Starry Sky Fleet, starting from digitization

Chapter 157: Of course, the efficient toilet can also be called a black hole.

[Average strength of enemy troops: Level 5]

[Highest intensity level 11 (high-level demon projection)]

Eleventh level?

When converted, it is roughly equivalent to a ninth-level star beast, with a defense and attack index of around 200,000.

Fortunately, we brought the Formation Breaker and a hundred Star Destroyers, otherwise it would be really difficult to solve the problem.

As long as it is not a special ninth-level peak star beast like Kaldis, or an ordinary ninth-level star beast, the Formation Breaker and a hundred Star Destroyers are enough to focus fire on the opponent in seconds.

After all, the Eternal Fleet's high-dimensional blessing and star weapon killing superposition are no joke.

"Putting in the mechanical legion, the Extraordinary team and I will deal with the enemy's high-level units, always ready to draw out the eleventh-level demonic projection."

Gu Xing said quickly, and then looked at Chang Xi's projection: "Please leave the fleet control."

"No problem, fleet fire support is on standby." Chang Xi smiled.

Gu Xing no longer hesitated and took out a mechanical ball the size of a soybean, and the other members of the Extraordinary Army also took out different types of mechanical devices.

The alliance's technology is extremely powerful, how could it be possible for its own extraordinary people to fight with a blank slate when facing powerful enemies?

The mechanical ball in Gu Xing's hand suddenly began to surge, and then turned into a set of simple but extraordinary platinum armor covering Gu Xing.

The surge of psychic power that is different from the world of hope activates various auxiliary devices and amplification patterns of this armor!

In an instant, the aura of the ancient star suddenly increased dozens of times, directly from the eighth level to the ninth level. If calculated using an index, it would be an index of 30,000 to 40,000 energy levels!

Hundreds of Extraordinaries have also reached the eighth-level elementary level on average with the blessing of various equipment.

Tens of thousands of sixth- and seventh-level unmanned combat mechas are also ready.

In the eyes under Gu Xing's mask, black and white spiritual energy flowed: "Prepare to deliver."

The digitalized short-range delivery was activated, and tens of thousands of figures exuding powerful aura disappeared one after another. At the same time, tens of millions of ordinary war machines surged to all parts of the planet.

Although it is ordinary, it still has four or five levels of strength, enough to defeat dozens of regular Imperial Army squads.

An extremely fierce battlefield.

Tens of millions of soldiers and a large number of war machines have slowly advanced for dozens of kilometers.

However, it was said to be an advance, but in fact it was just moving around the battlefield, and the enemy army did not see the slightest sign of collapse.

On the other hand, the Imperial Legion's combat effectiveness was more or less disrupted as it gradually penetrated into areas contaminated by the God of Plague and Filth.

Many of these space warriors, who exuded majestic psychic energy, encountered powerful obstacles.

The black-armored warrior looked at the tall, thin, cuticle-covered monsters around him with cold eyes.

Suddenly, with a burst of distorted laughter, the surrounding monsters jumped away and the black-armored warrior actually felt absurd joy from them.

The black-armored warrior with a more solemn expression raised his eyes and looked at the familiar and unfamiliar meat mountain of several hundred meters in the distance.

The huge bloody mouth on the belly opened and closed, and the demonic face was twisted and full of fat with a terrifying smile.

The terrifying spiritual aura spread on the two devil horns, mixed with the corruptive high-dimensional power.

The Great Unclean One. Projection

It's not the projection of the high-level Great Impure One, but it's still quite powerful, and it's not an enemy that I can defeat on my own.

The black-armored warrior did not retreat. He pulled out his psionic melt hand cannon and fired a shot at the Great Unclean One who was smiling at him not far away.

Throwing away the overloaded hand cannon, the black-armored warrior did not look at the results of the battle, and raised his huge sword to kill the huge unclean one directly.

Suddenly, the unclean ones spread tens of thousands of spiritual energy, dispersing the smoke and dust caused by the surrounding explosions, and threw several dark green mist balls towards the black-armored warriors.

The black-armored space warrior's body glowed with a layer of pale golden light, which directly dispersed the fog. Then a dazzling arc of light passed through and struck directly on the body of the Great Unclean One!

Surrounded by psychic arcs, the huge war blade was completely submerged into the soft flesh of the Great Unclean One, as if it was stuck in a quagmire and unable to move.

The black-armored space warrior let go of the war blade neatly, drew out a short chain saw blade, and slashed at the Great Unclean One with a shock wave.

The latter had a ferocious smile on his face from beginning to end, and the terrifying corrupted spiritual energy gathered in his palms, roaring and slapping towards the black-armored warrior!


Intense black and white spiritual energy suddenly fell from the sky, completely covering the entire body of the Great Unclean One in an instant!

The shock wave knocked the black-armored warrior hundreds of meters away.

Immediately, pure and completely different psychic powers that were completely different from what the empire knew, burst out everywhere on the battlefield!

The bloated body of the Great Unclean One took a few steps back in embarrassment.

There was still a smile on his face, and he didn't care about the wounds on his body that were leaking pus.

I saw Gu Xing in platinum armor emerging from the beam of light. The style was different from the Star Torch Empire's bloated psychic power armor, which made the black-armored warriors wary at first.

Then a golden light rose in the heart of the black-armored warrior.

"The Oracle of the God. Reinforcements from other human civilizations?" The black-armored warrior was silent for a while, and finally said.

Gu Xing looked at the middle-level eighth-level warrior in front of him, and nodded slightly: "Yes, seeing the end of mankind in this world, I came to purify the enemies of mankind."

In fact, there is no need for an emperor's oracle. When other human civilizations face Alliance humans, they will always have a sense of conceptual closeness.

We can also feel the lofty level of will and evolution of the Alliance humans.

That is a sense of identity that cannot be erased!

The distorted and ferocious laughter came. Gu Xing and the black-armored Space Marine looked at the Great Unclean One at the same time, and both of them burst out with surging spiritual power!

Suddenly, the aura of the black-armored warrior beside Gu Xing surged, finally reaching a point where he was slightly weaker than Gu Xing!

Ninth level!

The black-armored space warrior was stunned for a moment, then his eyes showed surprise: "God Emperor?!"

The blessing and gaze of the God Emperor are stronger? !

Gu Xing was not surprised by this. He directly threw out a mechanical spear and activated the extremely complex psychic amplification circuit on it.

Kill the Great Unclean One brazenly!

The black-armored space warriors came to their senses, their hearts agitated, and they raised a chain saw blade with black and blue arcs high to kill the Great Unclean One together.

regular space.

The Star Torch Empire is where endless human souls and wills gather, and the huge star of divine will hangs high in the dome.

Exuding boundless majesty and vastness.

Among the endless golden light, Ying Yue can see wisps of black energy permeating the air.

That is the divinity of the will of the Star Torch Human Emperor that has protected the Star Torch Empire for countless years!

The spiritual radiance he emits blocks all rules and subspace species that do not belong to humans from entering this place where human souls reside.

It's just that the Star Torch Empire's corruption, barbarism, ignorance, and cruel extreme sacrifices and prayers for a long time have made the emperor's will at this moment chaotic.

The cruelty, bloodthirsty, darkness, and ruthlessness contained in the infinite faith always invade the humanity that belongs to the emperor.

Given time, the fifth divine will twisted by faith and guardian darkness will be born in the regular space!

Just like the legendary god of desire who once represented love and dreams endless years ago

Suddenly, the barrier of divine will that blocked non-human souls like a mechanical program suddenly cracked a gap.

I saw a huge ring-shaped machine with a diameter of a light day, gradually sailing into this land of rules.

The violent dark turbulence in the regular space did not leave any trace on it, and even the shield was not weakened.

The pure white creation quickly approached the star of the emperor's will, and then formed nine ring-shaped machines to surround the star of the emperor's will.

In the central control room of the ring, dozens of young men and women with silver hair and silver eyes were flying through the air, adjusting this huge and vast creation.

They are senior scientific researchers of the Star Sea Human Alliance, and they are also data beings whose life status and consciousness are completely digitized into high-dimensional data!

"There is an order from the summit. The emperor's humanity must be awakened as soon as possible and other willful thoughts must be suppressed!" The leading scholar's eyes were serious.

"Start the rules will analyzer!"

【Starting device】

[Self-checking in progress·Equipment running in good condition]

[The rule structure meets the standards and the target is being scanned]


[Confirmation completed: The subject’s will is metahuman (theocratic level)]

[Will tendency: core human nature 2.2%, bloodthirsty divinity 4.9%, mechanical divinity 8.3%, ignorance divinity 11.4%, desire divinity.]

[Total humanity: 4.5%]

[Total divinity: 70.5% (25% chaotic will)]

[Determine the strength: Guiyi (super position) divinity]

[The chaotic and disordered will is being analyzed, and the radiance of reason (equipment) is being activated]

[Start to deconstruct the target’s divinity. Please note that this requires the target’s active cooperation and suppression of the divinity’s self-counterattack process]

Several researchers looked at each other and then looked at the university scholar.

As the holder of the title of Great Scholar of the Alliance, his will and mental strength are comparable to divinity.

"Don't worry, this person's willpower is extraordinary." The university scholar said there was no need to worry.

Only then did everyone confirm that it was fully activated.

I saw that the ring surrounding the emperor suddenly became translucent, and countless invisible threads penetrated out and connected to the star of the emperor's will.

Some of these threads bypassed the mass of divine will and made direct contact with the human will at the heart of the Emperor's will.

The crystallization of the Alliance's research on will, the resource of will - the source of idealism, flows into the emperor's humanity along the thread, providing the emperor's humanity with a huge power of ownerless pure will.

[Inject the source of idealism, awaken human nature, and ask the target whether it can suppress divinity independently]

[Confirm reply, dark divinity analysis/suppression/extraction begins]

[It is expected to take ten star sea years to completely suppress]

In an instant, the huge number of will stars suddenly increased.

The terrifying and great power of will immediately caused this ring machine to activate the shield defense to prevent it from being affected.

The extra waves set off a regular ocean, directly setting off a large area of ​​dark tides and storms in the regular space.

Countless extremely powerful, and at last high-dimensional, regular space beings were so frightened that they fled to the subspace.

Unexpectedly, they encountered the Alliance Legion ambushing between the subspace and regular space barriers, and tens of thousands of regular space beings ran into the encirclement in panic!


How dare a mere human stop us?

Why is it different from the human battleships I have seen before?

in spite of! Devour them all!

Looking at a group of high-dimensional will beings that look like dark stars and have no specific image.

The leading Star Commander held a cigarette in his mouth and said with a smile: "Start the toilet device and see if you can suck it in for them."

Yes, it's the toilet.

Of course, I insist on calling it by its common name, a super-large black hole collapse bomb.

That's okay too.

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