Starry Sky Fleet, starting from digitization

Chapter 158 Empire Management? That’s so ‘incorruptible’!

A terrifying super-large black hole suddenly takes shape!

The absolute gravity that is enough to shake the power of rules instantly distorts the surrounding subspace, and the extreme gravitational field instantly spreads tens of thousands of light years around!

And the space collapse reaction caused by it is still spreading and expanding at an extremely fast speed.

Tens of thousands of dark high-dimensional beings were frightened, and they immediately used their various powers to try to escape from the gravitational field. Among them, tens of thousands of dark beings were symbolic bodies of dark stars.

In an instant, he was sucked into the core force field, and then slowly collapsed and burst!

The core of a super-large black hole is at least the core of a black hole with a diameter of 10,000 kilometers. Usually, only a large nebula with a diameter of several hundred billion light-years can naturally reach the core integrated black hole.

You must know that according to the alliance's analysis, the physical diameter of the core of a normal black hole is generally between a hundred meters and a thousand meters.

If it exceeds that, it is a medium-large black hole, and if it exceeds a thousand kilometers, it is a super-large black hole!

It's enough to show how powerful the collapse bomb in front of you is.

Among the non-high-dimensional, irregular conventional weapons that the Alliance can create, it is the most powerful weapon!

The actual damage is comparable to that of cutting-edge high-dimensional weapons!

As for why they are included in conventional weapons, it is because many advanced civilization technologies and high-dimensional life forms have special states that ignore basic powers.

The versatility is not that great.

For example, on the current battlefield, at least one-third of the dark high-dimensional beings are standing still in the extreme gravitational field, and powerful spiritual power surrounds the surrounding space.

Be wary of these mysterious human fleets in front of you!

The leader of the commander narrowed his eyes slightly and gave an order in his heart. Then among the more than 10,000 T5 combined fleets that were at least senior fleets, high-dimensional energy circuits gradually lit up.

Hundreds of millions of bright lights representing powerful starry battleships are like shining stars in the dark and void subspace of the Great World of Hope.

The dazzling river formed by the starry sky fleet shines across tens of billions of light-years in the universe through subspace projection.

Countless creatures whose thoughts were in chaos, and whose hearts were full of depression and numbness, raised their heads one after another, staring blankly at the illusory sacred galaxy projected across the universe.

Headed by the fully equipped gold medal T5 fleet, the commander wearing a Kyushu military uniform looked seriously.

"The unified army and the high-dimensional watchers have opened up the core battlefield. Now it is the turn of this group of Chaos Wills without a camp. Killing them will weaken the side rule groups in the rule space."

"Commanders! For the glory of mankind! Crush them!"

At the moment when the core of the super-large black hole collapsed, the force field dissipated, and a wave of light spears that was enough to fill the visible range of the subspace swept towards the group of high-dimensional life forms that also exploded.

Not only the starry sky fleet, but also thousands of large neutron battle stars and pulse battle stars broke through the subspace barriers one after another and appeared around the dark high-dimensional life groups.

It crashed directly into the high-dimensional life that barely escaped from the black hole force field, causing heavy damage.

Most areas of the subspace were completely affected by the chain reaction caused by this war beyond the imagination of living beings!

At this moment.

Hope that countless psykers all over the world are praying to the subspace, shaking their bodies in panic and pulling their wills out of the subspace.

"The subspace is trembling! The great subspace covering the entire universe is collapsing!!"

"The will of my god, the god of my clan, is extinguished!! No!"

"Everything is wailing. The gods are as desperate as we are."


The major psychics in the Star Torch Empire were also startled, and reported their horror to the superiors.

"There is a subspace riot, stop all subspace navigation activities! The reason is war, it is war!"

"War has engulfed the Warp, and the mysterious forces within the Emperor's Oracle have declared war on the Warp Gods!"


Star Torch Empire's home planet.

A living planet with a diameter of 780,000 kilometers and extremely strong gravity.

However, for the citizens of the seventh-level civilization, this gravity will not cause any burden at all, and they can move around as easily as the life of the third-level civilization on an ordinary planet.

At this moment, there is a huge shadow with a diameter of dozens of light-days, covering the area where Terra is located.

The core galaxy of the central star field!

Tens of millions of mechanical warships will be spread throughout this area, and hundreds of mechanical fortresses with a diameter of one million kilometers will be spread across the starry sky.

If other imperial warships come, they may not even be able to see where their home planet is.

In addition to this shadow and tens of millions of mechanical warships with high-dimensional lethality, there is a T4 Silver Fleet also parked in the sky above Terra.

Planets in the core star areas such as Terra and the Red Star of the Adeptus Mechanicus are all covered by shadows.

Countless people of the Star Torch Empire, after finishing their matters at hand, gathered on the street to look at the suddenly bright starry sky.

Since the bright starry sky enveloped this place, some depression and depression in their hearts have also dissipated.

Some of the intellectuals know it in their hearts, but at the same time they cannot believe that these sacred radiances have actually isolated the influence of subspace!

Because the Emperor's oracles and thoughts were conveyed in everyone's hearts not long ago, no one remained hostile to these non-Imperial fleets.

Even the most exclusive Inquisition has lowered its guard.

Such was the Emperor's prestige in the Star Torch Imperium of Mankind.

Of course, only among the middle-lower population and some special departments, the emperor's power still remained.

As for the ruling class of the government and the state religion that likes blood sacrifice and distorts the emperor's will,

"If you ask me, we should take these wastes that have lost their human will and spirit, extract their souls, break up their origins, and integrate them into the star network.

Let Xingwang try to create a new soul and reincarnate again. "

In the flagship of the T4 fleet.

The officials accompanying the alliance checked the detailed information of the Star Torch State Religion and the bloated ruling class, and the will of the high-dimensional life level almost couldn't be held.

"Sweeping the floor of a government building, there are seven or eight management systems and administrators whose positions are unclear!"

"Millions of people! Millions of people in the government agencies of a planet, and tens of millions of affiliated professionals?!"

Several alliance officials who were processing the information widened their eyes.

In the normal management system of a level 7 civilization, a few hundred people can perfectly manage a star region!

"Ninety percent, no! The entire Star Torch government should be demolished and rebuilt!

And those stupid bishops who like to play blood sacrifice and self-abuse brainwashing, all of them should be killed!"

"And that Mechanicus, the belief is crazy, the belief in mechanical psychic power is indeed useful, but what's the point of worshipping a gun for several hours?"

"Let me see, their God of All Machines seems to be just a lower-level deity, right? Void Dragon? Catch him!"

"Not only this central government, but 99% of the planetary world management of the Star Torch Empire needs to be cleaned up."

The commander opened the door of the control room and walked in, his tone was quite speechless.

Originally, it was said that a quarter of the elite and high-level population needed to be dealt with, but now it seems that more than 99% are needed.

The commander sighed, thinking that the Star Torch Empire's affairs could be resolved within a few days, but now it seems that it will take several months.

"Connect to the star network and notify the fleets that are carrying out missions on various planetary worlds to screen the local management and church levels with their own methods!"

The Star Torch Emperor is recovering his will, and it is not difficult to send an oracle to the entire Star Torch Empire to require cooperation.

Just consume more idealistic sources.

That thing is worthless to the alliance. Just find a "pipe" to plug into those supreme dimensions and pump hard. The power of rules obtained can be processed again and there will be a lot of them.

The Emperor's national oracle is in front.

Anyone who does not cooperate, covets power, and leans on the evil god can be burned to death with a heresy reason. I believe the citizens of the Star Torch Empire will be happy to see it.

It can also let the local court of inquiry cooperate.

Well, the people of the court of inquiry must also be screened.

Qingyang, who had just dealt with the Chaos Fleet and was on his way to support the ancient star, received the news.

He glanced at the content casually: "Star of Truth, according to the judgment criteria of the Star Network, here is a list of the imperial high-level and elite population that needs to be cleared.

The entire Star Torch Empire's personnel."

[Consume 75 truth points]

Qingyang was stunned and said in surprise: "So few? There are not many people."

Then he opened the information.

[Total statistics: about 7.5 billion]

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