Starry Sky Fleet, starting from digitization

Chapter 128 The situation of the emperor, demihumans and elves

In a certain area of ​​the regular dimension, terrifying regular stars with diameters of hundreds of millions of kilometers emit endless radiance.

Dispel the boundless darkness and chaos around you.

The divine radiance illuminates the area, and the core of infinite 'human' will floats unconsciously.

It was like a child in his father's arms, unaware of the horrors outside the world.

That is the expression of the meta-human will at the rule level in countless dimensions of reality. Facing this darkness and chaos, these pure wills are as delicious as cakes.

There are countless demons and darkness trying to devour it all at every moment.

However, facing the high-dimensional rule star filled with sacred aura, Dark Chaos can only use various small actions to infect these pure wills.

Cannot infect on a large scale.

The sacred rule star, the endless flow of human prayer will, gave birth to the majestic power of high-dimensional faith.

Within the high-dimensional stars, the incomparably great will set off a wave of waves, and the divine emperor who was already in endless human prayers was about to be unable to suppress it.

A trace of human will was restored again.

"Life turns into death. Wisdom turns into conspiracy. Love turns into desire. If I am completely overwhelmed by divinity, how much darkness will be born."

"Ah, there are human beings outside the endless universe."

"still have a chance"

The great will gradually fell silent, and countless divine wills of faith once again overwhelmed the emperor's humanity.

The human empire believes that extreme faith and blood sacrifice can greatly enhance the emperor's power in the regular space of the universe.

This is indeed true, but they do not know the dark divinity derived from ignorant fanaticism, irrational beliefs and cruel and painful blood sacrifices.

It is also distorting the Emperor's human will.

When the Emperor abandons his only mortal connection to humanity, a fifth dark god will be born.

The Emperor's Seat is not only a guide, it is also the Emperor's ultimate anchor to maintain humanity.

Pan-human territory, imperial sect.

Countless fanatical believers seemed to feel the waves of the emperor's will, and began to whip their own whips even more excitedly.

Blood was splattered and scarred, but their faces were full of fanaticism and madness. They wanted to prove the piety of their beliefs.

Hope beyond the big world.

The four high-dimensional watchers frowned, and Fifteen said directly: "It seems that this time, we need to clean up a lot of heretics who have lost their human will."

"The average will and spirit of the target human civilization are very superior, but they seem to be concentrated on the middle and lower classes and the emperor. At least a quarter of the upper class and elite population need to be cleaned up."

"In a world defined by dark rules, there is no surprise."

"The emperor can still last for decades. He has plenty of time. He will start when the Legion and Star Network are ready."

"Leave the god of desire to me." Fourteen voices were ethereal and flat.


Abyss dimension world.

The Eternal Truth Fleet appeared over the Arena Continent.

Several Alliance battle stars and hundreds of thousands of mechanical battleships have arrived and are increasing construction on the continent below.

More magnificent buildings are rising from the ground, as well as various devices and psychic flora that can subtly modify the genetic strength of metahumans.

"As expected, this pan-human civilization will basically stay here until it reaches level four civilization." Gu Xing appeared in the control room and said.

Qingyang nodded: "Thank you for your hard work."

"What you're supposed to do as a human being."

Gu Xing smiled and said, I have to say that this killing was very satisfying. He had not done it personally for at least several months, and his bones felt rusty.

"All the machinery produced by Industrial Star has been melted into basic particles to ensure that it can be used directly next time." Guxing reported again.

"Yes, then leave the world."

As soon as he finished speaking, the Eternal Fleet disappeared in this dimensional world.

[Calculating rewards]

[Big universe reward: spiritual threshold +5%, high-dimensional human essence progress +0.5%]

[Current high-dimensional human essence: 5.5%]

[Star Network is loading]

【Alliance Assimilation Reward.】

Qingyang quickly interrupted: "Wait a minute! If there are no purple star crystals or red or above star weapons, can all the rewards be replaced with battleship manufacturing resources?"


[Confirmation completed, assimilation + unification rewards: red star crystal × 4, red star weapon × 1, golden superpower talent crystal

Chichen Battleship Resource Pack ×100, Sunshine Resource Pack ×10, Special Amplification Battleship ×1]

Qingyang suddenly smiled, maybe this is the benefit of the meritorious fleet?

Starting to build 110 warships directly within a few inches of the mountain, Qingyang immediately looked at the special warships that appeared next to the fleet.

【Special Battleship】

[No attack ability, defense level 7w, the main effect is special battleship skills, please check after T6]

Qingyang stuffed it into the mountain.

[Xingwu: Pioneer Dark Space Core]

[Engine Xingwu needs to be added to the basic speed of the T6 fleet and cannot be viewed at the moment]


Qingyang was helpless: "You look down on T7, right?"

In the end, it seemed that only star crystals and talent crystals could be used. Qingyang finally chose to use all the star crystals on the fraud gift box.

[Fraud Gift Box (Four Stars)]

[Quality: red]

[Basic effect:.]

[Additional effects:

When constructing illusions of the same level of star battleships owned by the fleet, the maximum amount cannot exceed twice the number of ships in the original fleet.

The starship illusion has one-third the attack and defense strength of the original ship (cannot be associated with shields)

If it is not dispelled, the illusion can continue to consume star points for a long time. The illusion cannot be digitized, but it can be connected to the intelligent control program]

[Attachment: The additional effects will be weakened after reaching T6, and T5 will disappear completely]


Damn it, is this really data that a red quality star weapon can have? ?

Qingyang was shocked at first, but he didn't react until he saw the appendix.

Consuming red star weapons can use the potential of T5 in exchange for the powerful power of the low-level star fleet period.

"Even so, his ability to defraud gift boxes is outrageous." Qingyang admired.

According to the information, the fraud gift box seems to be a series of star weapons.

The lowest red quality, the highest even epic quality.

The starry sky fleet that fights in the deserted area basically has a cheat gift box to cope with the shortage of warships.

[Attention, Commander Qingyang]

[Star Sea Area - Subhumans, Magic (Psychic Technology), Level 6 Low Elf Civilization - High Dome Kingdom, is being attacked by Level 6 Omnic Civilization]

[Currently, the remaining starry sky fleets of the Guiyi Plan are undergoing several other tasks. According to the expertise of the Eternal Truth Fleet, they are specially handed over to the Eternal Truth Fleet for handling]

[Data delivery is about to begin]

Qingyang raised his head in shock: "Ah?"

Why do you feel like a social animal? Just finished a job and have to work overtime?

Or a level six omnic civilization?

[After completing the mission objective, Commander Qingyang can move around the star sea area around the Elf Territory]

Qingyang's eyes lit up. Under normal circumstances, it would take him at least three months to reach the Xinghai area.

Now it is directly teleported by the star network, which saves a lot of development time, which is not a loss, not to mention that there will definitely be rewards for assisting allies in combat.

He hurriedly put the golden power awakening crystal up for auction on the Star Network, and bought a large number of powerful disposable weapons to make sure nothing was missed.

Qingyang then said: "I'm ready!"

[Coordinates confirmed, delivery begins]

Countless data particles flashed by, and in just two seconds, the scenery around the Eternal Fleet changed.

The stars are much sparser, but the colors and layout are obviously more chaotic, and the faint and absent high-dimensional aura and spiritual energy are permeated.

Star sea area!

Even the alliance's real territory only occupies less than 3% of the Star Sea area, which contains countless ruins, civilized tombs, treasure places, and various dangerous environmental areas in the universe.

There are also countless civilizations of various sizes, large and small.

The largest and most prosperous area in the universe.

Qingyang looked around and then looked at the star map.

Star Network has detailed star maps of 99.99% of the Star Sea area, and Star Fleet can be downloaded for free.

Just near the battlefield between the Sky Kingdom and the Omnic Civilization?

After adjusting his black-on-gold-patterned tunic, Qingyang held the unicorn walking stick with a serious expression.

"Target ally battlefield, sail into dark space!"


In the vast and empty civilized battlefield area, only a few thousand rocky planets have been completely destroyed by the aftermath of the war.

Except for the still burning stars, not even a single complete planet is visible.

Tens of millions of mechanical battleships, led by thousands of mechanical fortresses and more than a hundred mechanical battle stars, formed more than a thousand fleets and launched attacks on the High Sky Kingdom from all directions.

The starry sky battlefront was stretched to thousands of light-years by the omnic army, putting the Kingdom of High Sky with a small population at a complete disadvantage.

The border areas are constantly being encroached upon.

In the core battlefield, millions of mechanical ships are fighting against the army of the Kingdom of Gaoqiong.

The beautiful shuttle battleship, which looks like a gorgeous crystal product, is retreating steadily in the face of the simple but destructive mechanical ship.

The terrifying flames of war spread all around for several days!

Every second there are countless blasts of rays and beams, echoing in the starry sky.

High Dome Elf Command Room.

Dozens of elves who look like humans, are as beautiful as the citizens of the Alliance countries, and have pointy ears are hurriedly issuing various combat orders.

Except for the ears, the memes and basic genes are actually somewhat different from those of Alliance humans, even if the core of the pupils is an emerald green regular pentagon.

In addition, the core will is slightly different, so it is judged as a subhuman by the alliance.

"Higher civilization has sent a T7 gold medal fleet to take charge of this matter." The elf general at the front said calmly.

The elf officer who knew some matters about the Star Fleet was a little worried: "The T7 gold medal should only be able to deal with the fifth-level omnic civilization, right?"

"Don't worry, Shang Wenming has always done things safely. Since the T7 gold medal fleet is dispatched, it proves that this fleet can solve this problem with a high probability."

The elf general was not too worried.

After all, their backer is the Star Sea Human Alliance. Except for some war mad civilizations and omnics, basically no civilization will attack them at will.

Even if you are forced to start a war, you can still seek support if you are unable to compete.

[Military command headquarters has detected that the target omnic fleet is gathering and heading towards the command planet]

[Initial interception has failed]

The elf general's green eyes shrank.

"Assemble the garrison fleet and intercept the enemy twenty light years away from the command planet!"

The second update is expected at 11 o'clock. We are still working hard to add more chapters. Maybe...maybe it can be posted?

I was under a lot of pressure. I was stuck writing for a few hours at noon.

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