Starry Sky Fleet, starting from digitization

Chapter 201 The Desolate Gate Delivery Appears Again [2 in 1]

Blount Star Group.

The latest seventh-level civilization born in the Seven Heroes Star Cluster in the past million years, and the eighth seventh-level civilization.

Although it is only a seventh-level elementary civilization, its potential in all aspects ranks among the top eight seventh-level civilizations!

Perhaps related to its civilization model, the Blount Group civilization controls the largest number of external star clusters and galactic trade channels among the Seven Stars.

According to relevant calculations, the eight level-7 civilizations have a total of more than 30 channels leading to other star clusters and even nebulae1

Among them, the Blount Group alone accounts for more than half!

In addition, it represents the interests of half of the sixth-level civilizations and low-level civilizations in the entire star cluster, which makes its status in the Seven Stars Cluster quite special.

Even during the Hegemony War, the other seven established seventh-level civilizations allowed the Blount Star Group to remain neutral.

He also made it clear that he would not conduct any form of attack on the Blount Group's routes and trading stars.

Because of the civilization form of the Blount Group, its fixed territory is only about one-tenth of the normal seventh-level civilization, and the rest are various mobile trading stars and trading giants.

There are even a large number of commercial starports and planets within the boundaries of major civilizations, complete commercial civilizations.

And relying on its rich assets and various proprietary technologies, Blount Group has the largest scientific research group.

Of course, cutting-edge technology research is always in the hands of the core group of Blount Group, and there are various guarantee models for other technologies.

Even if some technology is occasionally leaked, it will not cause any loss to the group.

In short, this is a force that can maintain peace and even provide peace to lower-level civilizations during hegemonic wars.

The Permanent Supreme Committee, the highest decision-making level of the Blount Group.

Dozens of rotating committee members noticed the report, and then opened a huge holographic star map in front of them.

Looking at the weak space ripples that appeared in that desolate area, many committee members looked at each other.

"It's not a strategic route. We shouldn't set up a base here. Send an observation ship to see what's going on."

One of the creatures, suspended in the air like a colored glass ball, was the first to speak.

Other committee members are equally puzzled. Although they are too lazy to care about hegemony and do not have the hard power to fight for hegemony, they still keep an eye on the situation.

For this reason, the Blount Group also broadcasts various battle situations in real time to all major middle and low-level civilizations that do not need to participate in the war.

There are even several authoritative rankings listed.

Civilization rankings, fleet rankings, legion auctions, generals and even battle rankings

"That's the edge area of ​​the Duca Star Territory. The resources are sparse and the location is remote. It shouldn't be the base of the Seven Heroes. It's guessed to be forces from outside the star cluster." Suddenly, a spiral mechanical life said calmly.

Forces outside the cluster?

The distance between star clusters is at least hundreds of millions of light years, and a large-scale march without an accelerated path would take at least tens of thousands of years.

Is it possible that this civilization could start moving towards this star cluster as soon as the battle for hegemony breaks out?

A seventh-level civilization has been sailing for so long just to take part in the situation in other star clusters?

It was too unexpected.

As for the eighth-level civilizations that have mastered higher-level sky-realm navigation technology, they will not look at the Seven Heroes Star Cluster. The environment in the Star Cluster Realm is much better than this rural place.

"The situation in the Black Dragon Empire is not going well recently. The other two seventh-level advanced civilizations have backgrounds in the Realm of Stars. Only the Black Dragon Empire has no backing.

Moreover, as the youngest seventh-level advanced civilization, his background is not sufficient. "

Suddenly, one of the committee members said, looking at the latest information in his hand.

One of the holographic screens displayed an image of a metahuman!

[Black Dragon Empire——Emperor·Win]

Duca star field, southern border.

Qingyang looked at the macroscopic star map displayed by Xingzhimu, and his eyes narrowed slightly.

A star cluster with a diameter of 300 million light years is indeed a large star cluster. Not to mention eight level seven civilizations, two more will not put any pressure on resources.

However, the hegemonic situation of this star cluster really surprised Qingyang, and he felt full of déjà vu.

Not counting the group civilization that did not participate in the war, the other seven civilizations were all at least level seven intermediate civilizations, and the situation was really stalemate.

In the entire star cluster, except for the neutral intermediate civilization territories and peaceful areas that do not participate in the war, other public areas are basically filled with battlefields.

The most tragic one is the central area of ​​the star cluster, a disputed star field spanning millions of light-years. Seven civilizations all want to take it under their control.

As a result, this star field, which did not have many resources except for the central black hole, directly became the battleground for almost all participating civilizations, and conflicts between tens of thousands of fleets could often be seen.

Light spears, beams, dimensional weapons, force field weapons, and over-the-horizon strikes can be seen everywhere.

What made Qingyang feel a sense of déjà vu was this situation and the translated name of the meta-human civilization.

Seven heroes competing for hegemony, the Black Dragon Empire?

Interstellar version of the Warring States Period?

Qingyang fell into deep thought. Facing the melee between three level seven advanced civilizations and four level seven intermediate civilizations, the Eternal Fleet also needed to be more cautious.

At present, according to the power of the Eternal Fleet and the Mechanical Legion, only two level seven advanced civilizations can compete, and they cannot crush and fight like the Qingxue Star Cluster.

But what’s different this time is that the ally human civilization is also a seventh-level advanced civilization!

And it is also a triple civilization of spiritual technology + spiritual practice, which is no weaker than the civilization of faith-based spiritual technology!

It's just that there is no backing and the other two seventh-level advanced civilizations are deliberately targeting it, which leads to a bad situation.

The other two civilizations seem to have a special fleet from the pseudo-eighth level civilization.

It is comparable to the combat power of the main fleet of an eighth-level civilization.

The strength is no lower than that of the God's Attendant Fleet, and its scale is ten times greater. There are even some fortresses with more than 80% high-dimensional killing characteristics.

Among them, the biggest headache for Qingyang is those special fleets, which are huge in scale, well-configured, and complete with high-dimensional weapons and defense modules.

They are the key factors that can hold back the Eternal Fleet.

Plus some weapons and equipment from level eight civilizations.

Qingyang narrowed his eyes, cold light flickering.

If we really want to fight, as long as the eighth-level civilization does not end, the winner will definitely be the Eternal Fleet.

However, the losses of the Black Dragon Empire and the Eternal Fleet themselves will probably be huge, and at least thousands of star battleships will be completely destroyed.

"Find a way to talk to the emperor of the Black Dragon Empire first. The Qingxue Star Cluster will serve as industrial backing. We can stabilize the victory by taking our time." Qingyang thought.

"Commander, we have detected the approach of a hostile fleet. It is not a human fleet, but another fleet of mechanical psychic civilization."

Chang Xi suddenly said.

Mechanical psychic civilization, remember to call it Sestan Federation?

Level 7 high-level, main enemy unit.

With a slight movement of thought, two thousand dreadnoughts and five hundred Star Destroyers disappeared in an instant, rushing directly towards the channel of the enemy fleet.

In the first conflict, it is natural to perform well and give the enemy a little Star Battleship shock first.

It is 350,000 light years away from the temporary advance base of the Eternal Fleet.

In the quiet starry sky area, violent interfering light waves swept across.

Tens of thousands of elite warships that were originally sailing in hyperspace channels were actually forced out of hyperspace!

Tens of thousands of warships that looked like big eyeballs immediately locked onto the starry sky warships hundreds of light years away, and powerful beam strikes arrived instantly!

[Judgment completed: 25% shock high-dimensional characteristics]

Qingyang commented: "It is indeed better than the elite battleships of the seventh-level elementary civilization, but it is a pity that it is far from enough."

Tens of thousands of light spears that could easily destroy stars hit thousands of seemingly flimsy starships in an instant, and a terrifying high-dimensional storm suddenly swept across.

It was like a star-sea dust storm suddenly engulfed thousands of star battleships, and all the planets affected were crushed in an instant.

However, the wall shield of the God Star did not move at all.

There is no decrease in shield value.

Qingyang did not wait for the aftermath to dissipate, and said coldly: "Saturation array strike, defeat them!"

Suddenly, rows of regular twelve-sided dark gold arrays appeared, neatly arranged in rows.

The next moment, a large net composed of fierce clustered light spear attacks tore apart the ability storm!

The extremely powerful attack neatly defeated the elite fleet of the Sestan Federation without leaving any wreckage.

After confirming that the enemy force was completely destroyed, more than two thousand star warships slowly left the storm area and began to return.

The major civilized intelligence departments here, which are always paying attention, fell completely silent.

Two thousand warships, without leaking any energy fluctuations, were able to destroy the elite Sestan fleet in one strike and kill tens of millions of Sestan tribesmen.

The strength is at least the starting point of a seventh-level advanced civilization, and we do not even rule out the possibility of a peak seventh-level or even a pseudo-eighth level civilization!

And these are not the most important information. The most important thing is the halo signs on the mysterious battleships, which they have never seen before.

It is obviously not the power of the Seven Heroes Star Cluster.

The first to take action was the Blount Group. The observation ship approaching the Eternal Forward Base quickly returned. Then the Blount Group sent a message requesting communication to the Forward Base.

In commercial civilization, there is no such thing as an enemy.

There is only benefit or not.

As for the other seven civilizations that were competing for hegemony, a shock was quickly caused, and the decision-making level convened parliaments and group consultations one after another.

There was no direct contact with the Eternal Fleet.

Qingyang watched the situation of the Seven Heroes Star Cluster through the Harmony of Stars, noticed the mobilization of various fleets and legions, and raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

"In that case, I will have fun with you this time." Qingyang said with a smile.

His eyes slowly fell on the two seventh-level intermediate civilizations.

These two civilizations are currently the only alliance among the Seven Heroes, and they are also the entry point to make the situation even more chaotic!

Because these two civilizations are normal technological and mechanical civilizations, even though they also have psychic research, they are not considered dual civilizations.

In terms of combat power, it is not as good as the Blount Group. The other seventh-level intermediate civilizations are at least psychic technology civilizations, and their hard power is close to the standard seventh-level advanced civilization!

That's why the two civilizations entered into an alliance in order to get a share of the hegemonic war.

Otherwise, in the space environment, only temporary cooperation is possible, otherwise it will be difficult to form an alliance.

Qingyang said calmly: "As long as the relationship between these two civilizations breaks down, the defeat is certain, and they may even be directly forced to withdraw from the hegemonic war.

By then, most of the territory of the two seventh-level civilizations will collapse, and the situation will naturally become even more chaotic. "

As he said that, Qingyang's eyes fell on Gu Xing and Tian Ling.

Assassination and framing of blame are the most direct!

"Are you interested in an assassination mission?"

So what if the top leaders of the two civilizations don't believe it?

As long as the middle and lower-class citizens of the two civilizations believe it, at worst, all the unbelieving high-level people will be assassinated!

In addition, Chang Xi and Lilith entered the data networks of the two civilizations, spread rumors on a large scale, and forged evidence that the other party did have a conspiracy.

In less than a year, the relationship between the two civilizations will be on the verge of collapse.

Gu Xing and Tian Ling immediately understood Qingyang's thoughts and immediately said: "No problem!"

As for how to sneak in

It is not a problem at all, the social and political focus of the Star Cluster Universe is not low.

Basically every mid-to-high-level civilization has merchants and immigrants from other races, and it just so happens that this star cluster has a meta-human race.

Infiltration is not difficult.

In addition, the alliance's battle armor and various camouflage technologies are also extremely complete, making it difficult to detect a mere seventh-level civilization.

At that time, let a star warship turn on the stealth mode with all its strength and follow the assassin. After successfully succeeding, the data will be directly transmitted into the warship and escape through the star dome space.


If it weren't for the seventh-level civilization and all major planets have planetary shields, Qingyang would want to directly clear the ground with naval guns!

"The more chaotic the situation, the more complete our development will be." Qingyang warned Gu Xing and Tian Ling who were about to leave.

"Understood, Commander."

The two left with seven or eight Beyonders who were good at assassination.

Qingyang said to Chang Xi: "We can start now. Not only these two civilizations, but also the data networks of other civilizations should be invaded as much as possible."


Chang Xi's figure disappeared immediately.

"Lilith, speed up the transmission of mechanical legions and war giants here. The first base must be completed as soon as possible."

After finally speaking to Lilith, Qingyang turned around and returned to the living area.

Without it, the template for regular polymer transformation is fine.

There are two regular polymers, one of which is disintegration and the other is corruption.

Both focused on attack, so Qingyang simply merged the two regular polymers into a template.

[High-dimensional template: Black Domain Hunter (normal)]

[Template type: Group blessing type (requires active blessing to star battleship)]

[Blessed state: Blessed state, with additional 100% disintegration characteristics + 100% corruption characteristics, and resistance to both characteristics + 50%]

[Note: There is no upper limit on the number of blessings. Each additional ship will consume one more star point at a time. Each blessing can last for one day, and the buffer takes five days. Special warships and battle-star units cannot be blessed]

Is it a group template that supports the basic main battleships of Star Fleet?

It's a pity that Qingyang Ming knew it. If he could bless the battle star, he would be unmatched by the original power of the mountain and sea battle star!

Of course, even so, as a high-dimensional template black domain hunter, it is not weak.

The high-dimensional black domain templates seem to come from an actual area. Where is the black domain?

Is the Predator some kind of creature out there?

A creature with both high-dimensional properties of disintegration and corruption?

Qingyang was a little curious about this, but the next moment, a message took away all his thoughts.

[Attention: The Desolation Gate’s cross-time and space projection fluctuations have been detected]

[It is expected that the delivery unit will arrive within the local star network in ten seconds]

"what's the situation?"

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