!

"Chang Xi, you don't need my mental power to control these mechanical ships, right?"

"Please leave it to me, Commander." Chang Xi responded with a smile.

Three hundred thousand warships quickly divided into thirty fleets and decisively launched bombardments in all directions.

The dense beams of light were like tigers and wolves, instantly tearing all enemy ships into pieces, and the explosions and flames formed a ribbon of fire.

Fifty thousand rings in the starry sky!

Qingyang, knowing that he had been discovered, simply stopped hiding.

The Death Star belt can allow Qingyang to lurk for more than ten days, which is beyond expectations, and things will be much simpler next.

Three hundred thousand warships surrounded the Eternal Fleet and headed straight for the original Tia Federation home planet without hesitation. The fleet formation stretching for tens of millions of kilometers immediately attracted the attention of the two seventh-level civilization legions.

Coincidentally, the six-level civilization fleets of the two camps changed their course and rushed towards the third-party fleet force that suddenly appeared on the battlefield.

As for the two seventh-level civilizations, they did not care about the Eternal Fleet, but focused all their attention on each other.

Thousands of battle stars, hundreds of fortresses, and a huge super flagship team involving dimensional technology.

Continuously pouring into the core area of ​​​​the Dia Star Territory, confronting each other from afar.

Millions of conventional warships filled every nearby star system.

Not surprisingly, the flames of this war will spread to the entire Dia Star Territory!

the other side.

Facing the millions of six-level civilization coalition forces that were leaping towards the Eternal Fleet, Qingyang and others were not afraid at all.

Three hundred thousand mechanical warships were divided into thirty fleets, firmly blocking the enemy warships one after another.

The naval guns roared like a torrent, and countless beams of light illuminated the starry sky brilliantly.

Battleships continued to be blown to pieces, more battleships rushed into the battlefield, and alloy debris gradually spread across hundreds of star systems.

Before the two level-7 civilizations started fighting, an intense war had already broken out on the outskirts of the Tia Federation.

Occasionally, accompanied by a wave of pitch-black energy that spread across the entire star system, tens of thousands of enemy warships were simultaneously blasted into particles.

Three hundred mechanical self-destruction ships with a trace of high-dimensional energy began to show off their power!

As millions of fleets from major sixth-level civilizations gathered, the mechanical fleet was gradually wiped out.

"The fleet is advancing! The enemy only has 120,000 warships left! It can last for up to three hours!"

"Beyond visual range! Remote support!"


I don’t know when a planetary shield was put on the Dia star.

The eternal fleet is suspended in the sky.

Qingyang and others looked at the starry sky rendered by countless explosions and light cannons through the shield of the planet Kastu.

Qingyang could clearly hear the roars in the command channels of the sixth-level civilization.

"Three hours? I hope you will still be in the mood to pay attention to me then." Qingyang was quite leisurely.

at the same time.

Around an ordinary star, a palm-sized dead tree image was shining with gray-black light.

Suddenly, the space behind the dead tree was distorted, and dark fleshy tentacles stretched out from it and swept the sculpture into the void.

The next moment, terrifying dark fluctuations spread across the entire Dia star field at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The nearest star turned strangely gray, and countless gray flames burned blazingly.

The sense of death and decay permeates the air.

Then, with this star as the center, all the stars in the Dia star field turned into gray and white one after another.

In the core fortress of the seven-level civilization legions of the two sides that were confronting each other, the instruments detecting high-dimensional energy simultaneously sounded a shrill alarm.

"Oh damn the fire of civilization"

"Failure is the ultimate destination."

Distorted silence, a murmur that does not belong to any civilized language, sounded in the minds of all living beings in the Dia Star Territory.

The body of the weak creature is visibly withering to the naked eye.

Even the mechanical battleships gradually decayed and fell apart under this wave of fluctuations.

The two top generals of the seventh-level civilization looked horrified: "High-dimensional life!! At least five stars!"

Without waiting for a response, the void around the two seventh-level civilizations twisted and shattered, and a giant tree tens of millions of kilometers tall suddenly grew.

Standing among the stars.

Billions of branches withered, and tens of thousands of blood-colored vertical pupils rotated irregularly.

Hundreds of fleshy tentacles surge around the trunk.

Even the battle stars seemed as small as gravel in front of it.

The strange aura made tens of millions of soldiers of the seventh-level civilization wail, and their bodies began to twist and mutate.

The meaning of death gradually filled the minds of all beings in the Dia Star Territory.

Suddenly, the evil god's tens of thousands of huge vertical pupils looked in one direction at the same time, and the violence and high-dimensional energy visible to the naked eye suddenly spread.

Hundreds of level-7 civilization battle stars instantly turned into gray embers.


At this moment, a mechanical but divine voice echoed, causing the evil god's roar to come to an abrupt end.

[Temporary sub-server construction completed]

[The main server is connected and the star network is online]

[Start digital delivery—Reunite the Fifth Action Legion]

[High-dimensional reaction detected, according to the first agreement, the emergence of high-dimensional life within a 300 million light-year radius of the Star Network server is prohibited]

[Determine the plan—kill]

At the end of the next chapter, I want to think about the plot of the youth league.

I should be able to update a chapter in the early morning, which will be the first chapter tomorrow.

The league is expected to start in Chapter 106. If you can get used to coding on your phone for seven hours tomorrow, you can enter the league story tomorrow.

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