Starry Sky Fleet, starting from digitization

Chapter 180 Single Ship Challenges Civilization

Two hundred truth points.

Qingyang made a decision after just a little thought, which was very worthwhile!

Are two hundred semi-finished T5 dreadnoughts more important, or a rule module built with the cutting-edge technology of a level 10 civilization?

It's impossible to make a specific comparison, but the latter is obviously more powerful in terms of effect.

"OK, seize the first authority." Qingyang said.

[Confirmation completed, truth points are being consumed]

[The usurpation is completed, and the authority has been transferred to the collaborator fleet]

Suddenly, Chang Xi's face showed a hint of surprise when he noticed the extra encrypted high-dimensional data.

Qingyang said directly: "We have obtained the authority of this mechanical planet. Lilith will cooperate with the scientific research giant to see what the use is. The control authority will be handed over to you."

"Understood, this thing should be similar to the data giant of our tribe, but the effect is weaker." Lilith immediately took control of the mechanical planet, her tone was very happy.

Although Qingyang's newly purchased data giant is very powerful, equivalent to the core processor computing level of an eighth-level omnimachine, its data coverage is not as powerful as this mechanical planet.

According to its internal data, as long as it is a mechanical battleship connected to this mechanical giant, it can be controlled in real time even if it is tens of billions of light years apart!

The most important thing is that since his commander can control one, he can definitely control more mechanical planets!

When the time comes, hundreds or even thousands of them will be able to use their full data capabilities when combined together.

The seventh-level technology module outside the mechanical planet only needs to be replaced with the original eighth-level data giant. Qingyang also has the optical brain technology data of the eighth-level civilization.

It was something Qingyang got by chance when he was in the Palace of Truth.

During the search for templates, Qingyang obtained a lot of useful technical information.

After putting away the mechanical planet and making sure that no other advanced civilization had left any observation equipment here, Qingyang walked away.

In the following days, the Eternal relied on the starry space to continuously move around the galaxy, searching for possible hidden dangers.

In addition to the newly opened mechanical planet, Qingyang later discovered a record giant structure left behind by a seventh-level peak civilization, hidden in a large star.

Chang Xi controlled it and transformed it into a database giant.

"Okay, the external threat is gone for the time being, now it's time to find the construction area of ​​the starting base."

Qingyang said in an expectant tone, looking towards the center of the galaxy in the star map, which is the richest area of ​​the galaxy!

Rich resources, dense planets, and higher spiritual energy density!

The most important thing is that because it is located in a sensitive location, there are only three sixth-level civilizations in the galaxy that contain each other, and the central area has not received much development and transformation.

【Central Star Area】

[Diameter: 130,000 light years]

Qingyang said with satisfaction: "Then let's rename this galaxy to the Evergreen Star Territory, and jump to the Evergreen Star Territory and the Central Star Region!"

Chang Xi's dreamy face was startled, and the gentle Muzi looked at Qingyang in surprise, and then smiled softly.

"Okay, Commander."

Not far away, Gu Xue looked at Chang Xi with envy, and then sighed: "Oh, Brother Qingyang really likes the big ones."

"But I won't admit defeat!"

Gu Xing on the other side twitched his lips, pretended not to hear, took out a box of cards and sorted them out.

Central star sector.

The Eternity emerged with a burst of space ripples, and then tens of thousands of space apertures unfolded, and the starry sky battleships jumped out neatly.

Three huge motherships were suspended around the three special battleships, emitting bursts of light waves with no concealed intent.

Not far in front of the fleet is a huge black hole!

The central black hole and core force field source used to anchor billions of celestial bodies in the Evergreen Star Territory.

There are no permanent stars within tens of light years from the center of the black hole. Only a large number of meteorites, asteroids and planets thrown out by a certain star occasionally enter.

Eventually it was distorted by the gravity of this huge central black hole.

Giant structure-level creations such as data giants, mysterious mechanical planets, Tiangong giants, and monitoring terminals were released by Qingyang.

It is placed close to the central black hole. Because of its high-dimensional virtualization device, the gravity of the black hole cannot have any impact on it.

Creatures with such devices are judged as nothingness in the universe, without any actual way of existence. Of course, they are still entities from a high-dimensional perspective.

In order to ensure absolute safety, the core scientific research giants and war preparation giants still stay in the Xingmi space.

After confirming that several major structures were in complete operation, Qingyang looked at Lilith emphatically.

"I'll leave these things to you, as well as the corresponding omnic technology. Some of the mechanical weapons and technologies are the technologies of the Alliance Army, which far exceed the strength of the average seventh-level omnic civilization."

Lilith immediately separated from the main body and entered the data giant structure, randomly connecting to other giant structures: "Don't worry, the regular fleet is guaranteed to be on standby at all times!"

Then the two heavenly structures immediately connected the black hole decompression rays to the central black hole and began to continuously extract resources.

Another two million level seven mechanical battleships produced in advance were also released by Qingyang, including tens of thousands of mechanical motherships and hundreds of mechanical battle stars.

Because they are level seven intelligent weapons, these conventional warships have about 5% high-dimensional damage and defense characteristics, and their attack and defense index is basically around 100,000.

Hundreds of battle stars have an attack and defense index of 300,000!

It is enough to easily shatter a standard star millions of kilometers in diameter with one blow.

In addition to this mechanical army, another wave of engineering fleet is also large in size.

Hundreds of thousands of engineering and industrial ships, tens of billions of hundred-meter-level precision engineering machinery balls, and a group of nano-engineering machinery that is enough to form a million-mile cloud!

It is enough to cooperate with Tiangong's giant structure to build a basic industrial system of a seven-level intelligent machine civilization in a short period of time!

"Be careful not to destroy stars and living planets. It will be useful later." Qingyang said.

Then he looked at the star map.

The actions of Eternal Fleet and Lilith were carried out with great fanfare and without any concealment, so they quickly attracted the attention of three level six civilizations.

It has to be said that the three level six civilizations are very efficient. In just a few dozen minutes, three organized legions rushed here.

Qingyang's thoughts moved slightly, and the three dreadnought ships broke away from the fleet and sailed directly towards the three fleets in different directions.

That’s right, there are only three ships!

Even in Qingyang's opinion, this is a bit too much to deal with a sixth-level civilization.

Helpless, the Eternal Fleet currently has the dreadnought as the basic ship type, and can only 'grind' three level six civilizations.

The three level six civilization fleets are all about 300,000 ships in size, with different structural styles.

Triangular battleships, vertical disk battleships and standard cuboids.

One thing is similar, they are all carbon-based organisms.

Carbon-based species under the definition of this universe.

"The high-level officials have contacted us. Isn't it the actions of other Lipo Galaxy Group and the Sfei Empire, or other civilizations?"

"I don't know, huh, if you want to occupy the core star area, ask first."

In the delta fleet, before the officers in the flagship could finish speaking, a violent wave of interference suddenly appeared in front of the fleet.

Directly forcing the fleet out of the hyperspace channel.

Then these species that looked like peanuts saw a mysterious creation floating quietly in front of hundreds of thousands of battleships.

It was a shining battleship, like a reflection of the universe.

Before the fleet could react, hundreds of regular dodecagonal light arrays emerged simultaneously around the mysterious battleship.

The next moment, hundreds of dazzling spears erupted from the light array.

Suddenly penetrated their fleet array!

I have to catch the high-speed train this afternoon, so I will update it in advance, Chapter 2 will be at 12:30 sharp

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