Starry Sky Fleet, starting from digitization

Chapter 200 Hegemony War, Eternity Arrives

On the other side, watching the five million Suoyang Empire embryos gradually return to normal.

Qingyang breathed a sigh of relief, although he knew clearly that it would take a long time for a ninth-level civilization to be destroyed, and it would definitely not pose a threat to the Star Network.

However, it is not certain whether these embryos can be saved.

Without the embryo, the Suoyang Empire's concept of pan-human civilization would be significantly less valuable to the Alliance.

People are the most valuable asset of a civilization.

As for retrieving a group of Suoyang humans from the perspective of time, the cost of loss will be huge!

Alien universe, ninth-level civilization, and contamination of destruction, the three conditions will all be factors that increase the cost of recall.

"Transfer these embryos to the Xingmi space as soon as possible. The equipment that can be used in the ruins will also be dismantled and put into the scientific research structure. Other useless equipment should be left here."

Qingyang said simply and neatly that a giant structure with a diameter of 200 million kilometers is not easy to take away, and most of the equipment is useless to the Eternal Fleet.

Might as well keep it here as a souvenir.

The most important thing in the ruins of the Suoyang Empire is only five million meta-human embryos. Strictly speaking, the other things are not of much value.

Presumably, the core targets of the Destruction Agreement and Luopkin's efforts to protect them were these embryos.

They are the ultimate foundation of a ninth-level civilization.

With the ultimate luck of the ninth-level civilization, their average talent and potential are definitely good, coupled with the complete equipment of this scientific research relic.

As long as it can recover and grow smoothly, there is a high probability that the former Suoyang Empire can be rebuilt!

However, Luopkin obviously failed. The interference left by the destruction always affected the growth of the embryo, so he handed it over to Qingyang, who represented the alliance.

Two hours later.

Lilith, Beria and others already know the situation of the scientific research ruins very well.

The Suoyang Empire's civilization technology, culture, and historical data stored in the database were quickly transferred to the fleet terminal, and dozens of cutting-edge equipment and a large amount of stored rare resources were taken away.

Qingyang ordered the evacuation.

Of course, thousands of servers and central data terminals were also taken away!

In terms of comprehensive data functions, it is not much weaker than the data terminal of Qingxue Star Cluster.

Among the other nine pyramid ruins, Qingyang left three to guard the ruins, and the remaining six were also taken away together.

Although it cannot be used in large-scale wars, it can be used as a defensive trump card for the base camp without any problems based on the rules of the pyramid.

So Qingyang simply took a picture of a star ring passage and sent six defensive giants to the Evergreen Star Territory one after another.

It is safest for the ruins to stay here.

Without the consent of the Destruction Agreement, it is extremely difficult for other beings to discover this place.

Chang Xi appeared next to Qingyang and said with a smile: "Commander, the total amount of rare resources in the ruins is extremely large, enough to allow the source data resource processing giant to work at saturation for several months."

"Oh?" Qingyang paused, made some calculations, and couldn't help but smile.

If this is the case, the size of the Eternal Fleet can at least be doubled!

Including the number of mountain and sea type battle stars!

"The other thing is that except for the five polymers that are judged to be high-dimensional energy sources, other things are basically helpful to Lilith.

This includes all level nine mechanical technologies, industrial production equipment, etc. "Chang Xi continued to report.

Qingyang was not surprised: "The Destruction Agreement must be aware of the condition of the ruins, and since it can be used as a reward, it is naturally not very dangerous.

Even the defense pyramid has huge defense loopholes. It is probably just a level used to test basic strength. "

Regarding this ruins exploration, apart from the lack of excitement and mystery, Qingyang thinks that it is good in other aspects.

"I hope to encounter a universe in the pioneer era in the future, with chaotic rules and anomalies. Gee, it's exciting just thinking about it."

Qingyang was looking forward to it, and at the same time, he mentally controlled the fleet and left this special space.

Only the ruins that still exude brilliance and a small star ring channel are left, leading directly to the Evergreen Star Territory.

In the control room, Gu Xing, who did not participate in the battle, felt a little regretful: "Where to go next?"

Qingyang opened the star map and said in a serious tone: "According to the news, there is a seven-level meta-human civilization in a large star cluster somewhere.

There are a total of three seventh-level advanced civilizations and five seventh-level elementary to intermediate civilizations. I don’t know the similarities yet. I guess they are all related to psychic energy.

This large star cluster is currently in a period of war for hegemony, which has lasted for tens of thousands of star sea years.

I speculate that under the influence of a long-term war environment, the military strength of this star cluster civilization must be stronger than that of the same level civilization in a normal environment. "

Normal civilization requires balanced development, while civilization under hegemonic war only needs to focus on the development of military technology and industry.

The other core crew members nodded in agreement.

Gu Xing took over the topic: "In this case, is it necessary for the mechanical army to produce surface mechanical combatants?"

In the battle for hegemony, the planet and territory are the core goals. Coupled with the political and social nature of this cosmic civilization, the planet must not be destroyed casually and massacred.

Land wars must have been extremely frequent.

Fleets fight fleets, and individual soldiers fight individual soldiers.

Qingyang thought for a moment and made a decision: "There is indeed a need for individual legions, a war between nations and a battle for planets."

What is the most cost-effective way to seize a giant structure or fortress-level war artifact?

There is no doubt that it is a war between states!

Normally, when civilizations at the same level are at war, the defense strength and shield recovery speed of each other's fortresses are enough to make the other party feel helpless.

A group of core crew members quickly laid out various general plans. The specific framework would need to be filled in after arriving at the target area and surveying the situation.

Since it is unable to sail in the original star dome space for a long time, the Eternity needs to stop and go during the period to ensure that the shield defense value is maintained within a safe range.

When we arrived at the target star cluster, it was already two days later!

Somewhere above the ordinary starry sky continent, the Eternity suddenly appeared.

Immediately, the Harmony of Stars and the two star ring channels quickly unfolded.

At the same time, at the moment when the two giant devices were deployed, the local star network had spread over tens of thousands of light-years!

[Confirmed·No civilized planet or legion signal has been detected]

【No danger】

Qingyang's spirit relaxed slightly, tens of thousands of star battleships were released one after another, and the last mountain and sea battle star emerged from the huge space aperture!

Like a dazzling sun, suspended above the starry sky continent.

"The starry sky continent below is a rock resource type with no living environment and biological reactions. It is good to build a mechanical research cluster."

Lilith was quite satisfied with the starry sky continent below that was millions of kilometers in diameter.

It can just accommodate some scientific research and deduction equipment measuring 1,000 kilometers or even 10,000 kilometers.

The huge star ring channel quickly took shape, and the first batch to appear were thousands of detection giant structures and monitoring giant structures to assist the Star Alliance in observing the entire star cluster.

A huge engineering fleet and engineering nano-swarm followed closely behind. The nano-engineering swarm, which was enough to form a star-sized cloud, rushed to all directions.

Cooperate with the mainland engineering fleet to disintegrate the stars except the Starry Sky Continent in the blink of an eye!

Then began to build simple star ports on the spot.

At the same time, in the central star area of ​​the Qingxue Star Cluster, thousands of industrial giants measuring hundreds of thousands or even millions of kilometers around the black hole began to operate at full capacity.

Every moment, batches of mechanical battleships, engineering starships and various machines appear, and follow the star ring channel not far away to the area where Qingyang is located.

The huge movement immediately attracted the attention of many civilizations in the Qingxue Star Territory.

Looking at the large number of warships that appeared and disappeared quickly, these civilizations roughly guessed that the Eternal Fleet had encountered enemies or was preparing to invade in other star cluster areas.

Suddenly my thoughts were flying.

Develop other star clusters. I wonder if they can also be mixed with a sip of soup?

Everything is normal in the Evergreen Star Region. The industrial giants in the central star zone have basically been replaced with various surveillance and scientific research giants, including many defensive and experimental giants.

Ensure that the hidden combat power of the mechanical army continues to grow.

In the area closest to the central black hole, there are several data terminals, and there are a number of huge server giants surrounding the black hole's horizon to enhance the data intensity of the several terminals.

Finally, the connection is made by the star ring channel.

The alliance's star ring channel can not only be used for navigation, but can also be used as a data transmission network and node signal hub, and the transmission speed that data passage enjoys is the same as that of a warship!

Theoretically, as long as the star ring channels are dense enough, the communication equipment of surface civilizations can communicate in real time even though they are tens of billions of light years apart.

Even though she is hundreds of star seas away from Qingyang's star cluster, with the blessing of the star ring channel, Lilith can control the mechanical legion in real time without any weakening or interference!

"Star Harmony has been activated. The monitoring giant cluster is in good condition. Do you want to start exploring?" Lilith looked at Qingyang.

The latter nodded: "Start collecting macroscopic data on this star cluster, such as its size, distribution and general situation."

The technology contained in Xingzhimu is at least level ten, and Qingyang is not worried that the detection will be discovered.

The only thing that makes Qingyang helpless is that the efficiency is too low.

It will take at least several days to roughly complete the investigation.

"I don't know if there is an efficient detection method."

Hearing Qingyang's murmur, Lilith's eyes lit up: "Yes, the Suoyang Empire has a kind of sky observation terminal, which can instantly observe everything in a star cluster level sky with just one terminal.

It's just that it's a bit useless for a ninth-level civilization. It requires a heavenly realm to operate, and it can't even operate through a heavenly realm above a star cluster. "


Featured technology?

Qingyang said: "Use it first after making it."

Although Xingzhimu is omnipotent and has a very high upper limit, as long as there are enough auxiliary giants, it can even monitor everything within a distance of thousands of stars.

But it takes too long.

Save it for later use in a larger celestial body area.


Lilith Projection immediately began to retrieve technical information and began to produce the giant sky-realm observation structure.

At this moment.

The vigorous construction in the area where Qingyang is located has attracted the attention of some powerful local civilizations.

The Starry Sky Continent is undergoing rapid transformation, thousands of giant structures, and gorgeous battleships whose detailed energy levels cannot be determined.

Plus it appears suddenly.

Immediately, a seventh-level civilization couldn't sit still and suspected that it was a secret base of a hostile civilization.

"Send an elite fleet and see what happens."


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