Starry Sky Fleet, starting from digitization

Chapter 141 The Arrogant High-Dimensional Data Life

Qingyang saw the huge structure hidden in the surface of the star with just a glance.

Looking at Gu Xing, Qingyang immediately controlled the fleet to move forward when he saw Gu Xing shaking his head and indicating that he had no bad premonition.

Yuansha's main cannon and Star Destroyer Cannon began to charge at high power, ensuring that they could attack at any time.

The dark gold hive-style commander's shield was deployed beside everyone at the same time.

As long as anything is wrong, the Star Destroyer fleet will completely wipe this galaxy off the star map!

As the Eternal Fleet gradually approached, nothing unusual happened. Everything was normal until the fleet withdrew into the surface of the star and sailed into this giant structure.

Qingyang lowered his guard a little and carefully looked at this creation that looked like a spiral prism.

The entire giant structure is glowing with light blue fluorescence, without any metallic texture. Instead, it is like a solidified liquid, crystal clear and glowing with beautiful light spots.

Moreover, Qingyang can feel a wisp of high-dimensional energy fluctuations from the entire giant structure!

"Star of Truth, what is this?"

[Exploration completed, high-dimensional observation station, most of the ninth-level civilizations use standard equipment to observe high-dimensional river basins and warn of dangers]

[Contains technology: high-dimensional virtualization, high-dimensional energy fusion matter, multi-space adaptive structure]

[Overall material: Kongsu alloy]

[Current status: Abandoned, armor extensively damaged, high-dimensional energy shield overloaded]

[Remarks: The core component is a high-dimensional observer, supported by a small amount of mechanical rules]

That’s right!

Qingyang's face lit up, but his inner vigilance became even stronger. The creations left behind by the ninth-level civilization are even related to the high-dimensional watershed. It's not simple no matter how you think about it.

Even though it sounds like it has been defeated, it cannot be ruled out that some internal defense procedures are still in effect.

"Release the rogue probe!"

Following Qingyang's order, five pure white spherical detectors with a diameter of about three meters quickly swept out of the ship and flew towards the huge structure extending in all directions.

For the expedition, Qingyang purchased elite military equipment from the Alliance Army, which even cost 200,000 star points after the discount!

The detector, which is made entirely of black core alloy, is very powerful in terms of speed, detection capability and defense. It can adapt to most cosmic environments even without a shield.

And they are almost immune to the impact of all conventional energy, force fields and even matter. Only high-dimensional attacks or means containing powerful space destruction can hit them!

Even if it flies close to the neutron star, it won't have much impact.

In less than a minute, all areas of the entire giant structure were explored, and the detectors did not even miss some tiny corners.

If it weren't for the space suppression here, only one detector would be able to collect comprehensive information about a star region in a few minutes!

An extremely detailed giant structure diagram was suspended above the star map. Qingyang removed the redundant structures and determined the route to the high-dimensional detector.

After a while, the star shuttle with a dark gold shield flew out quickly.

Inside were dozens of Star Guard mechas.

Qingyang would not rashly put himself and the crew in danger before he was completely sure of safety.

Even after being promoted to T6, his commander's shield can be opened and closed at will within a radius of 20,000 kilometers, completely covering this giant structure!

The star shuttle moved forward quickly without encountering any obstacles on the way, and there was not even a trace of damage.

Qingyang was a little curious: "Didn't he get attacked? Why was there no damage at all except the disappeared armor?"

[Kong element metal can absorb the power of space and slowly repair itself. The armor is made of other high-grade energy metals and cannot be restored]

Qingyang was suddenly stunned, looking at the endless light blue alloy walls around him, feeling a little moved in his heart.

Not to mention the technology and data information contained in it, the materials required to build it seem to be very valuable?

However, Shan Cunjian cannot even store equipment that also contains space energy, let alone giant structures with dimensional technology.

Moreover, Kongsu Metal seems to be a fusion material of space and some kind of alloy. As soon as I heard about it, it was on the list of those who refused to visit Shancunjian.

[Alert, high-dimensional data life response detected]

The wanderer probe that was following the star shuttle suddenly sounded an alarm, and it immediately identified the source of the abnormal information after linking it to the fleet database.

Data life?

Qingyang looked at Chang Xi. If he was a data life, Chang Xi should have strong suppressive power.

The picture is clear.

Next to a one-meter-tall golden mechanical column, an illusory sphere was shining slightly, and invisible light waves covered the golden mechanical column.

[.You are such a strong and powerful human alliance. Even though we are separated by a vast expanse of desolate sea, the name of the Star Sea Human Alliance is still famous among us]

The illusory sphere reacted immediately after the star shuttle approached, and then an authentic Alliance Kyushu language sounded on the communication channel.

The word order gradually changes from awkward to smooth.

[I have to say that the human civilization of the Alliance is really powerful. Even if it is just one of the basic common languages, it will take me a few seconds to master it with a small amount of information.]

[This is the first time I have actually seen that the human life state of the Alliance has reached the regular information state. It is incredible. Even the technology of our civilization is just a conjecture theory]

It seemed that they had not communicated for a long time, and the illusory sphere seemed very talkative.

Realizing that the light ball did not seem to be hostile, Qingyang relaxed slightly: "Um, hello, you said that your civilization is a creation of you?"

[Are you kidding? Although our civilized people are few in number, all of us are data beings, including many high-dimensional data beings and even conceptual data beings. How could we be only at level nine?]

[Hmph, even if I were to throw away all the data and develop from scratch, I could create a nine-level civilization from scratch within an era]

Is this arrogant tone full of high-dimensional data beings born with emotions?

The corner of Qingyang's mouth twitched, but his tone remained normal: "It's really amazing, then you are here."

[It’s not this mechanical civilization, what’s wrong with it? If you provoke the dark mechanical divinity of the God of Transcendence, the high-dimensional territory of the entire civilization will be destroyed]

[If they hadn’t helped me before, I wouldn’t have helped them cover up traces of high-dimensional data]

[However, there are still 30,000 star sea years, and the final mark of reality left by this transcendent god will be deleted, and then you can continue traveling]

Although high-dimensional data life does not have as strong a positive force as high-dimensional life, in terms of data, the quality is high enough to compare with mechanical nature, but it is extremely difficult to affect reality.

Chang Xi, for example, needs the Light Brain Star Martial Arts to interfere with reality.

If it were in the high-dimensional data flow area, Chang Xi's will data core would probably be far larger and more dazzling than the stars.

Qingyang was not surprised that it could interfere with the exploration of mechanical divinity.

"If this mark is not deleted, the god will probably come directly, right?"

Qingyang quickly sensed the key information.

[Yes, alas, if He comes, I will not be able to travel and need to return to civilization. After all, I have also been marked by Him]

And I can’t get the items contaminated by this mechanical rule.

Qingyang thought about it and decisively asked the Star of Truth for help.

[Erasing this divine mark requires 1000 truth points]

Qingyang glanced at the remaining truth points: "There are still more than six thousand, erase them!"

【Erase completed】

The light ball that was emitting light waves covering the mechanical column paused, and then slowly retracted the light waves.

[Not bad, you are worthy of being a friend that I recognize, and you can actually quickly erase the remaining marks, if I hadn’t consumed too much before.]

She is really a arrogant lady

While listening to the light ball chanting, Qingyang recovered the mechanical column.

Although the mark is gone, only the dark characteristics have been removed, and the most basic mechanical rules are still there.

[Oh, by the way, I haven’t introduced myself yet. According to the alliance language, you can call me Lilith]

The illusory light ball instantly moved to the front of Tai-1.

Qingyang confirmed that the recycling of the rule-contaminated machinery was completed, and then replied, "My name is Qingyang, Lilith, what is the name of your civilization?"

[Our main gods have communicated with your alliance. Our civilization is called according to the text of your alliance. It should be called.]

【Pilgrim of Truth】

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