Starry Sky Fleet, starting from digitization

Current protagonist data, as well as plot plans

Before writing the data.

Let me first talk about the plan for the recent plot.

The league is an important turning point, which will end in about twelve chapters, or ten chapters.

You can guess the subsequent plot from the volume name, which is related to Tian Ling and the mechanical divinity behind her.

The main line of this volume is probably the connection between the mechanical divinity and Tian Ling.

Let me give you a hint in advance. The mechanical divinity will appear, and there will be several interesting dimensional worlds during the period.

The volume after the mechanical divinity will probably focus on star sea exploration, excavation of ruins, excavation of graves, and witnessing different world rules in the dimensional world, and try to describe it from different types of civilizations.

The desolate area will probably be the next volume. At that time, in addition to facing a bunch of strange enemies, there will be many things to describe.

I may divide some of my writing to describe the large-scale war scenes of the alliance.

As for the opinions in the comment area, I have also seen them. One of the suggestions is very good. Thumbs up!



=========The following is the data of Star Weapons=======

[Note: The highest star can be upgraded to five stars. The star upgrade requires the same quality of star crystals. For example, three crystals are required to upgrade one star to three stars, and four crystals are required to upgrade one star to four stars]

[Note: Talents - white, yellow, green, blue, purple, red, gold, purple gold, epic, ??? 】


[Battleship: 320 Blazing Star Battleships

Aircraft Carriers: 40 Sun-type Aircraft Carriers

Core Battleships, Taiyi, Pozhen]


[Special Star Weapon: Yuansha Main Gun (max)]

[Quality: Purple (Mass Production)]

[Description: Star Weapon that can only be loaded on special combat ships, and has no group effect]

[Basic: 8.5w attack energy level, can grow (bound to special ships)]

[Extra One: Mystery +6 (damage to memetic contamination +600%)]

[Extra Two: Super Weapon +6 (300 light-year beyond visual range strike, power +600%, energy consumption +1500%, buffering takes fifteen minutes)]

[Basic Energy Storage: 30s (digitized)]

[Evaluation: It is said that its original Star Weapon (only one) comes from a legendary commander in the Quaternary period. Perhaps we are lucky enough to see Him in the depths of the desolate area? 】


[Special Star Weapon: Annihilation Main Gun (max)]

[Quality: Purple]

[Description: Star Weapon that can only be loaded on special combat ships, and has no group effect]

[Basic: 8w attack energy level]

[Extra one: Annihilation +6 (additional 120% continuous damage to the target, lasting 12s)]

[Extra two: Super Weapon +6 (400 light-year beyond visual range strike, power +300%, in this mode, the attack is penetrating damage, energy consumption +2000%, buffering takes eight minutes)]

[Basic energy storage: 30s (digital)]

[Evaluation: It is said that its original Star Weapon (only one) comes from a legendary commander in the Quaternary period. Perhaps we are lucky enough to see Him in the depths of the desolate area? 】


[Star Weapon: Data Carrying Core]

[Quality: Special Star Weapon, no quality]

[Effect: The mental threshold required for the dataization of the starry sky battleship is -25%, applicable to all levels]


[Star Weapon: Star Covering Phase (four stars)]

[Quality: Purple]

[Basic: Fleet detection range +50%, precision +50%, fleet concealment effect +40%]

[Additional effect: When hostile units appear in the detection range, the star map will be displayed with red dots, high-dimensional reactions will be marked with black dots, and malicious units will be marked with yellow dots]

[Note: The energy consumption of the detection equipment will be reduced by 15%, and the effect of detecting fleets above T6 will be discounted by 10% (four stars)]


[Magic Weapon Overload Core (sporadic)]

[Quality: Gold]

[Active effect: Consume 50w star points and lose 2% of the ship body per minute, and the entire fleet enters the extreme overload mode.

Gun power +1000%, gun buffer time -90%, firing rate/range +1000%

Maximum speed +500%, shield defense efficiency +500%]


[Star Weapon: Return to the Sky Wall]

[Quality: Red (two stars)]

[Basic effect: Fleet shield joint, calculate overall recovery speed - 1.5%/s, immune to energy level kills below 2k5 (effective below T5 fleet)]

[Additional effect: Fleet shield increases characteristics - mental defense, germ defense, meme defense, (effective before shield value returns to zero)]

[Joint shield (total fleet value): 15w (362 ships), immune to attacks below 2.5k]

[T7 Gold Fleet, fleet comprehensive data +20%]


[Customized Star Weapon - Optical Brain Taiyin]

[Quality: Red (sporadic)]

[Basic effect: Integrate all data processing capabilities of the Star Fleet and enhance it by 100 times, with strong data coverage and temporary data network construction capabilities (output)]

[Additional effect: The smoothness of all equipment on the Star Battleship is +25%, suppressing the combat efficiency of intelligent enemy ships within one light year by 35%]


[Star Weapon: Strengthen Space Assault Unit (three stars)]

[Quality: Purple]

[Basic effect: Individual combat crew digitization (strength upper limit level 5) 100/100, agility +15%]

[Additional effect: Individual short-distance space transmission, ignoring space suppression below level 7 civilization]

[Note: The maximum transmission radius is one million kilometers, and each individual soldier needs to consume 20 star points for transmission]


[Fraud Gift Box (sporadic)]

[Quality: Red]

[Basic effect: Strong concealment effect, can simulate the signal display of enemy warships, and transform the appearance of the warship to a certain extent]

[Additional effect: Spend star points to build the illusion of a starry battleship owned by the fleet. It has the same energy level as the original ship and will dissipate after being attacked]

[Attachment: Currently it can confuse most detection technologies of level seven civilizations]


[Xingwu: Dark Space Transition Engine (standard, digitizable)]

[Quality: Blue (max)]

[Basic effect: Dark space transition, generates a protective film during transition (digital function), immune to most environmental threats in dark space

Maximum speed (traveling speed in dark space): twice the speed of light]

[Additional effect: Fleet sailing speed +24%]


[Confirmed flagship—Taiyi No. 1 (T7 special)]

[Flagship Bonus: Fleet Starship, Weapon + Blazing Characteristics, Shield + Blazing Characteristics

(Erosion - hitting the shield, the shield will continue to be damaged, the total damage = 50% of the attack energy level of the naval gun)

(Blaze--the function overlaps with the United Shield)]

[Note: Only effective for T7 fleets and below]

[Give the ship a 300% increase in basic attributes based on battleships of the same level, and grant the ship evolutionary characteristics (epic characteristics)]

[Evolution characteristics: Each evolution can increase the star battleship level by one, and add a special battleship skill]

=======The following entries========

[Congratulations on getting the entry - Exquisite Penetration (Ordinary)]

[Basic effect: fleet armament +10% range, +10% rate of fire]

Additional effects: Penetrating main gun +20% shield damage, penetrating main gun +10% calibration efficiency]


[Congratulations on getting the entry - Space Yongjin (Excellent)]

[Basic effect: Maximum sailing speed of fleet +100% (maximum speed of dark space sailing is common)]

Additional effects: Instantaneous jump mental load -20%, instantaneous jump distance extended to a radius of 50,000 kilometers]


[Gu Xue (Level 5 Elementary)]

[Talent: Victory Scale (Epic)]

[Effect 1 (Passive): When at a disadvantage in the war state

Armament power +10%, range +10%, attack characteristic effect +10%]

[Effect 2 (Passive): When the war state is at an advantage

Detection intensity +10%, speed +10%, equipment suppression effect +10%]

[Effect three (passive): When the war state is in balance, the fleet's overall attributes +5%]

[Effect 4 (Active) Law of the Universe - Consume energy to chant (Law of Killing, Law of Heavenly Guard, Law of Divine Hiddenness)

Law of Killing: Fleet Armament Comprehensive Attributes +20% in All Directions

Law of the Tenshu: Fleet defense comprehensive attribute +20% in all directions

Law of Divine Hiddenness: Fleet speed and stealth strength +20% in all aspects]

[Attachment: If one of the three passive effects is activated, the other passive effects cannot be activated twice in the same battle]


[Valen Selvat (Level 4 Medium)]

[Talent: Offensive Master (Gold)]

[Ability: When commanding the fleet to conduct an offensive war——

Naval gun damage +5%, optimal shooting range +10% (under normal circumstances, the hit rate within the optimal shooting range is 100%)


[Mia Selvat (Level 4 Medium)]

[Talent: Defense Master (Gold)]

[Ability: Commanding the fleet to conduct defensive warfare——

Shield +5%, gun attack initial speed +10%——

[Zhuge Ling (Level 5 Intermediate) (trained by Demon Sea Academy)]

[Talent: Radiant Blessing (Special)]

[Effect 1: Facing the evil enemy determined by the Star Network, the comprehensive attributes of the fleet will be +10%]

[Effect 2: The killing power of radiance. Ship guns with related attributes are attached with the power of radiance. The enemy will receive an additional 25% continuous damage within ten seconds after being attacked]

[Attachment: Related attribute naval guns—all naval guns of Chichen battleship, Yuansha main gun]

====Talent blessing========

【Eternal Agreement (Only)】

[Quality: Epic]

[Function: Sign the name of the commander, activate the agreement, and sign an agreement every time the fleet level is upgraded]

[Current level: Cadet Commander (no signed agreement)]

[Protocol 8: Immortal Hull (Intermediate)]

[Basic characteristics: (any battleship under your command)

The warship leaves the battlefield and repairs the hull by itself at 10%/h.

Maximum shield value × 3, shield recovery speed × 3]

[Additional features: A passive shield will be generated around the commander, and the shield value and shield characteristics are linked to the total fleet shield]

[Protocol 7: Integrated Naval Guns (Elementary)]

[Basic features:

Fleet gun power +15%, range +15%

Fleet armament can be integrated with special energy or special gun modules to increase gun characteristics and power (group)

Example: Absorb the core of the star, all fleet guns +? ? ? Plasma burning kill]

[Additional features: The characteristics and energy of fleet weapon fusion will be synchronized on the commander (attack strength depends on the mental threshold)]


【Seventh Agreement】

【Neutron nucleus】

[Eternal Truth Fleet Arms Obtained—Force Field Tear Characteristics]

[Effect 1: The original energy level of the naval gun remains unchanged, with additional energy dispersion and material distortion effects (actual damage +10%)]

[Effect 2: Force field weapon power +10%]

[Due to the abundant neutron nuclear energy source, Protocol 8 is being assimilated]

[Eternal Truth Fleet Shield Obtained—Force Field Barrier Characteristics]

[Effect: The shield has additional force field bending, and is immune to damage below 2k energy level; the energy level remains unchanged, and the actual defense strength +10%]


[High-dimensional suppression: Fleet naval guns contain weak non-attribute high-dimensional characteristics (actual damage to targets without high-dimensional characteristics × 2)]

[Power of Corruption: When the main gun is bombarded, there is a 0.1% probability of a Corruption Power light spear strike (10w kill)]

[Appendix 1: You need to reach T6 fleet to activate all the powers given by the characteristics]

[Appendix 2: The digitization of the starry sky fleet overrides the characteristics of the rules, and high-dimensional suppression cannot take effect on the starry sky fleet]



[T7 Star Aircraft Carrier] [Model: Yaori Type]

[Length: 15000m] [Average height and width: 3000m]

[Shield: Yaori type 2 shield - 6w, recovery speed - has been integrated]


T7-level sun-burning spear - penetrating beyond visual range × 1 (5w energy level killing)

Solar prominence surrounding naval gun - penetrating type × 150 (8k energy level)

Digital mecha production core × 1 (0/2k)

Digital fighter production core × 1 (0/3k)]

[Currently available production types——(adding additional models requires relevant drawings)

Bait machine (50 star points), jumper machine (200 star points), shield breaker (400 star points)]

[Model blessing: shield, weapon level increased by 150% (calculated)]

[Appendix 1: The three basic models, except the bait machine, all have 500 energy levels]

[Appendix 2: The production price of mechas is twice that of fighters, and there is no difference in overall energy levels]

[Bait machine: shield level 200, no attack, fast, equipped with divergent high-energy level simulation equipment]

[Bangbang machine: shield level 300, attack level 200, equipped with space flashing equipment, only mecha type]

[Shield breaker: Shield energy level 500, civilized warships of level 6 and below, regardless of shield energy level, forced kill 5 points]


[T7 Star Battleship] [Model: Chichen]

[Length: 6400m] [Average height and width: 1500m]

[Shield: Ring Sun Type 2 Shield - 4.5w]


Blazing main gun - standard type × 1, penetrating type × 2 (special, 3.2w energy level killing)

Blazing secondary gun - standard type × 6, penetrating type × 8 (1.5w energy level)

Particle naval gun - standard type × 60, double rapid fire type × 40 (6k~8k)

Tianzhichi type 2 comprehensive auxiliary core × 1 (with various interference effects)]

[Model blessing: shield, weapon level increased by 150% (calculated)]


[Mecha - Seraph Type 3 (Level 6 Elementary)]

[Shape: Wingspan Humanoid] [Shield Level: 800]

[Weapon system: Michael Type 3 full arsenal system, core shield-breaking weapon - forced shield-breaking 10 (30s buffer)]

[Cost: 1,000 star points]

[Tips from the Eden Foundation: Although it is not a mainstream machine, don’t worry about the human form affecting combat effectiveness. If the body shape can affect combat effectiveness, how low is the technical content?]

====Mental Threshold======

[Spiritual threshold: elementary, medium, advanced, perfect, (perfect + 1 + 10)

Perfection can basically control the minimum number of battleships required for the next level (battleships are of the same level), most of which are ordinary or mid-range

Before reaching perfection +5, every +1 increases by 25% (perfection is the base 25%)

Example: Perfection is 100, +1 (125), +2 (150). +4 (200)

Perfection + 5, threshold intensity × 2, (Perfection + 4) × 2

Example: Perfection +4 (200), +5 (400)

Before reaching perfection +10, every +1 threshold is enhanced by 50% (50% based on perfection +5)

Example: Perfection +5 (400), +6 (600), +7 (800). +9 (1200)

Perfection + 10, threshold × 2 (Perfection + 9) × 2

Example: Perfect +9 (1200), +10 (2400)

There is no system classification for perfection +10 or above. It all depends on individual ability. The maximum cannot exceed 100 times the basic perfection threshold.

Different talents have different mental thresholds. Blue talents and above have a bonus to the mental threshold.

Example: The consummation threshold of blue and below is 100. For each higher-level talent, the upper limit of the threshold is +20. The consummation base of the epic is 200.

Attachment: The spiritual threshold is unique to the commander. Even if the commander awakens spiritual talents, the threshold cannot be enhanced]

[The protagonist's current epic talent is 200, including the divine star, the basic level is 400]

[Protagonist +7 is 3200]

======Current Items========

[Current items:

Broken Star Map ×1,

Yaori aircraft carrier drawings (T7, 65 times),

Chichen battleship master drawing,

Star point 731w

Truth points×1500

United Star Key,

Egg of Tianshenghuijun×1

Soul Fruit (T7)×1

(The Alliance World Assimilation Reward, the Stan Civilization one has not been finished yet, the Luo Star Empire’s physical object has been replaced by a soul fruit.

Mechanical Planet will appear later)]


[United Star Key (in the protagonist’s hand)——

It is basically used in dimensional worlds starting from tens of billions of light-years in diameter. Commanders who have obtained the joint star key can follow the military star fleet and conventional legions to jointly explore the world.

During the period, all the enemies killed will be calculated as combat merit, and the rewards will be given a certain bonus due to your personal assimilation degree]

[Recommended fleet level: T7 senior fleet]

[Attachment: This star key originates from a newly locked dimensional world and has not yet been developed for the first time]

[Estimated initial development time: 7093 years (the joint star key can be used multiple times)]


[Tian Shenghuijun——Innate high-dimensional life]

[Description: Originated from (shielded) powerful innate high-dimensional life, as long as it grows to a young age, it is a high-star high-dimensional life. It is extremely rare, and the number of the entire population never exceeds double digits.

Possessing unparalleled sacredness and extremely pure life force, if it is born smoothly, there is a high probability of becoming a god]

[Attachment 1: Tianshenghuijun is extremely difficult to grow from an embryonic state and requires the blessing of any non-dark side rules]

[Attachment 2: The Tianshenghuijun tribe is one of the high-dimensional allies of the Kyushu Republic (perhaps because they are good-looking?)]

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