Starry Sky Fleet, starting from digitization

Chapter 127 The World of Hope, the Alertness of the Four Gods of Chaos (including second creation ad

The Abyss Civilization, which was in chaos, immediately started various preparatory procedures.

In less than an hour, the new ruling class was quickly determined and began to deal with the situation in various regions.

The armies that were wandering or on expeditions outside the territory kept returning and patrolling within the territory of the Abyss Civilization.

Except for the virus that was still raging on a few planets, the cutting-edge industries that suffered serious losses, elite talents, high-end scientific research, the original high-level officials who mastered many secrets, and the main garrisons.

Other matters of the Abyss Civilization were quickly controlled, and even most of the living planets were not affected.

The strong adaptability of interstellar civilization was fully demonstrated.

"Two hours and thirty-five minutes, stabilized all the situations in the territory and began to deal with the losses. The response was good." Qingyang praised.

Looking at Chang Xi beside him: "Has the data virus been put in?"

Chang Xi nodded: "When the Abyss Civilization fell into chaos, I had already invaded the central brain of the civilization.

The mother planet was destroyed, the core research planet was destroyed, and the alarm of the invasion of the central brain did not attract attention at all. The virus has spread in their combat system."

Even if it is a flesh-and-blood technological civilization, it must follow the basic generality of technological civilization.

For example, there must be a central computer, otherwise it cannot support the real-time rule of such a huge territory, although the computer structure and style are a bit strange.

Super large twisted flesh and blood biological brain.

To be honest, the biological buildings of the void swarm are more beautiful than the abyss civilization.

The swarm warships are like cosmic monsters wearing armor, and they are even a bit handsome.


A fleet consisting of thousands of warships is sailing, and the fleet's intelligent control core suddenly flashes.


The abyss life like a brain next to it approached, and suddenly the maintenance mecha it was driving shook, and then the huge mechanical wall pierced the cabin armor.

Directly grabbed the abyss inside and pinched it in the mechanical claw.

"What's going on?? Damn! Zhi"


The yellow and red meat paste slowly flowed from the mechanical claw.

The unmanned machines in the warships paused, and then continued to act normally, quietly approaching the busy abyss life around them.

Then they started to act brazenly!

A few hours later, the warship was already full of holes and wreckage mixed with steel and flesh.

The omnics succeeded in winning.

Not only this fleet, but at least half of the warships that were mainly controlled by intelligent control were taken away by the out-of-control omnics!

Without any hesitation or strategic layout, the self-born omnics directly determined that now was the best time to attack the Abyss Civilization.

Half of the omnic fleets moved to industrial planets and resource planets.

The remaining half directly attacked the nearby Abyss habitation planets and military planets. The sudden attack caused the Abyss Civilization to be in complete chaos!

It was a far larger chaos than the destruction of important planets just now!

The newly appointed ruling class had just established a new thinking network shared consciousness group and was ready to adjust the development focus of the Abyss Civilization.

They received a large number of reports of fleet intelligence out of control!

The flames of war rose everywhere in the entire territory of the Abyss Civilization, and a large number of planets were destroyed and quelled.

The Eternal Fleet was watching from the side, with no intention of joining in.

"Provide the remaining important planets of the Abyss Civilization to the omnics, and the current locations of the senior officials." Qingyang said.

The intelligent rebellion program written by Chang Xi naturally has a backup plan.

As long as the intelligent machines collapse the Abyss Civilization, Qingyang will activate the backup plan to completely destroy all traces.

It is not difficult to collapse the Abyss Civilization, and this world will be 100% assimilated.

Arena Continent.

Gu Xing's rescue of pan-humans has also entered the final stage.

Thousands of transport ships urgently produced by the industrial planet are gathering billions of humans to the City of Hope.

As for why the City of Hope was chosen, it can only be said that Gu Xing likes this name.

The City of Hope was expanded hundreds of times by hundreds of millions of engineering machines in three days, and even the buildings are much larger and neater than before.

Enough to easily accommodate billions of human lives.

Countless supplies, including basic food and water, the industrial star can easily condense tens of billions of tons with basic particles.

War machines that are no less than engineering machines, thousands of them form a team and surround this huge City of Hope within a range of hundreds of kilometers.

Whether they are hostile units or not, all non-human races will be killed.

Ten huge Chichen battleships were suspended over the City of Hope, constantly firing at the distance.

The demons and abyss civilizations of the entire continent were within the range of the Chichen battleships.

Many humans looked up at the ten huge sacred creations in the sky, and their hearts were shocked beyond words.

[Please receive your supplies and residential area keys. If the distance is too far, please go to the mechanical maglev train point]

In one of the hundreds of huge gathering squares, a family of three wrapped in blankets also stared blankly at the warships that kept firing terrifying light cannons.

The sudden sound of the machine brought the family back to their senses.

I saw that behind a fist-sized intelligent mechanical ball, several tons of supplies were lifted by a floating plate.

Inside were ingredients that were different from the popular fungus food in this world, and vegetables and fruits that only existed in storybooks.

The little girl jumped out of her mother's arms in surprise and picked up a small skirt that was completely suitable for the little girl's body shape: "Mom and Dad, look."

Looking at the laughing daughter, the handsome man and his wife looked at each other with a gentle smile.

[Mr. Kaiyu, although you have been eliminated from the virus by military drugs, the missing arm will still affect the convenience of life as a human]

[Please go to a nearby healing center to have your arm replenished, thank you for your cooperation]

After finally speaking to the man, the mechanical ball left the way to control the floating plate and left quickly.

Kaiyu was stunned for a moment, looked at his scabbed arm, and couldn't help but smile: "Go and have a look."


In the central building of the City of Hope, Gu Xing asked relevant personnel to bring many high-level metahumans into separate conference rooms, and looked through the floor-to-ceiling windows at the endless Silver BC City below.

Sci-fi buildings that look like works of art soar thousands of meters into the sky, and countless construction machinery and patrol machines roam high in the sky.

Hover trains come and go, transporting metahumans assigned to distant areas.

After many metahumans calmed down, they gathered in groups around some areas and watched the construction machinery that was building parks and ecological gardens.

Most of the resources to build these things came from the thousands of battleships of the abyss civilization and several military star ports that were floating in the orbit of the Arena Continent a few days ago.

"The alliance docking team and technical support team have arrived, and the four battle stars and related mechanical fleet will arrive in two days." Gu Xing read the alliance email and understood.

Then he dialed Qingyang's communication: "Commander, did you see the email sent by the alliance?"

"I see, let me not integrate into the universe after I completely assimilate this world. They will first accelerate time to allow metahumans to grow."

Qingyang said while paying attention to the war within the abyss civilization.

"Chang Xi, help the omnics, seize the important semi-intelligent equipment of the abyss civilization, change it into a fully intelligent program and send it over."


Stan world.

There are already nearly ten light-years of military bases, filled with active high-dimensional battle stars from powerful countries and their respective advanced models of starry sky fortresses.

The 10,000-meter conventional mechanical warships comparable to T6 cruisers number in the hundreds of millions!

Dozens of war hub shadows representing the Apocalypse type or even stronger models cover a large swath of the starry sky from a high-dimensional level.

Although the target human civilization is only around the peak of level seven, this does not mean that the armies under the four dark gods are weak.

As the embodiment of the rules of that dimensional world, there are many eight-level civilizations and corrupted civilizations of the four gods.

There is even a ninth-level civilization that is struggling to support itself under the hands of the four evil gods, and most of its territory has been swallowed up by corruption.

"No matter how you look at it, it's still amazing that a seventh-level human civilization can give birth to a pseudo-god and dozens of high-dimensional beings." The officer, who was always watching the target world through the device, marveled for the first time.

The ninth-level civilization is about to be swallowed up, but this seventh-level human civilization can actually persist to this day.

The pseudo-divine human being who was in a bad state was indispensable.

Another officer appeared next to the observation officer: "How about it? How long will it take for the star network to cover this world?"

Although due to the differences between certain macrocosmic protocols and the rules of the dimensional world, the Star Network cannot explode with too much power in the dimensional world.

It is still possible to weaken part of the authority of the divinity, and it can also quickly project troops on a large scale.

According to the observation, the space that can be used for super-speed navigation in the target world has basically been integrated into the regular dimension by the four gods.

The barriers of dark space and their territories have been weakened to the extreme, and anyone who enters will be affected.

The four dark gods are at least at the top. When the time comes, the alliance's gods and high-level star fleets will inevitably start a big melee with the enemy gods.

80% of the troops involved in this mission cannot withstand that level of aftermath.

"Baitian, this is on the premise of not disturbing the rules system of this world."

"Thanks to the restrictions of the rules, the power at the rule level is not allowed to directly come to the material dimension, otherwise this human civilization would have perished hundreds of thousands of years ago."

The officer sighed with emotion, looking back at the powerful army that was still coming in a steady stream.

The most dazzling among them are the two Operation Unity Legions in the starry sky above, like a golden galaxy!

Vaguely T3 or even T2 levels of starry sky fleet fluctuations permeate the golden galaxy.

"As expected of a full-time army dedicated to dealing with divinity."


Suddenly, four golden figures without any fluctuation appeared one after another in front of the boundless black dimension crack in the distance.

Their clothes are surprisingly similar, and their pale gold robes don't have any additional patterns on them.

Wearing a smooth golden mask with no facial features, if you look closely you can see a celestial body that resembles a river system flowing in miniature on the mask.

The only difference is probably the divine pattern representing the numbers on the forehead of the mask.

High-dimensional watcher!

He is also the branch director of the 012~015 Bright Watch Museum!

"God of war and blood, lord of trickery, god of desire, god of death and disease"

"They seem to have corrupted many other rules, powers, order, wisdom, emotions, love, life, and fun."

"These four gods are very special and deserve to be treasures of the town. I want the God of Desire!"

"Huh?? Fourteen, your humanity has completely suppressed your divinity now? So blatant."

"Fourteen, you better be"

The four Directors of the Light Watch, who to outsiders seemed to be full of divinity and transcendence, were communicating on not-so-high-end topics on the spiritual channel.

"Didn't you say that each person should choose one as a collection?"

"Yes~ I want the God of War and Blood."

"The emperor's divinity is almost overtaking his humanity now. Have you brought your things? It's best to give them to your brother as soon as you enter."


The four curators seemed to see through the cracks in front of them, which were hundreds of millions of kilometers in diameter, and completely saw the world behind them.

The world of hope.

The chaos of countless rules and high-dimensional forces twisted and swirled.

Among them, countless demons and lives corrupted by the rules roamed in the ocean of high-dimensional energy.

Suddenly, the four terrifying rules without specific shapes, the will of divinity was violently surging.

".Danger is very dangerous."

"Unknown. Peeping, the source. Is not the realm of our faith."

"I feel the same essential breath as the human emperor."


Because this is an original submission, try to avoid fan-made themes as much as possible.

Therefore, only the background framework and the overall situation are similar, not completely Warhammer

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