Starry Sky Fleet, starting from digitization

Chapter 132 The mysterious Ji Shang, does the alliance still have an era of despair?

Qingyang glanced at the information and was stunned.

[Commander: Ji Shang]

【Age: 22】

[Talent: Honored Star (?)]

[Star Fleet (T7 Gold Medal): Purple Sky Tour]

[Core record: 133 consecutive dimensional worlds have been 100% assimilated, and the fleet battle record since awakening has been completely victorious]

【application passed--

The talent of Zunxing cannot be completely matched by any number of epic rings.

Possess an epic starry adjutant with group amplification ability

The short-term explosive power of the fleet is comparable to the silver medal T6 fleet]

Zunxing, a talent above the epic, is far from being comparable to the epic in terms of strength and versatility. It is the highest level talent in the alliance.

What does the question mark mean? Isn't it still possible to circle the fleet?

And this achievement.

Not to mention that the Star of Truth is too random, Qingyang is also confident that he can continuously assimilate 100% of the dimensional world searched for by the star point.

But isn’t it outrageous to have a complete victory record since awakening the talent?

I don’t believe that a prodigy of this level would be so cautious as to only attack enemies that are weaker than themselves. There must be many enemies whose overall strength is no weaker than this commander’s fleet!

This is the real super genius, right?

Thinking of this, Qingyang dialed Ji Shang's communication.

As the screen unfolded, a young man wearing a purple and gold shirt appeared on the screen, with black hair flying and a big smile on his handsome face.

There seemed to be a purple-gold sun burning deep in the brown pupils, which was extremely mysterious.

And for some reason, Qingyang could feel a sense of domineering and sharpness even through the screen!

Ji Shang looked at Qingyang with admiration: "You are worthy of being a speedrunner on the fifth era potential list. Not bad Qingyang, a protocol talent that starts from the epic."

"Brother Ji, you're welcome. The talent of Zunxing is not comparable to that of a mere epic." Qingyang laughed and said, Ji Shang has a very good character.

Ji Shang didn't care about this: "Just enough talent is enough, it's just a stepping stone, T3 stepping stone."

T3 stepping stone?

Does it mean that after reaching a certain level of talent after T3, there will be some changes?

"Although the commander before T5 is not different from ordinary people except for his statistical talent and mental threshold, you must always remember that the commander is the core of the fleet."

Ji Shang thought of something, reminded him, and then asked hurriedly: "That area is really not within the recording range of the Star Network, but can it be determined to be in the big universe?"

Qingyang nodded: "Yes, but I don't know exactly where it is in the universe, but I have a way to get there directly."

Qingyang didn't hide it. The universe has many methods, not to mention that the alliance can also produce things like star map cards.

"That's very good." Ji Shang seemed to be extremely interested in this kind of place.

Soon, the Saint Sophia fleet appeared at this forward base, which immediately attracted the attention of many people.

The saint from the Hanxing Federation Temple actually came to the border war zone?

A super country should have a systematic trial world and war world, right?

Qingyang also noticed that the Saint Sophia fleet appeared. It was more powerful than when they met before, and the number of star warships reached more than 900!

It happened that the warships manufactured by Qingyang had also been completed, and 810 warships quickly left the starport under the leadership of Taiyi and Zhenzhen.

It was only then that no one recognized the Eternal Fleet. The gathering of the two super-nation's proud fleets even alarmed the person in charge of the base.

After hesitating for a moment, the person in charge quietly turned on the secondary alert mode of the Starry Sky Fortress.

After all, this is not within the territory. If there are high-dimensional beings who plan to kill the genius of the super country, the loss will be great.

"Long time no see, Tina." Qingyang said with a slight smile.

Kristina's expression was as peaceful and elegant as usual: "Commander Qingyang, your progress is really impressive."

In just one month, the size of the fleet has more than doubled. You must know that Qingyang does not have the support of large forces and resources.

Of course, the main thing is the mental threshold.

Normally, commanders would limit their fleet size due to their mental threshold, but Qingyang was completely the opposite.

"Hahaha, okay, let's not talk about business, we are all geniuses." Hearty laughter sounded on the channel, and then a dazzling fleet filled with purple and gold appeared in front of everyone.

A thousand star battleships are lined up, and the star battleship models seem to be exclusive to the mother version!

Just like battleships and starry aircraft carriers made of purple gold and jade, they are filled with a strong atmosphere of Kyushu classical art, and the mysterious but angular energy circuit adds a murderous aura to them.

Ji Shang?

Qingyang curiously threw out two probes.

[Shenxiao type battleship]

[Shenxiao aircraft carrier]

Without checking the detailed data, Qingyang was full of amazement. A whole series of star battleships, and also suspected of a ring fleet?

I don’t know if the Eternal Fleet can defeat the opponent with its full strength.

"Now that we are all here, no need to be polite. Let's get to know each other during the transmission." Qingyang said with a smile.

"no problem."


After receiving the answer, Qingyang took out the star map card and activated it directly.

In an instant, the three star fleets disappeared from the spot. The person in charge of the forward base thought that the three fleets had left through the star network, and he suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

Three royal pearls appeared in the village warehouse, and the administrator was under too much pressure.

Kyushu Republic.

Among the blue clouds.

Qingyundao, who was enjoying the beautiful scenery with Yu Wenxue, suddenly noticed something, and a blue book appeared in front of him.

Then the elegant expression gradually darkened.

"What's wrong?" Yu Wenxue asked curiously. Qingyundao rarely had such obvious mood swings.

Qingyundao took a deep breath: "Qingyang went on an adventure."

Yu Wenxue was even more confused: "Isn't this normal?"

"The reincarnation of that old guy Zixiao followed!"

"Ah? I remember that Zi Xiao awakened his memory when he was three years old in this life, right?" Yu Wenxue was shocked.

"That's the kind of person he is, he likes taking risks, and his curiosity has not been extinguished for several epochs." Qingyundao seemed quite helpless.

Not only Qingyundao, but also many people in the alliance received the news and were immediately happy.

"Hahaha! Okay! Zixiao and Weilan's sons are brothers!"

"By the way, who loses?"

"Hahahaha, I haven't had such interesting news for a long time. I'll make a note of it and chat with Wei Lan next time we get together."

"Where's that guy from Chixin? Tell her the news quickly!"

"He hasn't been reincarnated yet. He is expected to be born in Heilong City in eight years. I will tell her later."

Somewhere in a dimensional world covered by horrific wars, among the majestic battleships that looked like reflections of the stars, Feng Xiao, holding a mysterious compass, watched the people in the star network talking happily, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

"Uncle Zixiao and Xiaoyang are brothers?"

Is there a possibility that he is the one who suffers the most?

But then again, brother Qingyang went to an area that is not recorded by the Star Network?

As one of the people who are most familiar with the Star Network and even have certain core authority, Feng Xiao frowned.

"The starry sky and compass, all things belong to me"

Looking at the area displayed by the compass in his hand and a strange light, Feng Xiao frowned, and then the dark golden light around him brightened, and countless particles poured into the compass.

[Forcibly anchoring——]

[It is detected that the star network data rule cluster is spreading]

[It is estimated that it will take a month for the star network to cover the target area]

"Thank you." Feng Xiao nodded.

【You are Welcome】

In the bizarre high-dimensional projection space, three fleets wrapped in a ray of light are advancing at an incredible speed.

Qingyang, Tina and the two core crew members are gathering in Ji Shang's flagship.

Without it, Ji Shang's flagship is a huge palace-style auxiliary special battleship with a diameter of 20,000 meters and the best environment.


In a garden in the middle of the lake on the upper level, hundreds of people were happily holding a banquet.

The carefree Ji Shang has already mingled with Qingyang and the others.

"Reunification plan! You really have it, brother Qing. I want to join, but I don't have the luck to do so." Ji Shang said with regret.

"But when it comes to luck, you must participate in the overall ranking competition. The talents who are on the overall ranking will receive the attention and blessing of the alliance's luck, and you will get twice the result with half the effort!"

Ji Shang said mysteriously: "It's great to be blessed with luck in the overall ranking. It can also greatly improve your original luck. I think the senior leaders of the Guiyi Project hope that you can achieve excellent results in the overall ranking."

Qingyang asked in confusion: "Then why did Brother Ji Shang say that you would not participate in the youth league?"

"Hahahahaha, I don't need it. Ahem, let's talk about the youth league." Ji Shang changed the subject rather bluntly.

"Do you know why the youth league is held every 25 years, but the league is not worried about missing talented people?"

Looking at Ji Shang's mysterious expression, Qingyang frowned and started thinking.

“How old were you since the last youth league when you were born?”

Ji Shang took a sip of wine and reminded.

"Four years." Qingyang said, an idea flashed in his mind!

Ji Shang smiled and said: "The league's use of luck has reached its peak, and the youth league is one way.

All new human beings who can be called geniuses, whether intentionally or unintentionally, will basically be born on a large scale between the beginning of the youth league and the next five years.

It involves civilization luck and some profound principles, which I don't know yet.

Qingyang said cautiously: "To put it simply, the youth league is just a competition that can interfere with the short-lived past, present and future attraction ceremony of the chosen one?"

As expected of the alliance!

"Commanders who were born twenty years between the two leagues cannot be underestimated. The alliance has additional support for them. If they are capable enough, the alliance has a plan to completely make up for it." Ji Shang said with a smile.

This kind of compensation is more valuable than the youth league to a certain extent. The strong ones who rise from the bottom are far beyond the comparison of ordinary geniuses.

In short, the league will not bury any talents.

Qingyang suddenly realized that he had to say that the alliance was impeccable in training the new generation.

"Come! This is the end of the league talk. I will tell you the dark history of a strong man named Azure. Drink!" A bottle of wine without a label suddenly appeared in Ji Shang's hand and he gave it to Qingyang.

Qingyang took it curiously and took a big sip.

[Mental threshold +0.1%]


Qingyang was stunned, and then he heard Ji Shang enthusiastically begin to tell the story of the strong man named Wei Lan.

Attention was quickly drawn to it.

Compared with the spiritual threshold, Qingyang is more interested in various interesting stories about the big universe and the alliance.

"Celeste is a strong man born before the first era of the Alliance and in the early era of despair. At that time, the Alliance did not have a so-called strategic system or powerful and unpredictable technology, only a conventional system of extraordinary people in the universe.

If it weren’t for the special luck of our civilization back then, we wouldn’t be where we are today.”

Qingyang listened carefully and probably had a vague impression of the rise of the alliance.

Due to various reasons in the alliance, the will of civilization is unprecedentedly strong, resulting in the luck of civilization possessing a special ability!

This ability can be said to be useless, but it can be said to be powerful. After defeating the enemy civilization, you can plunder the enemy civilization's luck and feed it back to yourself.

Without any support in terms of combat power or technology, the alliance must defeat the enemy itself in order to receive feedback.

Therefore, after experiencing wars and disasters that almost destroyed civilization time and time again, the alliance's power has grown like a snowball.

Even as early as the Second Age, the Alliance gave birth to a civilized will with clear consciousness!

It turns out that even though we are as strong as the Alliance, there were times of despair.

Qingyang was filled with emotion.

"Actually, the wisdom of the core data of the Star Network that you see is the will of our civilization." Ji Shang spit out a piece of news that Qingyang had already guessed.

"Of course this is not the theme, the theme is blue!

Do you dare to believe that the strong man born in the first era has a will as strong as the universe. He has been single for three eras and a billion years and is only a fraction of his age.

He would actually fall in love with and get married to a new person born in the Fourth Age.

Tsk tsk, the biggest old cow eating young grass incident in the league. "Ji Shang smacked his lips with a teasing tone.

Qingyang opened his mouth. Is it really okay to complain about the old man like this?

Among the blue clouds.

Qingyundao stared at the pages of the blue book, his face turned extremely dark.

Next to her, Yu Wenxue snickered secretly.

Zixiao, I can't save you. I hope that next time you are reincarnated, it won't be Weilan who sends you there himself.

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