Starry Sky Fleet, starting from digitization

Chapter 113 My target is only the enemy’s head!

[No. 103, No. 117, No. 077.]

[A total of eleven level 3 processors are offline and trying to reconnect]

[Reconnection failed, the data network interface has been covered]

[Confirmation completed, the target processor has a 97% probability of being invaded by unknown data]

[Attempting to overwrite data permissions again.]

[Estimated completion time - 8.371 Xinghai Day]

[Calculating unknown data source itinerary and next target]

[Successful determination - the target has a 98.99% chance of going to the 108th level three processor]

[The No. 08 secondary processor, the 8101~8301 fleet is being dispatched to encircle and suppress the enemy]

In a certain space, a huge floating cube-shaped creation glowed slightly.

The Eternal Fleet, which has completed modifications to the eleventh mechanical planet, is jumping to the next mechanical planet.

"The last one, as long as this one is modified, there will be no problem." Qingyang drank the psychotropic potion.

Controlling twelve is just in case.

In fact, ten mechanical planets are enough to produce an ordinary fifth-level civilization and a main force-level mechanical warship in a short period of time.

It is enough to make the civilization and insect swarm in the civilized block feel threatened. If the civilized block is not mentioned at that time, the void insect swarm will definitely not be able to swallow its anger.

By then it will be impossible not to fight against the civilized block.

The chief brain worm and the omnic core are not stupid and cannot give the civilization block a chance to take advantage.

It will inevitably drag down the civilization in the civilization block.

Block melee is a sure thing.

Although this will interfere with the point-earning efficiency of some ordinary participating fleets, for some powerful participants, chaos is the best opportunity.

Not considered malicious interference.

It can only be said that the competitive environment has become more complicated.

Of course, as the core spoiler of the situation, Qingyang has an advantage.

【alarm! alarm! Two hundred thousand mechanical warships were detected jumping into the surroundings of the target mechanical planet]

Qingyang and everyone immediately cheered up.

"The rest of the battleships will stay here, while the Taiyi and the Formation Breaker will go." Qingyang decided.

Then Tai-1 took the lead to jump out of dark space.

At the same time as he jumped out, Qingyang used all the mental thresholds he could mobilize to activate Taiyin.

A far larger data network than before was built.

"I can only carry 84,000 ships!" Qingyang warned.

Chang Xi nodded, data flowing through his eyes.

[The invasion of 84,000 mechanical nodes has been completed, and the first authority has been obtained]

The mechanical battleships scattered all over the inner and outer reaches of the star system where the mechanical planet is located were just about to lock down and fire.

Suddenly being backstabbed by the surrounding 'allies', the ferocious beams easily tore the mechanical ships into pieces.

Under intelligent control, the enemy mechanical ship quickly changed its target and started a melee with the mechanical ship controlled by Taiyi.

Chang Xi frowned and said: "Commander, these mechanical ships are directly connected from processing units with higher authority. Controlling the mechanical planet cannot solve the current problem."

Qingyang did not hesitate: "Then blow up the mechanical planets. Eleven are enough at the moment, and at the same time overload the controlled mechanical ships."

Yuansha's main cannon quickly began to gather energy, and the terrifying energy level was gathered in the blink of an eye.

Immediately, a huge chopstick-shaped red light spear passed through the galaxy battlefield in the melee with great speed.

Accurately hit the mechanical planet.

The shield with a defense level of 80,000 shattered in response, and the main cannon of the Formation Breaker followed closely and fired.

Blast the mechanical planet directly!

The reactors and engines of the tens of thousands of mechanical ships that were fighting in a melee with hostile mechanical ships quickly entered overload mode.

Then, like firecrackers, tens of thousands of huge explosive energy groups spread and rose in the battlefield.

The silent fire briefly obscured the star's light.

The Taiyi and the Breaking Formation did not continue the attack and quickly left the battlefield.

Then the entire Eternal Fleet jumped away.

"How is it? Did you find that there is no secondary processor?" Qingyang asked on the way.

Chang Xi was helpless: "The omnic core has deleted this data and cannot determine the coordinate area."

"The secondary processor and central processor are constantly moving, and the place where they hide and stay in the middle is very hidden." Qingyang frowned.

"Only the secondary processor has the data coordinates of the core processor."

In fact, you can directly ask the Star of Truth, but this kind of competition between commanders of the same age is really unnecessary.

Qingyang also wants to know the gap between himself and the top geniuses.

“Once the situation becomes chaotic, the area where the omnic core can hide will be greatly reduced due to the number of insect swarms.

As long as the coordinates can be determined, I am sure that the large number of defenders bypassing the central processor will solve it! "Qingyang is very confident about this.

As for how to determine the coordinates of the omnic core?

In times of war, the command frequency of the omnic core will never be low.

Just monitor the data reception and information output of a mechanical planet and determine the routes and trajectories of many mechanical fleets.

I believe that Chang Xi will soon be able to calculate the approximate area of ​​the omnic core based on this.

Qingyang stared at the eleven huge moving green marks on the star map.

"My target is only the enemy's head!"

At the same time, the outside world.

Because of Qingyang's active performance, more and more people are pouring into the exclusive live broadcast channel.

After hearing Qingyang's confident words, many people suddenly realized.

"So, besides disrupting the situation, the main goal is to find the omnic core?"

"The omnic core is equivalent to the entire omnic block. Destroying or controlling the omnic core, the points and results are not much different from destroying the entire omnic block. It turns out that this is Qingyang's purpose!"

"Wonderful. If we can really find and destroy it, even if we don't do anything later, it will be enough to enter the top two of the potential list!"

"He is worthy of being the genius of the Kyushu Republic."

"No, no, no, Qingyang is also among the best among the new commanders of Kyushu T7."

"Am I the only one who thinks sister Chang Xi is so beautiful??"




The comments were quickly distorted, but Qingyang's reputation is still spreading rapidly.

Tianyang Federation, an ordinary elite country.

In some ways, it may not be ordinary, because it is the country where Qingyang lived.

There are tens of thousands of living planets in Tianyang Federation. At this moment, Qingyang’s exclusive live broadcast page is being broadcast on the official virtual network and on the planet’s big screens.

Countless Tianyang people were inexplicably excited.

Yunshan Xing, Xing belongs to high school.

In the central hall, hundreds of thousands of teachers and students gathered.

"Wow, is that Senior Qingyang?"

"Hahaha, when I first entered the school, Senior Qingyang had not graduated yet, so I almost lived with Senior Qingyang!"

"What? Have you lived with Senior Qingyang?"


In the teachers' area, the bald teacher said proudly: "Let me tell you, I was kidnapped by the Zerg in Chakaxing Lake."

"Okay, okay, you've said it thousands of times."


In a certain dimensional world, there is a giant star ring structure of the Alliance Army.

Chuck Kaiser, who has become the first president of the Stan Federation, is sitting in a garden with a group of high-level officials of the original Stan civilization, looking at the high-altitude screen, putting down the Alliance Common Sense Eke in his hand.


"I hope Master Qingyang can achieve good results."

Chuck Keizer, who already knows a lot about the league, understands what the difficulty represents.

Another dimensional world.

The major residential areas of the Luo Star Empire, which had long been transformed into a huge ring world, were broadcasting live broadcasts of various contestants.

Countless Luo stars were amazed by the various wonderful battles.

Among them, the one with the most pictures is also Qingyang’s Eternal Fleet.

They all remember that it was this commander who brought the Luo Star Empire back from the brink of destruction.

Central palace area.

Liya sat between Kassel and a lady, looking at the live broadcast with excitement.

"Look, it's Lord Qingyang!"

Cassel nodded helplessly, knowing exactly what his daughter was thinking.

But he was also amazed. He didn't expect that this young man was only in his twenties and had such a high status in the alliance!

The lady smiled and touched Liya's head: "The adults of the alliance said that you obtained the qualification of a starry adjutant when you were certified by the Star Network, which gave you the opportunity to enter the alliance territory to study in advance."

"Really?!" Liya turned back suddenly, her eyes extremely surprised.

The lady and Cassel looked at each other, laughed and shook their heads.

"You girl."

I'll open a single chapter with the protagonist's fleet data later.

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