Starry Sky Fleet, starting from digitization

Chapter 114 Dear Omnic, do you need to download the anti-fraud program (Part 1) (1/4)

Chapter 114 Dear Intelligent Machine, Do You Need to Download the Anti-Fraud Program? (Part 1) (14) Billions of Zerg Corruptors roamed silently, their bodies glowing with dark purple light lurking in the dark starry sky, their hideous and cold blood-red compound eyes turned around, and the power of the void scanned everything around them. Suddenly, a 10,000-meter biological warship appeared quickly, pushing aside a large number of Corruptors and surging forward. The field of vision gradually widened. The dark purple tide-like Zerg swarms spread all over the visible starry sky, covering up the brilliance of the stars. Millions of Zerg biological warships formed more than a thousand Zerg fleets, leaping forward rapidly from different directions with endless Corruptors. In the midst of the mighty army, Zerg motherships were looming, and the core motherships and even the Void Zerg units with a size of hundreds of kilometers also exuded a terrifying breath of void power. They were announcing to the surrounding enemies. The Void Zerg has arrived! In front of the Void Zerg army, about eight light years away, a huge medium-range temporary star gate was built.

Every minute, a fleet of three to four thousand mechanical warships appeared by leaps and bounds.

They were basically all high-level level five mechanical ships.

A super flagship fleet consisting of tens of thousands of beyond-visual-range light spear heavy warships was on standby, and thirty-five mechanical war stars with a diameter of 10,000 kilometers were on standby in the node areas of the surrounding light days.

More than a hundred star systems were being transformed crazily by these intelligent machines.

Light spears in orbit around stars, plasma focusing arrays, and anti-ship light cannons on the surface of planets.

In another direction of the starry sky, hundreds of huge fleets were also constantly detaching from the subspace state, led by thirty war stars with traces of biological life, clearly showing the identity of the comers.

An army belonging to a certain civilization!

Intelligent machines, Zerg, civilization.

Each party sent out an army equivalent to at least half of its total strength!

The three parties formed a triangle and confronted each other from a distance.

At the edge of the huge battlefield, the hidden Eternal Fleet matrix radar covered the entire battlefield, watching this huge war in real time.

"Commander, not only the front battlefield, these blocks are dispersing additional troops, trying to attack the enemy blocks in batches at the same time, and burn the war to the enemy's territory.

It is expected that half of the troops reserved by the three parties will fight in each other's territory."

Chang Xi said quickly.

Qingyang was slightly happy in his heart. Compared with the open and closed front-line decisive battle, the war and conflict burning everywhere inside the block can disrupt the situation more!

Only when fleet conflicts occur in hundreds of areas at the same time, the intelligent core under large-scale command of multiple batches can be exposed.

Qingyang is in a good mood at the moment. The plan is really going too smoothly.

Originally, the Zerg brain worm with an outrageous void mental power was a little skeptical about the mechanical fleet that attacked itself and had slightly different data fluctuations.

Who knew that it was during the last wave of attack.

The intelligent core just recaptured eleven mechanical computing planets. The mechanical fleet, which was originally rigid in attack mode, became smoother, and this familiar data fluctuation made the brain worm completely put aside its doubts.

Start mobilizing the army immediately.

Faced with the massive attack of the Zerg, the intelligent core without too many emotional fluctuations naturally could not admit defeat and dispatched a large number of troops to station at the border.

Both sides wanted to have a decisive battle.

Only the civilizations forced into the war by the intelligent machines and the Zerg were full of grief and helplessness.

The interstellar wars of normal civilizations basically started with a wave of social interference and data invasion.

Then thousands of interstellar fleets were scattered to a vast area of ​​hundreds or even thousands of light years, gradually encroaching and slowly advancing.

Sufficient reaction time.

This kind of direct decisive battle at the beginning of the game can only be afforded by intelligent machines and Zergs except for advanced civilizations!

Both sides are war perverts, only they are ordinary.

If the war cannot be ended in a short time.

Such a large-scale and long-term war is enough to drag down their own civilization!

Why did these intelligent machines and Zerg suddenly appear around their civilization?

The commander of this civilization army suddenly thought of it and couldn't help showing a puzzled look.

I remembered that the random distribution of intelligent machines and Zerg is the rule of the "universe", and it is normal to encounter them.

The commander's doubtful expression disappeared.

Then he looked forward with a serious look: "The fleet is warming up and preparing for a wave of mid-range strikes!"

In less than five minutes.

Hundreds of dazzling white light spears crossed seven or eight light years in an instant and directly hit the mechanical warships.

Thousands of mechanical warships exploded!

At the same time, the first round of attacks by the intelligent super flagship fleet arrived almost simultaneously, and suddenly bombarded the shield of the civilization war star. The shield of nearly 100,000 energy levels was visibly dimmed and a large number of cracks spread.


The disgusting overclocked sound waves suddenly exploded in the brains of civilized creatures.

The intelligent machines reacted first, and thousands of fleets jumped into the battlefield from all directions. The core light spears of the mechanical war star gathered energy one after another, and even the super flagship fleet that was originally calibrating the civilization fleet, bombarded the other direction with beyond-visual-range light spears!

The void swarm army that had just left the dark space had not yet dispersed, and was baptized by a wave of light rain.

The angry swarm was not polite, and dense void rays and bio-energy beams shot out rapidly.

The two camps completely ignored the civilized army and began to bombard each other across several light years!

The terrifying energy attack almost destroyed all the planets in this range.

At the same time, the mechanical fleet and the Zerg's large number of biological warships jumped into the subspace and rushed towards the other side's position!

At the same time.

The three major camps were also caught in the flames of war.

In the insect swarm block, hundreds of mechanical fleets arrived via jump led by a group of interstellar fortresses.

Hundreds of thousands of mechanical warships are scattered across a large number of star systems, constantly entangled with batches of biological warships, looking for opportunities to launch attacks on the various nests of the insect swarm.

The omnic block is in a similar situation.

An even larger number of insect swarms surged towards hundreds of third-level processors.

The reserved guard fleet engaged in fierce battles with the biological fleet, and hundreds of battleships were destroyed every second.

Only the civilized area did not take the initiative to attack, and 50% of the troops in the territory gathered one after another, always alert to the attacks of insect swarms and omnics.

No negotiation, no buffering.

The war involving the three major blocks broke out brazenly, led by the fearless swarm of insects and omnics!

This civilization was the only one forced to join the war.

The area with the newcomer intensity is basically about 100,000 light-years in diameter and is very rich in resources.

Therefore, for the will of the swarm of insects and omnics, high-intensity continuous war is not a burden.

It is certain that the three parties are entangled and unable to take action in a short time.

Qingyang immediately took control of the Eternal Fleet and jumped to a level 3 processor that had already marked its location.

After arriving, Chang Xi quietly invaded the data transfer library of the mechanical planet through the Taiyin port, and simultaneously received various instructions from the omnic core.

Taiyin's huge data processing capabilities take effect, calculating the current area where the omnic core is located.

The swarms are extremely adept at invading, and their goal seems to be to force out the omnic core.

In addition to the biological fleets that fought with the major guard fleets, there were tens of thousands of biological warships divided into hundreds of vanguard formations.

Wandering around the omnic territory.

With the Void Insect Swarm's mental detection technology derived from the main race, any omnic core that appears within the range of any biological warship will be directly locked.

Therefore, the places where the omnic core can hide are currently greatly reduced.

The originally carefully planned hiding trajectory was disrupted.

Coupled with the hundreds of millions of instructions sent to each processor per second, the difficulty of calculating the hidden area of ​​the omnic core is greatly reduced.


Suddenly, Chang Xi's eyes lit up.

"Commander, a command has been detected. This level three processor needs to dispatch 30,000 mechanical warships to protect the omnic core."

Qingyang immediately smiled and said, "I know, I happen to have an interesting plan."

With that said, Qingyang called up a piece of Xingwu data.

Fraud gift box!

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