Starry Sky Fleet, starting from digitization

Chapter 129 Bounty mission, deep into the territory of omnics

Along the route of the mechanical fleet, dozens of garrison fleets entered the scene one after another, and hundreds of thousands of huge warships looked like small luminous fish.

They gathered densely in the starry sky and were ready.

As the space fluctuated and flickered across a large area, the mechanical fleet that was jumping in space was forced out by the jamming device intercepted here.

Millions of mechanical steel battleships emerged from their transition state one after another in the nearby starry sky, spreading all over the surrounding sky.

The powerful energy level fluctuations made everyone in the Elf Fleet quite nervous.

Because of its sparse population, the warships of the High Sky Kingdom are designed to be elite ships with powerful single-target damage capabilities.

Moreover, the fleet does not require multi-person control. In addition to on-board defense and a certain landing force, only a few hundred professionally trained brainwave pilots are needed to control thousands of warships.

[After the determination is completed, the enemy intercepts the unit and begins to attack]

The omnic army and the elven garrison fleet burst out with all their firepower at the same time. The dense beams spanned the space and bombarded each other's fleets and fortress buildings.

"Follow the maintenance ship! Don't interrupt the remote maintenance beam!" the elf general shouted.

The elf ships are made of special materials. In order to ensure that losses are minimized, a remote warship repair beam technology was purchased from the alliance.

Belongs to a seventh-level energy technology.

It is precisely with the blessing of this kind of technology that the High Sky Kingdom can contend with an omnic army that is more than ten times its own for several years.

If it weren't for the omnic core of the hostile omnic, which has extremely powerful computing power far beyond what a level six omnic should have, and the army is snowballing in size, the High Dome Kingdom might be able to solve it without asking for help.


The elf warship's light spear passed across it and easily shattered the repulsive warship's shield armor.

However, this is not a loss at all to the mechanical fleet. After destroying one ship, more mechanical warships rushed forward.

The beams of light roared towards the gorgeous elven battleships.

The honeycomb shield with psychic patterns flashed, resisting the majestic attack.

Layers of psychic circuit arrays appeared on the front of the elf warship, and a large number of beams and light spears shot out from it.

But anyone with a discerning eye can see that even if the elf warships perform bravely, the overall situation is still at a disadvantage!

dark space.

The energy level of the Eternal Fleet, which is approaching the battlefield, is booming.

Qingyang's mental power was connected to the star map and detection matrix, and he quickly swept through the omnic army on the battlefield.

"Eh? It's far beyond the normal level six and slightly lower than the computing power of the seven-level omnic core," Qingyang said in surprise.

[Bounty Mission: Space Crystal Core]

[Description: There is a space crystal core at the core of the omnic territory, which contains a small amount of underlying space rule structure. Please capture it and hand it over to the Star of Truth]

[Reward: Broken Star Map × 1, Truth Points × 1500, Chance to Enter the Hall of Truth × 1 (T6 is recommended to enter), Designated Truth Knowledge × 1 (cannot exceed the expected value)]


Qingyang, who was just about to attack, felt something in his heart. Is the Broken Star Atlas complete?

He didn't know what the other rewards were for the moment, so Qingyang didn't think too much and made plans in his mind.

Different from the serious battlefield where moral bottom lines need to be adhered to in competitions, Qingyang can directly lock the detailed coordinates of the omnic core through the Star of Truth.

It just so happened that the fraud gift box had a major upgrade.

The most efficient way to kill an omnic civilization is always to blow up the omnic core!

Their eyes met Chang Xi's, and both of them saw each other's thoughts.

"Let's solve the current predicament for our beautiful allies first." Qingyang said directly.

"Xiao Xue."

He's going to start adding victory weight.

Gu Xue nodded, and spiritual energy fluctuations appeared all over his body.

Then gently open your pink lips.

The Law of Killing!

The energy level of the Eternal Truth Fleet suddenly surged, and then it jumped out of the dark space navigation state.

Nearly seven hundred battleships exuding powerful energy levels appeared in the middle of the battlefield in an instant. They withstood a wave of mechanical battleship fire and were safe and sound!

The sudden scene made the elf generals startled at the same time, and then they looked happy.

Alliance Star Fleet!

His eyes swept over a dozen huge battle stars among the millions of mechanical battleships. The battle star cannons, which were enough to crush dozens of ordinary planets at the same time, quickly calibrated the Eternal Fleet.

The firepower of the 80,000 to 90,000-level gun is not far behind that of Yuan Sha's main gun!

The center of the mechanical army has a mechanical fortress with a diameter of 200,000 kilometers, and the core fortress cannon even reaches an energy level index of 100,000!

A ‘standard’ star destroyer cannon capable of destroying stars with a diameter of one million kilometers!

Qingyang narrowed his eyes: "Gu Xing!"

"Understood! Fleet! Lock down enemy battle stars and fortresses! All firepower!"

Following Gu Xing's order, more than a dozen naval guns of the Eternal Fleet suddenly erupted with energy level fluctuations far exceeding what they should have!

Energy level fluctuations that are enough to annihilate stars millions of kilometers away!

The power of any of them is no less than that of the core flagship battle star main gun of a sixth-level civilization!

[Trigger Corruption Spear Strike]


Among the tens of thousands of bright beams and light spears, the eighteen most eye-catching thick light spears tore through the space and focused on the target across several light beams in an instant.

The terrifying battle star shield and fortress shield rise and collide with the spear of corruption!

The ultimate dazzling light bloomed in all directions, the powerful energy level conflict was like a star exploding, and the planets that were relatively close to several mechanical war stars collapsed in large areas.

More than a dozen mechanical war stars were destroyed first, and the terrifying corrupted light spears carried wisps of high-dimensional power, erupting with damage far exceeding the normal 100,000 index level!

The attack stopped after penetrating the battle star and annihilating all the mechanical fleets in a straight line along the way.

In about fifteen seconds, the shield of the Mechanical Starry Sky Fortress suddenly broke, and the armor underneath was useless.

More than ten light spear strikes with a hundred thousand index level fully meet the high-end firepower standards of the T6 Silver Fleet, and in some aspects are even stronger.

The energy storm formed by the exploding battle stars and the fortress even swept away a large number of surrounding battleships and shattered them into pieces.

The sudden blow caused the mechanical fleet to freeze for a moment, and then rushed towards the Eternal Fleet crazily.

[Taiyin Xingwu is activated and a temporary data network is being constructed]

[Tao mechanical node detected, selecting for invasion]

The golden light brain star weapon has data enhancement far beyond the previous star weapon. Coupled with the surge in Qingyang's mental power, the fleet size has expanded.

The upper limit of the number of mechanical warships controlled has been increased several times. If it were not for Qingyang's mental threshold limit, Chang Xi could even control millions of mechanical warships at once.

After all, data life and golden light brain star weapons are normally the configuration of a starry sky fleet above T5.

The large number of mechanical warships that were continuously firing their guns paused for a moment, and 200,000 of them immediately turned their guns.

The sneak attack from behind caused a large number of hostile mechanical ships to explode. Then Qingyang did not control the mechanical ships to continue the attack, and simply launched an overload suicide charge.

At the moment of the explosion, more than 100,000 mechanical warships were controlled again!

The second round of overload self-destruction took place quickly, and in just two hours, the million mechanical battleships were knocked to pieces.

The terrifying comprehensive warfare capabilities of the Starry Sky Fleet were fully reflected in a T7 fleet at this moment.

After drinking a bottle of psychoactive potion, Qingyang rubbed his slightly swollen temples.

"How is it? Did you check the enemy's information when you controlled the mechanical ship?" Qingyang controlled the fleet to launch an attack on the last tens of thousands of mechanical ships.

Chang Xi nodded: "There are about 20,000 mechanical fleets in total, each with about 10,000 mechanical battleships and five mechanical fortresses, 830 mechanical battle stars, and 22 fortresses.

It is completely beyond the control capabilities of the sixth-level peak omnic civilization. "

There is actually no upper limit to the control of omnics, but the will data of the sixth-level omnic core cannot be the same as ordinary data, and it can be expanded by adding hardware equipment at will.

After all, there is an upper limit on the number of mechanical units that can be directly controlled. Units that exceed the limit can only be controlled by ordinary mechanical intelligent programs.

It is very easy to be restrained by the enemy using data interference methods.

Therefore, there are very few omnic cores that can unleash unlimited troops, otherwise it would be ridiculous if the army that explodes is controlled by others on a large scale.

The sixth-level pinnacle omnipotent core controls mechanical warships under the sixth-level technological framework. Normally, it only has about half of the data detected by Chang Xi.

Could it be related to the space crystal core?

[Thank you very much for the support of the Alliance Star Fleet. Please go to the command planet and let us hold one for you. 】

Qingyang directly refused: "It's not necessary now. Besides, how long can you hold on with the current overall situation?"

[Well, I expect it to last about two years]

"With enough time, we will go directly to the omnic territory. If the mechanical fleet is stuck during this period, please stay away quickly."

"When the war is over, I will appreciate your country's scenery and culture."

After Qingyang said politely, the Eternal Fleet once again jumped into the dark space basin and headed towards the omnic territory.

Only the high-vault elf who was still in a daze was left.

Qingyang is very interested in the scenery and cultural heritage of different civilizations. After all, this is one of his expedition goals, but now is obviously not the time.

"The Star of Truth marks the coordinates of the omnic core and the space crystal core."

[20 truth points are consumed, the mark is completed, and it is displayed on the star map]

Qingyang glanced at the star map, and sure enough, the coordinates of the omnic core and the space crystal core were the same.

The Eternal Truth Fleet speeds out.

"It is expected to arrive at the target area in fifteen minutes. Enter stealth mode, Zi Lan, activate divine stealth."

Wang Zilan took the order and said: "Yes! Commander!"

The fluctuations emitted by the Eternal Fleet due to its high-speed sailing were completely eliminated.

Qingyang's peripheral vision suddenly saw Tian Ling who seemed to be sleeping on the sofa. The latter's delicate little face seemed a little uncomfortable and her eyelashes trembled slightly.

After hesitating for a moment, Qingyang asked again: "Star of Truth, what's going on with Tian Ling?"

[The body is repairing itself, the progress has reached 50%, and the original function of the body is being restarted]

"Is there any danger? Like the divinity behind it."

[The divinity is vast and majestic, even a powerful organism created by relying on the weak power of the divinity cannot attract excessive attention from the divinity]

[As long as she does not release divine information on her own, it is estimated that there is a 98.55% chance that Tian Ling will not be noticed]

The ethereal mechanical sound of the Star of Truth is extremely stable.

Qingyang's eyes suddenly lit up: "Can you eliminate the hidden dangers in Tianling?"

[Twenty thousand truth points]

"." Qingyang was speechless.

[Truth points are not virtual values, they have actual utility. The Star of Truth can only interfere with reality by burning truth points]

In other words, as long as it is a function that consumes truth points, most Qingyang is using it at cost price.

"That's it." Qingyang suddenly understood, and then he felt slightly relaxed.

As long as Tian Ling's situation is not too serious, she will be able to solve this matter sooner or later when she becomes stronger.

Chang Xi's voice suddenly came: "Commander, the coordinate display area is ahead."

Qingyang immediately came back to his senses and looked at the virtual screen.

I saw a swirling energy mass advancing at high speed. Around the huge energy vortex, there were millions of mechanical battleships and dozens of battle stars surrounding it.

Five mechanical fortresses with a diameter of 200,000 to 300,000 kilometers exude a terrifying brilliance.

Different from the league world hidden mode, this omnic core chooses to defend the home with force.

"Just what I wanted!" Qingyang smiled.

On the delivery platform, several anti-matter bombs with a diameter of one meter were activated one after another, and the 2tetrahedral alloy shells simultaneously lit up with scarlet light.

Today's daily 10,000 - daily 10,000 × 1 (it takes six times to pay off the arrears, woo woo woo)

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