Starry Sky Fleet, starting from digitization

Chapter 130: The starry sky fleet has different focuses, and outstanding entries lead the way! !

Qingyang quickly determined the exact location of the omnic core, several anti-matter bombs capable of instantly destroying all conventional matter within tens of millions of kilometers.

It was quietly delivered to several mechanical fortresses and a large number of mechanical battleship gathering areas.

The Eternal Fleet quietly passed through groups of mechanical fleets and arrived at the center of the energy vortex cloud.

Looking at the high-precision planet processor, the corners of Qingyang's mouth curled up slightly.

Will data cannot be transferred to the processor instantly like normal data. Even if the level 6 omnic core wants to transfer data, it will take at least two minutes.

[Target processor shield index determined - 130,000]

Qingyang narrowed his eyes. With a shield index of this level, the Eternal Fleet could not break through even the concentrated fire in a short period of time.

Unfortunately, I never fight alone.

"Throw out both force field bombs!" Qingyang said coldly.

An anti-matter bomb with a diameter of one meter and a force field bomb cost two to three hundred thousand star points.

It's enough to instantly tear apart all the shields under the 200,000 energy level index!

After all the bombs were delivered, the Eternal Truth Fleet simply stopped hiding and the fleet gradually emerged.

The omnic core started data transfer as soon as the Eternal Fleet appeared, and the mechanical battle star and the main weapon of the fortress were simultaneously calibrated.

Qingyang ignored the warning from the star map and showed a smile: "No matter how many times, the large-scale fireworks in the universe never get tired of them."


The sound generated by the overfrequency energy passed through countless energy particles and buzzed in everyone's minds at the same time.

Because of the filtering of shields and armor, the overclocking sound did not cause any discomfort to everyone.

Omnics, however, were not so lucky.

Incomparably bright brilliance filled the air, and pitch-black balls of light were rising all around like stars.

All mechanical battleships within millions of kilometers, including battle stars and fortresses, are completely transformed into elementary particles!

The omnic core processor was torn apart by a force field that was comparable to a neutron star in an instant, without causing any splash.

As the antimatter ball of light dissipated, the core of the force field gradually calmed down.

The entire energy vortex cloud was completely disrupted, with dazzling energy fragments everywhere.

Chang Xi smiled and said: "The moment the core processor shield was torn apart, the self-destruct command was successfully issued."

Under normal circumstances, even if the omnic core dies, the mechanical fleet will enter the mission according to the last combat order.

There is even a small chance that new omnic programs will be born, so it is safer to self-destruct them all.

Tai-1 sailed into the area where the central processor was originally located, and the dazzling energy group around it completely dissipated, leaving only a dark void in the universe.

There is only a small transparent crystal with a diameter of ten centimeters, exuding special waves.

Space crystal core!

"Eh? It's not an energy source?" Qingyang said in surprise.

There was no response from the talent, I thought it was an energy source.

[To be precise, it is a regular polymer. Currently, collaborators cannot fuse it, but the remaining crystal cores can construct a star weapon through the alliance]

Star of Truth explained while taking away half of the crystal core.

Star of Truth only needs enough samples to analyze the rule structure.

Qingyang accepted the other half of the space crystal core, and then looked at the reward of the Star of Truth.

The truth points will be useful later. There is no T6 yet when entering the palace. It is better to follow the advice of the Star of Truth in this regard.

Only the knowledge of truth and the mysterious star map remain!

"Specify it within a reasonable value range? Can the T6 Star Destroyer or mothership motherboard drawings be used?" Qingyang joked.

[Please select whether it is a Star Destroyer or a Mothership]

Star of Truth said calmly.

"You can really choose?" Qingyang was happy at first, but then he was in trouble.

If you only have to choose one, then it’s really hard to choose the Star Destroyer and Mothership that are both newly added to T6.

Star Destroyers have extremely powerful firepower, and Star Destroyers can easily wipe out a star!

Simple and crude!

The starry sky carrier is an important battleship for the starry sky fleet to challenge civilization head-on.

Having the ability to produce digitalized mechanical battleships and individual soldiers would also allow Chang Xi to unleash his abilities to a greater extent.

Some of the powerful models of T6 mechanical ships are not even weaker than T6 mid-range cruisers, and there are not many restrictions on their production. Conventional resources and materials are enough.

In terms of quantity, a starship carrier can completely control 100,000 data mechanical ships and hundreds of millions of war machines!

The most important thing is that these mechanical ships can use the mothership to build a joint shield that is independent of the Eternal Fleet, and enjoy the blessings of Star Adjutant, Star Martial, and Commander talents!

The only drawback is that the mothership cannot be associated with the Eternal Fleet shield, and the cost is dozens of times higher than that of a Star Destroyer of the same grade!

Even so, one hundred thousand T6 mechanical ships and a top mothership are still enough to support a joint shield of two to three hundred thousand index level!

Extreme firepower or comprehensive warfare capabilities that can adapt to various situations?

Although there is no master blueprint to buy a normal starship, Qingyang is deeply aware of the power of the master blueprint.

The attribute data of the Chichen ship, not counting various blessings, can one-on-one with normal top-level battleships of the same level!

In the end, Qingyang gritted his teeth: "I choose Star Destroyer!"

Compared to starships that tend to engage in large-scale wars, Qingyang still prefers highly maneuverable star destroyers.

At that time, only a few starship carriers will be purchased to deal with emergencies.

Starting from T6, the Star Fleet has slowly divided into fleets with different tendencies.

Generally speaking, they are divided into two categories, special fleets and legion fleets.

Star weapons and recruitment of starry adjutants will also be arranged according to two different emphases.

There are many specific subdivisions to focus on. Usually the fleet will choose four or five subdivisions to focus on simultaneous development.

As for choosing both, unless you are truly a once-in-a-billion-year super genius, you will end up being mediocre among fleets of the same level.

Starting from the advanced fleet, star weapons will basically start in gold, and most of these star weapons are uniquely born or created by rules.

It cannot be mass-produced, and the acquisition rate is just there.

Furthermore, star weapons also need to load the commander's mental threshold. The star weapons loaded by geniuses of the same level are messy, and there is a high probability that they will not be able to compare with geniuses who specialize in star weapon suits.

There is no end to the starry sky commander's journey so far. The progress rate of genius + specialization is 99.99% faster than that of hybrid.

Of course, the divisions here are only the alliance’s own perception.

For most hostile civilizations, the special star fleet is an all-round enemy that can fully cope with frontal wars and beheadings.

The Legion Star Fleet can still kill through the battle line with a small number of elite battleships.

"Then let's go all the way to the dark side, add new warships later, and use resources as much as possible to focus on single warships!" Qingyang decided.

[Congratulations to the collaborators for completing the achievement reward]

[Clear goals (determine the main development direction)]

[Activate Specialization Entries—Be Good at Fighting at the Front]

【Fight well at the front (Special)】

[Basic effect: weapon attack efficiency +100%, optimal range radius +100%, weapon activation spark point consumption -75%]

[Additional effects: Over-the-horizon light spear strike interval -75%, attack duration +100% (strafe)]

[Attachment: Basic and additional effects, the effective range includes but is not limited to other entries, skills, and beyond-visual-range strikes brought by star weapons]

Damn it?

Qingyang couldn't help but swear every time he read the entry. He couldn't help it.

What kind of horror words are these?

The fleet's firepower intensity and attack radius have doubled! ?

This is the radius! Not the range!

The additional effect is equally terrifying. The Yaori aircraft carrier's light lance strike interval takes one minute, not to store energy, but to wait for the digitized equipment to return to its initial state.

Reducing three-quarters of the time, Light Spear Gatling is no longer a dream.

The most important ones are the Xingxingwu, Yuansha main guns, and Yanwu main guns, all of which are beyond visual range strikes.

Also within the bonus range of the two effects.

If being good at fighting is a talent, at least of purple-gold quality, the later the stage, the more outrageous the blessing it brings to the starry sky fleet.

Specialized in terms, well-deserved!

Qingyang smacked his lips: "I don't know what level of normal entry this is."

[Confirmation completed, congratulations to the collaborators for obtaining the master blueprint—Destroyer Star Destroyer (T6)]

[For specific data, please create a physical ship and digitize it to view it]

Qingyang was in a good mood after accepting the card-like drawings.

I didn’t expect to encounter such good things this time. Praise the truth! Praise the ancient star!

By the way, I would like to praise myself for being a good judge of people!

"Get ready to return and visit the Kingdom of Gaoqiong."

After simply cleaning up the battlefield and converting a large amount of debris into basic particle storage, Qingyang ordered to leave.

Qingyang was very curious about the standard elf that he had only imagined in his previous life.

Although the appearance and temperament of the humans in the Alliance surpass the so-called elves, this is their feelings!

But Gu Xue suddenly came up to him, his bright eyes blinking: "Brother Qingyang is very interested in elves?"

Qingyang Hun didn't care: "Yes, their ears and slender body structure are very interesting."

As he spoke, a book of physical records materialized, and as Qingyang opened it, it was clear that there were photos and detailed information on the civilizations that Qingyang had seen or destroyed.

Even the general shape of the territory and architectural style are recorded.

The front side is full of friendly or meta-human civilizations, and the back side of the page is information about various hostile civilizations.

UED Council Civilization, Stan Civilization, Luo Star Civilization, Tia Federation, Arena Human Civilization.

[006·High Sky Kingdom]

[Type: Subhuman]

[Atlas and introduction: The information on explorer practice is incomplete, waiting to be supplemented]

This is an explorer's notebook that Qingyang purchased from the very beginning. After several technical upgrades, it can now even record information involving divinity.

Thinking of this, Qingyang turned it to the special page at the front.

[Whale Whale]


[Physical description:.]

Qingyang was filled with emotion as he looked at the divine whale in the photo with its divine brilliance and its body as majestic as a galaxy.

The first sight or deed that catches the mind of an explorer is often the one that leaves the most profound impression.

The divine whale was the first miracle he encountered.

"I hope I can meet Him again one day." Being able to move freely in the dark space of the alliance territory must be an ally.

Gu Xue stared at Qingyang's serious profile from the side, a little dazed.

Chang Xi saw this scene from the side and smiled, his eyes always as gentle as water.


Closing the explorer's notebook, Qingyang digitized it and stored it in Starnet's personal space.

Then he took out a card and played with it for a while.

The Star Chart Carrier Card given by the Star of Truth can teleport the set unit just by crushing it.

Qingyang felt that it was too wasteful to use it like this. It would be great if he could go there by himself.

"Chang Xi, there is a star map data here, check where it is."

In the third update, the leader of the alliance will add another chapter. Wait for me to take it easy and have a meal.

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