Starry Sky Fleet, starting from digitization

Chapter 202: The Alliance’s Terrifying Reward

Gate of Desolation, the Alliance's ultra-high-speed channel in the desolate area.

It is used to deliver small fleets to different universes at high speed for pioneering exploration.

Basically, they are contracted by the elite starry fleets and unification plans of major powers and super countries. In other years, the empire's own desolate navigation method is definitely not called the Desolate Gate.

The efficiency is definitely much lower.

Thinking of this, Qingyang was no longer vigilant, but stared curiously at the opening in front of the Eternal.

An illusory huge dark gold halo appeared, and then a huge elliptical battleship appeared. There was no energy fluctuation on the streamlined hull of the five thousand kilometers.

Even the digital detection of the Eternal Fleet cannot detect it.

However, the message it sent made Qingyang slightly stunned.

[Alliance Logistics·Desolate Special Delivery Ship No. 098, please receive supplies and support personnel, Commander Qingyang]

Alliance logistics?

I have long heard that the alliance's logistics efficiency is everywhere. Now it seems that it is true. Can it be delivered to different universes?

Wait, material and personnel support?

Qingyang showed a hint of doubt, and couldn't help but think of the information about the Gate of the Universe and the Immortal Alloy. He suddenly understood, and then showed a smile.

"I can't believe that I can get rewards from such a distance. What kind of materials are there? What is the personnel support?"

The material support that is enough for the alliance to deliver even across the desolate area must be very impressive!

[Five different special rules polymers, four top special battleships, one epic adjutant, and one tactical system crew]

[Epic Fleet Star Destroyer Cannon Modification Module × 1, Source Data Integration Module]

Qingyang paused slightly when he was about to sign for it, revealing a hint of astonishment.

With five rules polymers, four special battleships, epic adjutants and tactical system crew members, the reward value is even more terrifying than all previous rewards combined, right?

Is the Gate of World so valuable?

Qingyang doesn’t know the specific data of the epic star destroyer cannon module and source data integration module yet, so he doesn’t feel much impact.

However, Qingyang really didn't expect the two types of share splits, especially the dividends from Huanyu Network. Everyone knows how huge the value is!

Qingyang couldn't stop smiling: "Hahahaha, thank you very much. I wonder where the two crew members who came to support are?"

[Do you want to send supplies and supporters into your ship’s space area? 】


As soon as he finished speaking, a data stream appeared in the control room, and two figures quickly appeared.

One of the curly-haired young men looked around curiously for the first time, and then his eyes stopped on Qingyang. He immediately showed a bright smile and stepped forward.

"Commander Qingyang, Adjutant Xingkong, Wang Sen are here to report!"

Another old-fashioned young man with flowing long hair also came to Qingyang. He looked around and nodded at the same time: "The reserve director of the Bright Watch Museum, Zhao Zunhai, has met the commander."

Qingyang, who was about to respond, looked at the ancient young man in shock.

Brightwatch Museum?

Even if he is a reserve curator, his strength is at least level 12, right?

After all, starting as a trainee curator, your strength requires a high-dimensional life level. You must at least reach the seven-star high-dimensional level to obtain the official curator position.

The alliance is really generous.

Thinking of this, Qingyang directly threw a probe at the two of them.

【Wang Sen】

[Talent: Time and Space Editor (Epic·Not Fully Awakened)]

[Core effect: When any starry battleship of the starship fleet it belongs to is completely destroyed, it will be instantly 'resurrected' and restored to full status.

Each star battleship can only take effect once within a hundred years]

[Effect 1 (Passive): Star weapons, talents and other skills with buffer time, when used, have a 25% chance of not needing buffering next time]

[Effect 2 (Active): Temporarily take out a space-time silhouette from something you have seen before. The space-time silhouette has 100% of the effect of the thing, can only last for one hour and requires the consumption of star points]

[Attachment: The time and space silhouette involves the narrative layer of the universe. After arriving in other universes, you have to witness various things again to obtain it]

Qingyang's expectant eyes froze for a moment, and then his heart couldn't stop feeling joyful.

If Gu Xue's talent is rare in epics, then the time and space editor possessed by Wang Sen in front of him is definitely the best among the best!

The core effects alone are enough to make it a welcome addition to any star fleet.

Unconditionally giving extra 'life' to a starry sky battleship, although there is a limit of once every hundred years, but for high-level starry sky fleets.

A mere hundred years, fleeting!

Not to mention that the latter two abilities are also extremely useful!

You know, the skill buffers of many top star warriors are calculated on a yearly basis.

As for Starry Sky Silhouette, Qingyang feels that the true purpose of this skill is absolutely terrifying. It still needs to be discovered, or has Wang Sen already discovered it himself?

Qingyang's thoughts turned to Zhao Zunhai.

【Zhao Zunhai】

[Bright Watch Museum·Preparatory Director]

[Actual combat power: pseudo-high-dimensional life]

[Museum: Zunhai Museum (serial number not yet issued)]

[Core Collection: Mountains and Rivers and Sheji Map·Imitation Version]


Qingyang just glanced briefly, his eyes paused slightly on the core collection, and looked at Zhao Zunhai thoughtfully.

If the Starry Sky Adjutant represents various magical and unpredictable skills, then the Bright Watch Director undoubtedly represents the absolute individual combat power!

This is true for both the Alliance and a Star Fleet!

Even the Wanhua mecha, which also belongs to the single-soldier tactical system, has much less top combat power than the Bright Watch Museum, which was born in the third era.

The strength of each Bright Watch Director is the pinnacle of the alliance's individual power!

The curator Qingyang had met before was one of the top twenty official curators, enough to rival senior high-ranking gods!

In the alliance, on top of the official curator sequence, there is also a curator named directly after the museum!

There are only a dozen or so, but they are all extremely powerful.

"Qingyang, Commander of the Eternal Fleet, welcomes you two to join the Eternal Fleet.

However, the current situation is very complicated. Please let Lilith lead you to have a simple understanding first. "As he said that, Qingyang turned sideways.

Lilith's projection immediately appeared, taking the surprised Wang Sen and Zhao Zunhai to the star map area.

The two high-dimensional data beings are indeed extraordinary.

Both of them said silently that based on the information they checked when they arrived, it was clear that the main intelligence of the Eternal Fleet was a high-dimensional data life named Chang Xi.

Unexpectedly, there is an independent high-dimensional data life!

Qingyang watched the two people leaving, and his consciousness quickly came to the Xingmi space to check the alliance's physical rewards.

His eyes first glanced at five different special rule polymers.

[The basic elements of gold, wood, water, fire and earth are regular polymers and can be merged into a template]

【Whether to integrate】


[It takes fifteen days to form the template]

Elemental rules are really rare. Why are they called special rules?

Qingyang shook his head and planned to check it later, looking eagerly at the four battleships located in the center of Xingmi Space.

They are basically rectangular, with arrays surrounding them and high-dimensional circuits spreading, emitting powerful aura and fluctuations.

Without carefully appreciating it, the mental threshold spread out and quickly digitized it, and then called up the data panels of four special battleships.

[Extreme special battleship·no normal attack module]


【Sky Strike (T5)】

[The only skill: Sky Strike (Active): After using all the fleet's armament strike power, the all-round increase will be 50%, lasting for ten hours, with a buffer of three days]

[Diyuhao (T5)]

[The only skill·Earth Defense (Active): After use, the comprehensive defense of the fleet, including the hull durability and additional resistance effect +50%, lasts for ten hours, and has a buffer of three days]

[Xuanfu Number (T5)]

[Mystery (active): After using it, the effect intensity of fleet amplification star weapons, adjutant talents and other (passive) skills will increase by 20%, lasting for ten hours, with a buffer of three days]

[Huang Mihao (T5)]

[Huang Mi (active): After use, the fleet's high-dimensional characteristic blessing intensity +20%, lasting ten hours, buffering for three days]

Seeing this, Qingyang was really dumbfounded. He couldn't understand that the four warships did not have conventional combat capabilities.

However, these skill increases are really a bit abnormal!

Basically, it is a comprehensive increase in a certain aspect. If the first two ships are launched at the same time, the effect is no less than that of two and a half laws of the world taking effect at the same time!

Not to mention the latter two more perverted blessings!

Among them, Xuanfu's skills are the most perverted in Qingyang's opinion. The alternative amplifications of Starry Sky Adjutant and Star Martial seem to have no big restrictions!

It can only be said that it is indeed worthy of the title of extreme special battleship.

"Rather than saying four special battleships, it is better to say four incomplete epic star weapons."

Qingyang smiled, his eyes falling on the epic-quality Star Destroyer Cannon module.

[Tianwei Star Destroyer Module]

[Description: Star Destroyer module used to upgrade all Star Destroyers in the fleet (can be used for Titan ships and Titan Spear modules)]

[Basic effect: Actual killing +35%, with 100% high-dimensional devouring killing characteristics]

[Tianwei (Passive and Growable): Depending on the number and strength of enemy units killed, the actual killing power of the Star Destroyer Cannon will slowly increase]

A module that is enough to allow a large-scale star battleship to have growth attributes? !

Qingyang was extremely surprised.

An epic-quality module that lives up to its reputation!

Except for special battleships and flagships, there are basically no star battleships that can be grown. I didn’t expect that this could be solved through high-quality battleship modules.

If most types of modules can be collected and upgraded to epic, can every star battleship be turned into a special main battleship?

Qingyang's eyes were bright, and others didn't know that it was entirely possible for him to achieve this.

Don’t forget that he also has a bug-level special star weapon like the Glory Enacter!

Theoretically speaking, the Star Fleet module is also a type of Star Martial Arts, and the Medal of Valor can fully take effect on the module.

With the blessing of dozens of growth modules, the combat effectiveness of the Eternal Fleet will be extremely terrifying.

Keeping this in mind, he planned to find a way to try it when he returned to the big universe.

Qingyang thought, looking at the last sphere that looked extremely illusory.

Source data integration module.

At this moment, the alarm of the local star network suddenly sounded.

【alarm! alarm! A large-scale enemy force approaching the advance base has been detected! 】

Obviously, after a short discussion, several seventh-level civilizations could not sit still and wanted to test the power of the Eternal Fleet first.

However, Qingyang was not in the mood to pay attention to them at this moment, and was staring at the source data integration module.

"The source data integration module turns out to be like this"

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