Starry Sky Fleet, starting from digitization

Chapter 199 Destruction? Go and compete with Xingwang!

The people who were just about to launch the attack couldn't help but pause when they heard Lilith's words, their eyes fixed on the huge pyramid data terminal.

The central control terminal couldn't help but flicker, and thousands of servers around it also made a subtle overload sound.

About two seconds passed after the abnormal situation occurred before the central control terminal returned to normal operation.

At the same time, a stream of high-dimensional data visible to the naked eye separated from the surrounding servers and terminals, and slowly condensed into an illusory ball of light that appeared in front of everyone.

High-dimensional data life!

"Lilith, long time no see. Now it seems that letting you leave the Holy Land was the right choice." The clear mechanical voice echoed, but there was a faint emotion.

Without waiting for Lilith to answer, Luopjin looked at Qingyang.

Qingyang Neng could clearly feel a thought falling on him, and he immediately smiled and nodded to Luopkin.

Luopkin continued: "Hello, respected Alliance Commander, I am very honored to meet you. I am an elite member of the 16th iteration of the Holy Land, Luopkin; Lilith is an elite member of the 18th iteration.

I wasn't sure at first, but I didn't expect it to be the Alliance's Star Fleet. "

Qingyang looked at Gu Xing, and after receiving the signal from the latter that he didn't feel any danger, he put down most of his guard.

He said: "Commander of the Eternal Truth Fleet, Qingyang."

"I didn't know Lord Luopkin was here."

Luopkin did not hide anything and said calmly: "A long time ago, I left the Holy Land for the sake of experience among the tribe and came to this universe alone.

Because of some chance, I met the founder of the Suoyang Empire. At that time, this civilization was still a third-level civilization, and then I followed him all the way.

Even now, the empire is dead, but I still exist here. "

Suoyang Empire?

A ninth-level civilization that left behind this scientific research relic?

No wonder this civilization is so good, just for the application of rules, it is already at the peak of the ninth level!

It turned out that there was help from an old high-dimensional data life.

Of course, even so, the luck and fighting will of this civilization should be quite good. Otherwise, even with the help of powerful high-dimensional data life, it will still be difficult to develop to a ninth-level civilization!

High-dimensional data life also has its own growth.

That is the core high-dimensional data base, which is the special core that only high-dimensional data beings can 'see' each other.

Similar to an illusory sphere, it is more solid and huge. The more data lines there are, the higher the actual strength!

There is no systematic growth model for the enhancement method. The deeper it interferes with reality or other dimensions, the stronger the data base will be.

The simplest way is to control the machinery of the real dimension.

Qingyang expressed his understanding, and then asked curiously: "How did the Suoyang Empire perish?"

The powerful ninth-level civilization is already considered the mainstay of the universe, and it is impossible to continue to be included in the fixed cleaning range.

As for war, according to the model of this universe, politics and commerce are the mainstream among interstellar civilizations, and extermination wars are difficult to occur between mid-to-high-level civilizations.

What's more, it's a level nine civilization!

Luopkin was silent for a few seconds, seeming to hesitate, and finally said: "Destruction."

"Eighty percent of the empire's high-end power and 50% of its main army are gathered in the border area of ​​the universe to cooperate with other forces to resist the invasion of destruction.

Due to the unfavorable war, the empire's high-end forces and main legions were almost destroyed. The excessive loss of high-end forces that had been accumulated for a long time caused great fluctuations in the destiny of civilization, and there was a gap in the destiny line of the empire.

In the end, a powerful object of destruction followed the line of destiny and invaded the entire concept of civilization.

As a result, all animals, plants, microorganisms, and even machines, intelligence, and other life forms related to the empire gradually lost all concepts of thinking and consciousness, and could not be stopped.

Other physical creations and historical cultures are also disappearing quickly, and even the macroscopic realm cannot be recorded, because they are all destroyed by the destruction of the destiny and will of the civilization.

This scientific research giant is a relic that I have tried my best to cooperate with the destruction agreement. "

Can things of destruction follow concepts such as luck and directly interfere with a civilization from the narrative level? !

Qingyang immediately understood the method of destruction and interfered with the empire's narrative line in the universe!

Suddenly, the ball of light representing Luopkin swayed slightly: "Since you are here, this ruins will be left to you."

Qingyang, who was thinking, was stunned and subconsciously asked: "Why?"

Exhaust all the remaining relics and hand them over to yourself?

"Because you are more suitable to take over this ruins than me. After all, the Suoyang Empire is also a pan-human civilization."

Plokin's voice gradually weakened as he finished speaking.

"With the burden lifted, I will continue my journey, witness more universes and worlds, and return to the Holy Land with my own truth."

I don’t know whether he was telling Qingyang or explaining to Lilith. After saying this, Puluo Jin’s figure disappeared instantly.

Only the people with big eyes and small eyes were left, and the central control terminal had lost its intelligent program and stopped functioning.

Lilith was not polite when she saw this, and directly replaced the main data will and the clone, and entered the center.

In an instant, the originally dim data lines lit up again.

And because of Lilith's active control, the brightness and various circuits of the entire scientific research giant were restarted.

Countless years have passed, but this huge and sophisticated structure still has no defects or wear and tear. Tens of thousands of scientific research blocks with different functions have entered self-inspection mode.

Dozens of scientific researchers quickly entered the control room of the central control terminal and cooperated with Lilith to quickly browse the giant scientific research catalog.

The giant scientific research structure that civilization belongs to has too many functions and categories. In addition to cutting-edge technology and military, the civilian scientific research area occupies an equally large area.

This needs to be planned and classified to identify useful technologies and items.

Qingyang was not interested in this, but asked about the Star of Truth.

"How about it? The Tower of Glory should be renovated, right?"

Calculating the time, it is now almost exactly one star sea day before the renovation of the Tower of Glory begins.

[Three minutes and thirty-five seconds left]


[Renovation completed]

Qingyang glanced at Beier Ya and others who were still sorting out the data, and then said: "Expand the data and let me see what's the use."

【Promulgator of Glory】

[Quality: Epic (Special)]

[Description: Glory and blessing, awarded sainthood]

[First effect: Kill the enemy’s strong man, with a probability of receiving a medal of bravery, and unconditionally increase the quality of a star weapon by one level (the highest epic)]

[Second effect: Defeat hostile forces, have a probability of receiving the Order of Glory, and unconditionally increase the talent quality by one layer (the highest epic). If it has reached the epic level, increase the talent level by one level (the star is invalid)]

[Attachment: The definitions of strong people and forces vary according to the strength of the commander they belong to]


For the first time, Qingyang thought he had seen it wrong.

It wasn't until it was confirmed again that a huge sense of surprise came to my heart.

Needless to say, the two effects are incredible, and the second one is the most terrifying!

Although it is useless to Qingyang himself, to the alliance, it is probably more important than the 10,000 epic commanders combined!

"Commander! Guess what we found!!"

Suddenly, Beiya's voice of surprise brought Qingyang back from his joy.

"What?" Qingyang couldn't help but asked curiously.

Belya showed an excited smile: "Macroscopic sky realm delivery technology.

And five million human embryos from the Suoyang Empire!

There's just something wrong with the situation. "

Qingyang's expression suddenly became serious. It goes without saying that the importance of the ninth-level pan-human civilization to the alliance. Coupled with the superior development of Suoyang Empire's rules and technology, the tenth-level civilization is basically a certainty.

Unfortunately, a sudden disaster caused this civilization with full potential to fall.

But its potential is that as long as there are no accidents, it will be a powerful country!

The help and growth it brings to the alliance far exceeds that of dozens or hundreds of low-level meta-human civilizations!

"Local Star Network, find a way to send this information back to the alliance!"

After saying that, Qingyang moved directly to Beiya and looked at the embryos along the screen.

What comes into view are five million larval humans in fetal form, rising and falling in extremely sophisticated crystal equipment.

A rich life energy circuit spreads on the device.

The state of the fetuses made Qingyang solemn. There were gray and white threads around the fetuses that were difficult to detect with the naked eye.

Every time the silk threads move, the figure of the fetus will obviously flicker and then return to its solid form.

It seems as if it will disappear from the real dimension at any time.

However, the instrument data showed that everything was normal with the fetus and nothing was wrong.

Even those gray and white silk threads cannot be detected by the device at all, and the fetal status is always at the standard.


Qingyang said silently in his heart.

Although I don’t know what the Suoyang Empire and the Destruction Agreement relied on to save five million embryos, it has not been disturbed from the narrative level.

But now these five million fetuses are obviously still being disrupted and disturbed.

"The destruction followed the gap and occupied Suoyang's destiny of civilization. Now these five million fetuses have not perished, maintaining the last destiny of Suoyang Empire."

Qingyang judged: "It is precisely because of this that the interference of the shattered statue is still interfering with Suo Yang's last hope along this destiny."

Belya nodded: "Basically, this is the reason."

Hearing this, Qingyang said calmly: "If this is the case, I have a solution."

The core crew members around them all looked over. You must know that this is a fate conflict between destruction and a ninth-level civilization. The commander actually has a way to solve it?

"As long as they become a part of the alliance, Suoyang's luck will be integrated into the alliance." Qingyang sneered.


Are you able to compete with the will of Star Network?

As for how to become that, it’s even easier!

"The local star network, based on the eighth principle of pan-human civilization encountered in the non-main server range, the third agreement of the normalization agreement.

Determine that the target human civilization meets all alliance criteria and apply for emergency signing of the source data alliance agreement! "

Qingyang suddenly said loudly.

[Confirmation completed, Commander Qingyang]

[Determined to use its own guarantee to recognize that the target pan-human civilization fully meets the requirements for joining the alliance, and sign on behalf of it in accordance with the reunification agreement]

[If you sign, you will become the permanent guarantor of this human civilization. If something goes wrong with this civilization, you will be responsible for it]

The local star network said coldly according to the mechanical program.


Qingyang did not hesitate about this. Only the fetus was left in the Suoyang Empire, and its foundation was extremely malleable. As long as the alliance took over the education work, there would be no accident!

[Confirmed to be signed, the target is being accommodated through the source data and star dome space - the concept and narrative layer of the meta-human race]

at the same time.

The core area of ​​​​the Star Network.

As a new concept of meta-humanity was integrated into the core, suddenly an extremely huge and vast gray-white mist gradually followed the concept of meta-humanity.

Trying to break into the core area of ​​​​the Star Network!

The extremely strange fog spread millions of light years around in an instant.

But before a breakthrough could be made, a magnificent red-gold figure suddenly appeared in front of the gray-white mist.

The illusive red star is flowing on the hazy and mysterious body, and the endless red gold starlight is flowing in the waist-length hair.

The eyes of the red star, as gentle as a mother, fell on the boundless gray.

The next moment, the concept of ‘existence’ actually appeared in the boundless mist of destruction!

In an instant, the fog of destruction was directly transformed into a sea of ​​rules filled with life force, and integrated into all major star network worlds.

Then the gentle Red Star Zumu turned to one place and stared for a moment.

Before the divine shadow finally dissipated, there was a hint of helplessness in his eyes.

[Thanks to Xishuixi Alliance Leader for the reward! ! ! ! 】

[Updates for the two league leaders will start tomorrow (today’s normal update will be busy with school matters)]

I will update as soon as possible in the future. As for the internship, thank you for your suggestions. I already have something in mind.

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