Starry Sky Fleet, starting from digitization

Chapter 131 Traveling in the sky, Lacris Tina joins the gang

A large number of data characters flashed in Chang Xi's dark silver eyes.

Countless information was quickly filtered by Chang Xi, coupled with the unfathomable scanning capabilities of the local star network itself.

In the end - no matching area was found.


Qingyang was quite surprised that the Alliance had a rough star map trajectory even for the Lansbut Nebula, which had not been explored for more than an era.

Even using data calculations, the Rasbutt star map can still maintain an accuracy of 98% for more than an era.

Now there are no traces of similar star maps at all?

Could it be more than hundreds of thousands of stars away?

Qingyang touched his chin. Sure enough, there was a reason why the Star of Truth gave a card with the teleportation function.

"Forget it if you don't find it. I have other ways to get there." Qingyang stopped Chang Xi who was planning to review it again.

"It's not your problem. This place seems to be more than just distance. Although it is indeed in the big universe."

Qingyang smiled and pulled Chang Xi, who had a slightly tangled expression.

Chang Xi's expression is rare.

Hearing Qingyang's comfort, Chang Xi put away her small expression and showed her usual sweet smile: "Okay."

[About to arrive at the territory of Gaoqiong Kingdom]

As the Eternal Fleet passed quickly, more and more mechanical battleship wreckage appeared around it. Qingyang simply released the industrial machinery planet to collect the surrounding resources.

Military metals can be converted into many more elementary particles than ordinary resources.

Thousands of engineering ships appeared along with the industrial planet, and the huge energy level fluctuations immediately aroused the vigilance of the High Sky Kingdom.

Only relaxed after discovering that it was the Eternal Fleet.

Alliance Star Fleet!

The realm of high heaven.

The home planet of the High Sky Elves is an ecologically prosperous city full of giant fantasy plants.

A complex of retro and beautiful buildings unique to the magical and spiritual civilization, mixed in the boundless forest, with groups of cute animals walking freely between the city and the forest.

Although it is not as good as the Alliance, which is directly rooted in the subspace and is comparable to the huge vegetation settlements like stars, it is still particularly beautiful.

Especially when paired with the elf with pointy ears, waist-length blond hair and a slender figure, the atmosphere is immediately filled.

Elegant and beautiful palaces are built around the largest spiritual ancient tree on the Gaoqiong planet.

"Your Highness Shar, distinguished guests from the Alliance are about to arrive, and Her Majesty the Queen is urging them." The elf maid knocked on the door outside a certain room.

A crisp and hurried voice came from inside: "It'll be ready soon!"

The suzerain kingdom of the High Sky Kingdom since ancient times, the strongest Star Sea Human Alliance in the Star Sea, and the most widely spread legendary deeds in the Star Sea are basically done by the humans of the alliance.

The most important thing is that the Alliance has not appeared in the High Sky Kingdom for thousands of years. As a senior elf who grew up listening to countless legends about the Alliance.

Not to mention the princess, even the newly appointed queen has never seen her.

Only the pheromones attached to the ancient psychic trees that some kingdom elders and the High Dome Civilization depend on for their livelihoods have records of the Alliance ever visiting.

What's more, the fleet from the alliance this time, with less than a thousand battleships, actually strangled the core of the powerful omnic civilization.

And the beheading was completed in just three days.

The commander was even rumored to be less than a hundred years old, which was simply unbelievable.

The door opened quickly, and the innocent-looking and lovely elf princess shook her long hair hanging down her thighs: "Help me fix my hair."


Not only the elf princess, but also many elves who heard the news came from various places, preparing to watch and pay homage to the powerful visitor from the sovereign country.

A large number of private ships gathered around the target system.

royal palace.

The dignified and elegant Elf Queen confirmed that her appearance was normal and looked seriously at the Elf Minister beside her: "Elder Goya, you have seen the Alliance envoy three times. Is there anything that needs attention?"

Elder Goya shook his head: "The alliance envoys I have seen are all officials who hand over the situation of civilization. This time, the young talents of the alliance came, and they only came to accept the support mission.

Traveling to our country is just a spur of the moment, no need to be nervous.

According to my memory and the previous live broadcasts of the Alliance Youth League, the talents of the Alliance have very good personalities, or in other words, as long as they are the elite of the Alliance, their personalities are impeccable. "

Of course, this is from the perspective of subhumans, metahumans, and a few allied civilizations.

He is courteous, his thoughts are stable and pure, he is knowledgeable and magnanimous, and his EQ and IQ are top-notch.

But from the perspective of a hostile civilization, it is a god of killing.

Anyone who does not have a hostile civilization and billions of lives under his command is not worthy of being called a genius.

No need to be nervous, it’s easy to say

The Elf Queen smiled helplessly. She was the new queen and had not seen the alliance's diplomatic envoys yet.

In other words, when meeting this genius this time, her image will probably give the alliance genius a general impression of the High Sky Kingdom.

If the performance is poor, it may be more serious than anything that happened during the diplomatic period.

The status of the alliance's genius far exceeds that of ordinary diplomatic envoys.

In the next ten minutes, Shar and more than a dozen senior officials arrived one after another and gathered in the palace hall to wait.

Suddenly, the Elf Foreign Minister received news.

"Your Majesty the Queen, the distinguished guests have arrived at the star port. They are expected to arrive at the palace in one hour. Please return."

Before the minister could finish speaking, Qingyang's group of figures appeared in front of the palace gate with a burst of particles.

Except for Tian Ling and Gu Xing, everyone else, including Beier Ya, came together, and the other crew members took a few days off to play on Gao Qingxing.

Qingyang still has great trust in the moral standards of the population of the major alliance countries.

"We very much welcome Mr. Qing to Gao Qiong Kingdom. I am the current Queen of Gao Qiong, Yajitul Lian Erna."

In fact, her full name has tens of thousands of words, but it certainly cannot be used to introduce herself.

Qingyang nodded and showed a standard business smile: "Her Majesty the Queen, it is an honor to meet you."

Only then did Lian Erna have time to look at Qingyang without leaving any trace.

In addition to the expected nobility and coercion from similar superior beings, the temperament and appearance are also extremely eye-catching.

A black tunic with a dragon pattern, four rings that exude a faint light and give people a sense of oppression from the soul, and a mysterious animal-headed cane that is more than one meter long.

The image is very temperamental.

Li Erna and Shar, who secretly read some alliance biographies, secretly admired them.

The powerful mental threshold captured Sharna's cheerful and lively mood swings, and Qingyang smiled in his heart. It seemed that this queen had not yet restrained her personality as a princess.

Because the alliance takes care of everything, the high-level descendants and citizens of subhuman civilization are not so worried about their character, and there is no need to worry about dangers coming at any time that will destroy the country.

Civilized princesses of the basic kingdom and empire type tend to be carefree and innocent in character.

Of course, it may also be cultivated intentionally, as most people in the alliance have this character.

Among them was the former Qingyang, who had not been exposed to much military news when he was a child, and he naively thought that the sea of ​​​​stars was a forest of light.

When I grew up, I realized that it was just a powerful deterrent from the Alliance Army.

"The natural beauty of Gao Qiong Kingdom is very good, not inferior to the elite kingdom in the alliance that focuses on ecology." Qingyang praised truthfully.

Hearing this, the mood of the surrounding elves' senior officials became even better.

After chatting for about an hour, Qingyang rejected the minister's banquet suggestion.

"I came here just to relax and collect scenic photos of the Kingdom of Gaoqiong to record in my adventure notes."

"I am an expedition commander." Qingyang looked hesitant.

Then he asked Lian Erna and Shar, who were no longer so restrained under the guidance of his words.

"I wonder if I could take a photo of the Queen and you all and include it in the expedition notes?"

There is no other meaning. The ruler's photo column requires it, and Qingyang only asks as an ally and civilized person.

Lian Erna and other senior officials were startled, then readily agreed.

The future achievements of a powerful commander like Qingyang are definitely not something that a sixth-level civilization can predict.

The notes left by an expedition commander of this level are no less than famous throughout the ages.

Not surprisingly, they will even be the most famous elves in the High Sky Kingdom in the Alliance!

After all, what explorer would not publish his explorer's notes?

Looking at the photo of special material in his hand and the dozen or so beautiful elves on it, Qingyang took notes with satisfaction.

He has already obtained photos of several other high-level buildings including the UED civilization.

"Then please let me be Master Qing's guide." Shar took the initiative.

"no problem."

A few days later.

Qingyang stood on the star port platform and smiled at Shar who was reluctant to leave, "I have troubled Your Highness the past few days. I hope we can meet again one day."

After saying that, everyone disappeared directly.

Looking at the Eternal Fleet's rapidly retreating figure, Shar was a little dazed.

She remembered that as a high-level descendant of a subordinate civilization, she had the opportunity to study abroad in a large country in the alliance, and she only needed to pass some talent test.

Taiyi control room.

After sorting out the explorer's notes, Qingyang looked at Tian Ling, whom he hadn't seen for a few days.

He walked over and said in a gentle tone: "Tian Ling, have you been feeling unwell lately?"

"No, I'm still a little sleepy, but the situation is much better than before."

Tian Ling replied with a calm expression, but her mental fluctuations showed that she was obviously in a good mood.

Qingyang rubbed Tian Ling's green hair: "That's good. It doesn't matter even if you don't use your ability to help me. Since I took the initiative to bring Tian Ling out, she is my family. Don't force yourself."

"Yeah." Tian Ling nodded with a soft tone.

After making sure Tianling was fine, Qingyang took out the star map card with a serious expression.

[It is recommended to reach T6 or team up with fleets (at least two) of the same level to use]


Qingyang frowned, T6?

The Eternal Fleet will be at least three months away from T6. The time interval is a bit far, so Qingyang wants to resolve the matter now.

Team up

The image of Kristina flashed in Qingyang's mind, and her Saint Sophia fleet left a deep impression on Qingyang.

It just so happens that the Saint Sophia Fleet has basically stabilized the first sequence in the past month, and it is expected that the papers will be handed in early soon.

As for the second teammate, there are so many geniuses in Kyushu, and there should be many who are at the same level as me. When the time comes, go to the Demon Sea Academy forum and ask.

Let’s ask Kristina first.

Thinking about it, Qingyang directly sent a private message to Chris Tina.

Before Qingyang could close the panel, Chris Tina responded to the message instantly.

[In a large universe, there is no alliance star map database? I'm very interested, and I'm very honored that Commander Qingyang thought of me first~]


How did she know that she was my first teammate?

Shaking his head and no longer thinking about it, Qingyang sent a gathering coordinate to a base located in the border war zone.

The plan couldn't keep up with the change. He originally planned to explore the surrounding civilization environment, but he didn't expect that the mysterious star map was actually collected.

Then Qingyang said directly: "Star Network, the mission is completed, request the data to be transmitted to the base."

[Confirm that the task is completed and is being delivered, whether to convert the reward into a warship manufacturing resource package]

So thoughtful.

Qingyang said: "OK."

At the same time, the Eternal Truth Fleet completely disappeared from the High Sky Kingdom and had arrived at the target military base when it reappeared.

Successfully found a vacant dock.

Qingyang first sent a restricted recruitment message on various major Kyushu academy forums to start producing star battleships.

Although there are no other rewards from Star Network this time, there are hundreds of battleship resource packages.

One hundred and ten ships of Chichen and ten ships of Sun.

After an unknown amount of time, Qingyang, who had closed his eyes to relax, was awakened by two Starnet emails.

[Brother Qingyang, could you please join me in this adventure?]

[Commander Qingyang, I'm coming soon]

Chris Tina is here.

Qingyang was stunned and turned to look at another message.

Because the conditions are too restrictive, only one commander who is interested in this matter has submitted an application in the past few days.

Qingyang was very curious about this. Those conditions were the standards given by the Star of Truth. They were so stringent that he was not prepared to receive an application to join the team.

It starts from the five-ring epic, has T6 senior fleet-level firepower burst intensity, and has the group amplification skills that start from the purple gold quality.

Qingyang clicked on the application: "Let me see what data."

The leader of the alliance adds a new chapter +1!

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