Starry Sky Fleet, starting from digitization

Chapter 140 The mysterious giant structure within the star

Announcement spread.

At the same time, everywhere in the Yaqiu civilization, the terrifying black and white light balls expanded instantly, swallowing up important planets and even stars in the blink of an eye, annihilating them into elementary particles!

Force field bombs, anti-matter bombs, star-shattering bombs.

Dense and intense energy waves raged across the two to three hundred thousand light-year territory of the Yaqiu civilization. The ships were torn apart, the planet's shield was like tissue paper, and the particle armor twisted and disintegrated.

In just a few minutes, communications in at least 10% of the Yaqiu territory were cut off, and military planets and hundreds of thousands of warships were reduced to ashes.

Among them are the home planet of Yaqiu civilization and the core commercial planet!

Tens of billions of people showed no reaction or pain, and were destroyed together with the planet beneath their feet.

Among the few starry sky fortresses that could pose a threat to the Eternal Fleet, at least half of them were lost!

It wasn't until a few seconds later that the stunned Yaqiu senior management came to their senses and activated the first-level war state in panic!

Although it is unclear who the enemy is, given this situation, he is at least at the same level as the Yaqiu civilization.

"Recall all legions and fleets in Yaqiu World, and all the main forces in other small worlds will be called back!"

"Initiate a state of war, all industrial and production equipment are temporarily requisitioned, and the intelligence department immediately locks in the enemy's area!"


As the top military officials stepped in to take command, the panicked Yaqiu upper echelons quickly calmed down and quickly gathered military strength using well-established war procedures.

In a certain area of ​​the Yaqiu territory, the huge industrial machinery planet and thousands of engineering ships are rapidly devouring the surrounding resource stars and even the habitable planets!

The reserved resource reserves were transferred to the star nest mothership and the production of digital mechanical ships began!

In addition, the data ship produced by the mothership also enjoys the blessings of the commander's talent and the starry adjutant's talent, but it cannot obtain the mental threshold enhancement, instantaneous jump and other abilities and star weapon blessings.

The strength is optimal and even comparable to high-end starry cruisers of the same level. Of course, the premise is that the fleet is a top mechanical ship of the same level.

The hunter mechanical ship blueprint that Qingyang obtained is about the same strength as a mid-range cruiser, comparable to the elite battleships of the sixth-level peak civilization!

Qingyang looked serious and began to issue orders: "Wang Zilan, Li Qing, Valen, and Mia, each with thirty Star Destroyers and two hundred Chichen, went to intercept the main fleets of Yaqiu Civilization!

Gu Xue, I leave two motherships and two hundred aircraft carriers to you, focusing on attacking the major industrial planets and high-level locations of the Yaqiu civilization. I also leave the guarding of the mechanical star to you. "


The five people left quickly and took five fleets to act separately.

The attack intensity and defense power are far more than a hundred times greater than the Eternal Fleet. Even if they are dispersed, they are enough to suppress the main fleet of the sixth-level civilization.

Qingyang looked at the fleets that were sailing into the dark space one after another, and his eyes were focused. The Taiyi and the Formation Breaker, with the remaining thirty Star Destroyers, also jumped into the dark space and rushed in another direction.

Facing a sixth-level peak civilization, the current Eternal Fleet has no pressure, not to mention the follow-up efforts of the industrial mechanical ships.

The battleships of the seventh-level civilization are enough to challenge hundreds of battleships of the sixth-level civilization.

Therefore, Qingyang can safely hand over Yaqiu civilization to everyone.

As for him, he naturally went to find the mechanical rule contaminant. Just now, according to the instructions of the Star of Truth, Qingyang probably locked the location of the thing.

While Taiyi was on his way.

The first conflict of the Aqiu civilization broke out.

Li Qing was the first to encounter the enemy's main fleet. Tens of thousands of huge warships stretched endlessly, like a long silver-white river meandering in the starry sky.

Because the hull is engraved with psychic circuits and psychic armor, the attack energy level of the battleship in front of you is much higher than that of a normal sixth-level civilized battleship.

The attack index has generally reached 30,000, and the defense index has reached 40,000. You must know that these are just conventional warships, not elite warships.

The first time they met, the Yaqiu fleet officers mistook the hundreds of battleships led by Li Qing as an enemy exploration team.

Only more than a thousand warships attacked Li Qing.

Li Qing grinned, and the Starry Sky Adjutant's data spirit was unimpededly connected to the fleet control module.

The Star Destroyers activated and calibrated important enemy war units one after another.

As the energy gathering was quickly completed, dozens of extremely bright light spears suddenly hit the Yaqiu battleship at the front!

Without stopping, the Yaqiu battleship shattered like tofu, and dozens of light spears completely penetrated the entire Yaqiu fleet formation!

The terrifying light spears did not dissipate after piercing through the fleet and destroying each command ship.

But in the horrified eyes of the remaining Yaqiu soldiers, dozens of light spears actually began to sweep, like dozens of solid light beams stirring in the fleet.

Thousands of warships that were struck exploded with a bang, and the flames of the explosion of the 10,000-meter warship seemed so weak under the bright Star Destroyer Light Spear.

The Yaqiu battle star and the two fortresses, which could barely threaten the Eternal Fleet, were not fired from the beginning to the end, and were destroyed by the Star Destroyer immediately!

If you want to compete with the T6 fleet, you must either besiege it with the entire army, or send out battle stars or fortresses that can quickly charge energy at the seventh-level civilization.

Otherwise, before the attack is launched, the T6 Star Fleet will effectively attack and remove all heavy firepower!

The war mobility of the starry sky fleet is extremely terrifying. Coupled with its exaggerated attack and war sustainability, the civilizations of the star sea deserve the title of nightmare.

Thirty Star Destroyers immediately eliminated the enemy's high-end firepower and disrupted the enemy's formation and morale.

Only then did the two hundred Chichen battleships take action, rushing towards the enemy fleet at the same time. Their terrifying shields smashed into dozens of enemy ships, and they directly entered the center of the enemy fleet at close range!

Ignoring the attacks from the surrounding battleships, the two hundred Chichen battleships fired at the surrounding stakes.

Violent explosions, flames and battleship debris continued to spread throughout the galaxy.

Li Qing looked at the central star of the galaxy, then at the two life planets and the resource star, and decisively ordered ten Star Destroyers to fire on the star.

With the reference of a small star, the Star Destroyer's Star Destroyer weapon damage is fully reflected.

The extremely terrifying energy storm mixed with the plasma flow swallowed up the entire star. Countless plasma clusters were thrown away, and even the star's gravity could not gather them together.

More than a dozen surrounding planets were all affected and turned into a vast ocean of purgatory lava.

After completely eliminating the enemy, Li Qing controlled the fleet and jumped towards the next area.

The fleets of the other three people also encountered the enemy fleet. Crushing wars were staged everywhere in the territory of the Yaqiu civilization. The stars and the exploding brilliance of stars twinkled in the starry sky.

All interstellar civilizations in the Yaqiu world immediately launched various beyond-visual-range observation equipment.

Seeing how just a few hundred battleships crushed the main fleet of the Yaqiu civilization, many of the civilization's top leaders were completely in disbelief.

After all, in their impressions and records, the location of the Yaqiu civilization is the pinnacle that civilization can reach!

Incomparably powerful and never defeated, it once faced the entire world of Yaqiu, and nearly half of the fourth-level civilizations rioted. The Yaqiu civilization only used a few thousand battleships to suppress them.

Now the situation is completely reversed. The Yaqiu civilization army was crushed by a mysterious fleet with a very small number.

At the same time, the mechanical ships produced by the Star Space Carrier also began to enter the scene a few hours later.

There are a total of 70,000 to 80,000 ships, with 2,000 ships forming a fleet, rushing towards the major residential planets and industrial star areas of the Yaqiu civilization.

Although they were unable to compete with Yaqiu's main army with battle stars, these mechanical ships relied on their super mobility to defeat many important facilities and garrison fleets.

In just one day, fierce conflicts broke out on multiple fronts in the Yaqiu civilization. More than a dozen main fleets were defeated and turned into alloy garbage floating in the starry sky.

Thousands of important planets were bombarded and their entire surfaces flattened.

The top management of Yaqiu was completely in panic.

No matter how you look at it, the civilization level of their enemies far exceeds their own.

Those powerful and terrifying battleships that can annihilate stars, only ten of them can destroy their strongest war unit - the interstellar fortress!

Among them, the one that frightened Yaqiu's top brass the most was the fleet led by Gu Xue.

The attack frequency is faster than that of a Star Destroyer, and its power can also crush dozens of planets at once. The efficiency of destroying planets and galaxies is simply terrifying.

Nearly 10% of the entire civilized territory fell in one day!

Looking back at the enemy fleet, the powerful main fleet suffered no losses, and only thousands of mechanical ships that were obviously unmanned ships were destroyed.

And this is the battle damage that was barely achieved at the cost of tens of thousands of battleships and one battle star!

The top leaders of Yaqiu Civilization have begun to formulate various fire preservation plans.

It's not that they don't want to surrender, but that they are unable to surrender. The enemy has no intention of accepting their communication request.

The Giant Tree Federation, a meta-human civilization in the world of Yaqiu.

Hundreds of Chichen battleships hung high above the Giant Wood Alliance's home planet. A team of genetic warriors sent by Qingyang to deal with the matter stood beside the top officials of the Giant Wood Federation.

Two officials temporarily sent over by the alliance are negotiating with them.

On the huge screen in front, the Eternal Fleet's powerful crushing of the Yaqiu civilization was staged.

Noticing the slightly dull gaze of the leader of the giant tree, the official glanced at the screen and smiled: "The Star Fleet is our noble guardian of mankind. Any civilization or individual who dares to oppress the metahuman group will be judged."

The giant tree leader came back to his senses and looked at the alliance officials who were the same as them, but whose level of evolution was obviously many times higher.

My heart was racing for a moment.

It turns out that the human race is such a powerful civilization!

They have existed since the birth of the Kiaqiu civilization. It is said that the giant wood civilization grew up under the oppression of the Yaqiu civilization.

The Giant Wood Civilization once thought about resisting, but saw with its own eyes that the entire population of several rebellious Level 4 civilizations were enslaved as cannon fodder and thrown into unknown battlefields.

The top management of the Giant Wood Civilization was forced to give up the idea.

No one expected that the Yaqiu civilization would be so fragile in front of a real human group.

At the time when the frontline Eternal Fleet is advancing steadily.

The fleet led by Taiyi has found the area with the strongest traces of mechanical rules.

It is not in the territory of Yaqiu civilization, but a barren and barren galaxy without any ruins or buildings. On the surface, it looks like an ordinary galaxy.

The premise is that there is a giant building comparable to a planet in the distant star.

I'm working on the second update of the code, and I've got some idea of ​​the fixed update time.

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