Starry Sky Fleet, starting from digitization

Chapter 179 Mechanical Planet, Level 10 Technology Module? !

Brilliant starry sky.

A certain unremarkable rocky planet slowly rotated around a lavender star.

Compared to planets filled with various resources and special life, it is so inconspicuous that even a first-level civilization that has just left its home planet doesn't bother to take a look at it.

Suddenly, the rocky planet escapes orbit.

The huge Eternity detached from the starry space, and its hull was like a bright stream of light reflecting little bits of starlight.

In the control room, looking at the rocky planet below, Qingyang looked incomprehensible.

"Is this the mechanical planet? Is there anything else in this galaxy?"

[Only one similar mechanical planet has been found in this galaxy, and the strength of other omni-mechanical planets has not reached the standard]

Qingyang was thoughtful, his huge mental power swept across the rocky planet, and at the same time, a large number of explorations enveloped the planet.

Not counting the outer rock, the diameter of the mechanical planet is about 23,000 kilometers, which is comparable to a normal planet.

In terms of size, it is not as good as the second-level processor of some level-5 omnics, but the technological intensity and some structures contained in it are difficult to understand even for Qingyang.

Some modules actually have a force field that blocks mental power. Although it did not hinder Qingyang's mental scanning, Qingyang was still surprised by this weak resistance.

You must know that this planet is currently completely shut down.

It shows that it is not the equipment that blocks Qingyang’s high-dimensional mental power, but the material itself!

High-dimensional levels are extremely difficult to reach, and it is difficult for even a seventh-level civilization to create material alloys with high-dimensional properties, let alone illusory power such as mental power.

"The mechanical technology is at least equivalent to an eighth-level civilization. Could it be an eighth-level intelligent machine?" Qingyang frowned.

Belya immediately said: "Commander, please allow Deputy Commander Chang Xi and Deputy Lilith to cooperate with the scientific research project and provide answers within an hour at the latest!"

Of course, there is also the cooperation of the local star network.

Seeing that the investigation did not reveal any confidential information, Qingyang simply said: "I'm sorry to trouble you, Chang Xi and Lilith."

"No problem, Commander." Chang Xi smiled softly and connected 80% of the computing power to the scientific research giant.

Lilith was also very interested in this: "Okay."

Seeing this, Qingyang smiled and continued to scan the mechanical planet with his mental power, while turning on the concealment module as much as possible.

Make sure not to disturb this suspected omnic planet, otherwise this galaxy with a mere millions of light-years in diameter will not be able to withstand the destruction of level eight omnics.

Qingyang will not act rashly until the exact information comes out.

"The neutron collapse bomb is in the secondary activation state. If something goes wrong, this mechanical planet will be wiped out directly."

After saying that, Qingyang looked at another plan.

[Construction of initial base in different universe]

Even if the different universe is not as good as the big universe, it is still boundless to the Eternal Fleet.

And unlike the big universe, this place also has the big backing of the Star Sea Human Alliance.

There are no supply or backup bases here.

Therefore, Qingyang decided to build an initial base on his own. Two heavenly structures can completely derive a fixed industrial system comparable to the size of civilization!

When the time comes, let Lilith take over the data and look like a level-7 omnic civilization!

At most, the scale is not as good as those of genuine omnic civilizations, but the quality is stronger.

Will Lilith be her greatest help in exploring another universe?

Legion-like star fleet?

Special star-like fleet?

As long as you have enough high-dimensional data lives, unless you have the alliance's top legion fleet, can you defeat the mechanical civilization controlled by high-dimensional data lives?

Moreover, by the late stage of Star Fleet, the division between special forces and legions was actually not that obvious.

Qingyang smiled proudly. For this moment, he had spent a lot of star points to buy a set of basic technology trees for a seventh-level omnic civilization from the alliance!

As long as the industry and resources are in place, it will not be a problem to launch an army.

Coupled with the powerful combat power of the Eternal Fleet, it would be no problem to confront a peak level seven civilization head-on.

But the problem is resources and industrial scale.

The resources are easy to talk about. The seventh-level civilization has the decomposition technology of basic particles and rare particles. It is a bit slow to rely on only two Tiangong on an industrial scale.

Qingyang's idea is to find a level-6 peak omnic civilization and let Lilith directly usurp the authority of the central processor and seize the existing industrial system for subsequent upgrades.

Tiangong Juju is used to create equipment for seventh-level advanced civilizations.

It would be best if you can meet an omnic that has just been promoted to the seventh level civilization and has not been developed for a thousand years.

The old level seven omnic civilization is currently too troublesome to fight and may not necessarily yield results.

The gap between the sixth-level civilization and the seventh-level civilization is a chasm. Coupled with the advantages of the omnic civilization at the same level, there is a certain risk in dealing with the Eternal Fleet.

As for the location of the base, Qingyang, the current galaxy, is very satisfied. The high-resource galaxy with millions of light years is enough to serve as a base camp.

It’s not very big, and the macro location is hidden enough!

The psychic environment is rich in rare resources!

The environment and ecology are also very good, and it is deeply loved by human aesthetics.

What Qingyang has to do now is to clear away all threats or situations that may lead to exposure.

The first is the current planet, and then the equipment that may be left behind by advanced civilizations.

Then there will be the interstellar civilization of this galaxy

Qingyang narrowed his eyes thinking of this, hoping that these civilizations would wink, as that would be of great benefit.

If you don't have the eyesight, Qingyang doesn't mind turning into a natural disaster and sweeping across the galaxy.

The prestige of the alliance is not expressed through diplomacy or words, but through fighting!

Martial arts is also synonymous with mankind!

"Commander, something has been discovered." Belya teleported through the ship and appeared in the control room.

Qingyang looked at the former.

Belya immediately reached out and drew a panel.

"According to research and local star network scanning, part of the technology of the mechanical planet in front of us is level seven, and the core module structure is suspected to be level ten technology.

We have some vague ideas about some of the functions of its core technology.

If this galaxy reaches a certain standard, the core module of this mechanical planet will be activated and a data life will be created in an instant. At the same time, the core module will be converted into a set of processors! "

Qingyang was confused: "Processor? Level 10?"

He has already guessed that this planet may be a means of cleaning up unqualified civilizations in other universes. It is just a small galaxy. Is it an exaggeration to use a processor at the tenth level of civilization?

The Belya Alliance explained: "It is not a data processor of a tenth-level civilization. Its core function is to detect and create data life, and to quickly support mechanical manufacturing.

The computing power of the modular processor is only equivalent to the computing power of a level seven omnic civilization. "

Qingyang suddenly understood: "Accelerating manufacturing refers to accelerating the construction speed and intensity of omni-mechanical battleships? Is it supported from a rule level?"

The module processor is also easy to understand. As a cosmic scavenger device, it is impossible to build processors everywhere with great fanfare, so this 'small' mechanical planet is the only processor.

Undoubtedly, it greatly compensates for the common weakness of omnic civilization - 80% of the computing power requires additional data giants, which are easily targeted.

Belya nodded: "The tenth-level technology has a high probability of being a rule-level bonus, similar to the bonus that allows the crude industrial equipment of a fourth- and fifth-level civilization to create a seventh-level mechanical battleship.

In addition, the most important thing to pay attention to is that this planet should only be a local server. It will regularly send monitoring data to an upper-level server that is unknown where it is. "

Qingyang waved his hand: "Don't worry.

Since this universe chooses this way of backtracking, the processor will definitely be destroyed a lot of times. Just destroy it directly. Wait! "

Qingyang had a flash of inspiration.

"Star of Truth, is there any way to control this mechanical planet? Especially the tenth-level technology module it has!"

Qingyang is very envious of the rule-level industrial bonus!

[Two hundred truth points]

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