Data response?

Qingyang thought for a moment and immediately controlled the Eternal to sail towards the target.

Ten days have passed since I first arrived, and the attack array module of the star battleship has basically been restored. Except for some templates, star weapons and rule feature blessings, it has not been fully restored.

The Eternal Truth Fleet currently has considerable combat effectiveness.

Even some conventional weapons such as Tiangong Juju have returned to normal, which is enough to deal with most emergencies.

You won’t encounter a level nine civilization at the beginning, right?

As the Eternal launched its faster-than-light voyage, the surrounding scene suddenly changed, and boundless chaos and space particle flow raged.

Forming a series of space storms with a lethality index of 70,000 to 80,000.

Hyperspace basin!

Unless they reach the sixth level of advanced civilization and have stronger shield technology and energy technology, ordinary warships will simply not be able to sail in this environment.

The Eternal ignored the surrounding space storm and drove towards its destination very quickly.

"One million times the distance in space, traveling here at the standard speed of light for one year, the actual dimension has passed about two million light years."

Researchers quickly analyzed the super-light speed level through the equipment provided by the Eternal.

There are also differences in the standard speed of light between the big universe and the different universes, but generally they are similar.

"I wonder if hyperspace channels have any acceleration effect."

The researcher thought about it and silently recorded it in the observation log to prepare for an opportunity to observe it.

As the local star network continues to adjust the source data to adapt to the rules and structure of this universe, precision equipment such as scientific research giants are gradually restored, and hundreds of thousands of scientific researchers are advancing technology at a rapid pace.

In their words, only by going through the technological development of the alien universe from the beginning can we have a deeper understanding of the alien universe and even feed back the starry sky fleet.

The rule structures and laws of different universes, even low-level laws, are of certain use to the Alliance and Star Network.

It wasn't long before the Eternal approached an unknown source of data.

Qingyang immediately left the hyperspace and controlled the Eternal to enter stealth mode.

The detection matrix quickly swept around, and Qingyang and others immediately discovered the specific coordinates of the data source.

It was an unmanned spacecraft, a silver elliptical spacecraft that was only about a hundred meters long.

Without hesitation, thousands of Eternal probes were thrown towards the spacecraft one after another, and the Endless Explorers took effect immediately.

[Rabourg Cluster: a star cluster with a diameter of about 800 million light years, specific coordinates:]

[Special cosmic structure: Unlike the large celestial bodies such as seas of stars, large nebulae, or super star clusters in the macrocosm, the celestial bodies in different universes are scattered in pieces.

They are all regions of galaxies/star clusters with a diameter of hundreds of thousands to hundreds of millions of light-years. Very few of them are large celestial bodies. The galaxies or star clusters are far apart from each other, and there are no hyperspace channels between them.

It usually requires level six civilization to complete the passage]

In addition to the two messages, Qingyang also received a star map of the nearby area, covering billions of light years.

Qingyang suddenly realized that no wonder he had never seen a large-scale galaxy along the way.

Are a large number of celestial bodies randomly scattered throughout the universe?

Since there is a star map, it is natural to go and take a look. Thinking of doing it, Qingyang immediately set a course and flew towards the nearest galaxy.

[Estimated arrival time: one month]

Qingyang didn't care. After being promoted to T5, even for Tianjiao Commander, there wouldn't be much progress in strength even in a few years.

The high-speed growth period in which time is precious is only the T8~T6 stage.

However, just halfway through the voyage, Qingyang was stunned by the sudden prompt from the local star network.

[Star fleet data, commander talents, star weapons, conventional equipment, adjutants, and extraordinary people have all been adapted]

[The flagship template has been restored and its functions are fully restored]

[Recommendation: Use the star dome watershed for navigation (Note: In the original star dome space, there is no network channel, and the navigation efficiency is only the same as that of high-dimensional waterways)]

Qingyang was overjoyed, can the Starry Space still be used? !

As for the reminder, Qingyang didn't care. Although it wasn't as exaggerated as the Star Dome Network's ten times higher-dimensional waterway efficiency, it was still more than enough!

The speed of high-dimensional waterways is terrifying, and Qingyang knows it very well!

Even within the alliance, it is still a high-end navigation technology, second only to star network data navigation and data delivery.

"Enter the starry space."

In an instant, the Eternity appeared in the starry space filled with boundless golden light, and flew towards its destination very quickly.

In just a moment, the Eternal arrived at its destination.

Looking at the joint shield that had lost 5%, Qingyang's mouth twitched, and he almost forgot about another function of the Star Vault Network.

Ensure that the fleet sailing within it will not be harmed by the violent star power.

"Commander, this galaxy." Chang Xi's warm voice came from the side, attracting Qingyang's attention.

What comes into view is a huge galaxy.

Countless stars are shining brightly, and among them are many strange planets and starry sky continents.

It is in line with the speculations of scientific researchers.

However, one thing made Qingyang and others extremely surprised. The vast galaxy in front of them exuded a surging spiritual energy!

Psionic energy is not a natural energy, but the power of will exerted by a living body using its own will and spirit in conjunction with the high-dimensional flow of the universe.

It is an idealistic power. The stronger the will, the more determined the spirit, and the more terrifying the spiritual power of communication becomes.

The powerful can even defeat divinity with their spiritual power!

The Alliance's Beyonder system is the power that has been sublimated based on spiritual energy.

In short, spiritual energy is very special. What it communicates is basically the powerful cosmic force and high-dimensional projection. Usually only a very small number of individuals can communicate with it.

The galaxy in front of you is full of dazzling spiritual energy, which is quite rare even in the big universe.

"The soft spiritual energy is full of life force." Gu Xing raised his hand and released a ray of Yang power with emotion.

Qingyang did not stay any longer, and quickly controlled the Eternity to rush towards the magical and vast galaxy in front of him. He was very curious about what happened to make this galaxy with a diameter of millions of light years full of spiritual energy!

Rushing into the galaxy, Qingyang immediately discovered a network of channels in the hyperspace basin of the galaxy. The powerful space anchoring technology isolated nearby space storms.

"About four times more efficient than original hyperspace navigation. Not bad at all."

Bella commented.

Looking at the gorgeous stars around them, the colorful and soft starlight made everyone relax slightly after arriving in the different universe.

Qingyang looked around and released the Xingzhimu monitoring terminal on standby in Xingmi. All areas of the entire galaxy and what was happening were collected in real time in the space horizon.

Every corner of the galaxy, and even the dust on every planet, are included in the monitoring range of the Xingzhimu terminal, and even some special energy groups and space structures cannot escape.

The detailed star map belonging to this galaxy was quickly drawn on the Eternal control panel, looking at the star map that gradually became clearer on the screen.

Qingyang smiled with satisfaction and said: "That's right, let's use this galaxy as our base camp for now."

[Note: 4,853 interstellar civilizations have been detected]

[Attention, a large amount of living planet will information has been detected]

[Attention, soul body life response information detected]

[Attention, a special ecological area in the universe has been detected]

[Alert, unknown data processor detected, suspected to be a high-level omnic, status - not activated yet]

The monitoring terminal originally gave a normal prompt, but suddenly the speaking speed increased, and the prefix was changed to alarm.

Qingyang, who was about to observe the state of civilization in another universe, immediately threw away the curiosity of the first four prompts.

"Mark the coordinates and go take a look."

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